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The Best Ways to Invest in Yourself

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We’re all familiar with the idea of investing money, but have you ever thought about investing in yourself? Investing in yourself is one of the best things you can do to improve your life. Whether it’s through learning a new skill or taking time to relax and recharge, self-investment will allow you to become more fulfilled and productive. In this blog post, we’re going to run through some tips on how to invest in yourself.

Pursue Your Passions

One of the best ways to invest in yourself is to pursue activities that bring you joy. Whether it’s painting, playing an instrument, or volunteering when you do something you love it will naturally bring out your best qualities. Plus, dedicating time and energy to a passion project can give you an immense sense of purpose and accomplishment.

Take Care of Your Health

Investing in yourself also means taking care of your body and mind. This includes getting enough rest, eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, and managing stress levels. Taking care of your physical health will improve mental clarity and increase productivity while avoiding potential illnesses down the line. You’ll reap the benefits for your health for years to come too. Plus, who doesn’t want to look and feel their best? You can even think about taking this idea to the next level.

Look Your Best

Taking pride in your appearance can give you an incredible sense of self-worth and is a great way to invest in yourself. It’s more than just picking up new plus-size dresses or donning the latest designer clothing; it’s about building a look that honors who you are, externalizing your internal strengths, and bringing out your positive qualities through the image you portray. Start by experimenting with different styles of fashion or different methods of grooming that fit who you are as an individual. At the end of the day, an improved appearance provides both confidence and personal satisfaction.

Learn Something New

Learning something new is another great way to invest in yourself. It could be anything from learning a language to mastering a new software program—whatever interests you! Picking up a new skill not only adds value to your resume but also gives you a sense of accomplishment as well as boosts your confidence. And who knows? Maybe that new skill will even lead you to an entirely different career path! This could be just the key change you need in your life.

Putting Yourself First

Investing in yourself is one of the most valuable investments anyone can make. Whether it’s taking time for self-care or learning something new—the possibilities are endless! Taking steps towards self-improvement will benefit your overall well-being and open up many doors for future success and fulfillment. Just remember, it’s all about starting to create a life that you really love. So don’t hesitate—to start investing in yourself today and see where it takes you.

Improving Your Intimate Relationship One Step At A Time

Your intimate relationship is probably the most important thing in your life, and for that reason, it’s something that you are going to want to make sure you are looking after as best as you can. If you are keen to improve your relationship so that you can ensure you are both enjoying it as much as possible, there are a lot of possible approaches that you might want to take. In this post, we are going to take a look at some of the ways to do this that you might want to bear in mind along the way.

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Keep Things Alive

One of the really important things that most people need to try and work on in their relationships is to try and keep things alive as best as they can. There are a lot of ways that you can do this, and it is often important to find a spark that the two of you can enjoy together. This might require therapy such as LifeWorks Recovery or it could just be a case of learning how to be with each other again in that way. However you do it, this is a vital part of making sure that your relationship is as you want it to be.

Work On Intimacy

The intimacy itself is another really important thing that you will probably want to work on if you are going to feel a lot closer together, and that is something that you should be able to do fairly easily, which is the good news. Working on your intimacy means not that you are forcing anything, but that you are trying to keep close in a very relaxed way, and if you are able to do that, it’s going to help you out a lot. Make sure that you are trying this at least.

Take A Break

Sometimes relationships just need a little air put into them, and when this is the case you might want to consider taking a break from one another. This doesn’t have to be a huge deal, you can simply make sure that you are spending at least a little time away from one another every now and then – and just doing that is going to help you to actually be closer together in the long run. So that’s something that you are definitely going to want to be aware of here too.

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Have A Holiday Together

Finally, if you are looking for some way to make things a little more interesting again, or you just feel that you both need a break, you should consider having a holiday together. This can work wonders on any relationship, and it’s really the kind of thing that you will find can make a huge difference to how you feel on the whole, so that is something you might want to bear in mind here. If you do that, it could help you to enjoy each other’s company a lot more as well.

How To Cope When A Loved One Passes Away

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No amount of preparation can forestall all the emotions that you’re likely to feel. But if you do a little preparation, you’ll put yourself in a far better position to get through the grief and come out of the other side. If you think your loved one died and it wasn’t their fault, one of the first things you might want to do is reach out to a Parrish Law Firm Wrongful Death Lawyer. Here we take a look at some top ways to cope when a loved one passes away.

Host a beautiful funeral 

When planning a funeral for a loved one, it is essential to make sure that it is as beautiful and unique as possible. This can be a difficult time, but by taking the time to plan everything out, you can begin to move on. You can plan a funeral by: 

One important thing to consider when planning a funeral is the type of service you would like. Cremation services can be a great option, as they are often more affordable than traditional funerals. And cremation services can also be very personalized, so you can ensure that your loved one’s funeral is precisely what you want.

  • Making a budget
  • Choosing the type of service
  • Picking out the perfect location
  • Selecting the perfect music

Take Part In Rituals

While rituals might seem strange from an anthropological perspective, there are reasons why people engage in them. Things like funerals and burials help people to visually process what’s happened and achieve some level of comfort. 

While a funeral might sound like a sobering event, it can actually be the catalyst that allows you to appreciate your loved one’s life and what they brought to you. Taking part is an important step in moving forwards. 

Allow Your Emotions Out Of Their Container

Keeping everything bottled up inside might be the stoic approach, but most professionals don’t recommend it. If you don’t accept your emotions as they come to you, they will express themselves in other more dysfunctional ways. 

The best way to approach this aspect of the process is to give yourself permission. Many people put off grieving until the future because they are worried about how it will affect those around them. They feel guilty about it, or perhaps ashamed. 

If you can’t express yourself in front of certain people, find others for support. Even professional counselors can help in this regard. 

Get Resolution

In some cases, a person died from unnatural causes. Perhaps they lost their life at work because of their job or maybe they passed away after a car accident. 

Whatever the case, it is critical to get a resolution. You need to make sure that you wrap up any overhanging legal questions that might surround their death. 

Proving negligence takes skill so you’ll need to choose the right team. If you work with attorneys, look for professionals who have skills in this arena. Make sure that they have adequate experience. 

Start Talking About It When You Can

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If you can talk about what’s happened, it can sometimes make it easier for the emotions to flow. Sometimes, you’re not actually aware of the impact that death or bereavement has had on you until you discuss the situation with other people. 

You can talk to anyone you like. However, you are likely to have the best experience if you go to a counselor and discuss what’s happened with them. They generally have professional skills that can help you cope with events and learn how to process them in a healthy manner. They can’t take away the pain, but they can provide guidance so that you can reduce it long-term. 

In some situations, you won’t feel like talking at all. After a bereavement, many people feel numb and unable to process their emotions. 

If you’re experiencing this, don’t worry. Eventually, when your mind is ready, you’ll begin to feel again. 

Start Journaling

Many people like to journal after a bereavement. You can write down your memories of the person you’ve lost and honor them in some way. You might also want to create a poem or a story about their life so that you can create a record of who they were and what was important to them. 

Plant A Tree

Many cultures like to plant a tree in honor of the deceased. This is a symbolic act. It shows how new life can arise from even the most tragic of situations. 

Planting a tree is also a reminder that the person isn’t gone, they’re just in a different form. Whenever you see the tree, it can remind you of their life and how they were. 

Create Memories

You can also keep a box that contains items that allow you to remember the person you lost. Things like quotes, photos, and mementos are all good options. Choose items that have real meaning to you and help you process what’s happened in a healthy manner. 

Join A Local Support Group

In some cases, you may want to join a local support group. These are helpful for people who lose people in their family unexpectedly. For instance, if you lose a child. 

Here, you can spend time with other people going through similar experiences. 

A Few Thoughts About Starting A New Family

Along with the bliss of starting a new family, comes the inevitable thought of how you’re going to pay for your expanding tribe. These days, it certainly is no easy task that’s for sure.

But despite what so many would have you believe in this modern world, the joy of creating a new family far outweighs anything else, so we’re going to take a look at what you should be thinking about when you’re thinking about starting a family or growing yours.

Image By AntoniaRusev 


Before you and your partner consider going ahead with planning for a new family, you must take the time to get your healthcare in order and it starts with a general medical by your GP and OBGYN. Remember to tell them about your family history, any hereditary issues that you’re aware of.

If you know that you have underlying conditions like anemia, high or low blood pressure, cholesterol, or asthma, or anything of that sort, then you must let your healthcare provider know as soon as possible. Are you going to need a pregnancy chiropractor or a specialist doctor or midwife? These are important things to discuss before you even get started with your pregnancy planning.


You’re going to want to make sure that your insurance coverage is adequate and that you have cover for antenatal care, ongoing pregnancy care, scans, check-ups, birth, and post-natal care as well. The sooner you do this, the better because you definitely don’t want a situation that could have been avoided with a bit of research.


For something that comes so naturally to human beings, the entire process of child care has become a money machine in and of itself, so you need to ensure that you have the right financial plan in place and that everything you’re going to want and need throughout your pregnancy is taking into consideration as well. So much stress and unnecessary hardship can be avoided by planning your pregnancy comprehensively.


Once you’ve dotted your “i’s” and crossed your “t’s” and you’re certain it’s time to move ahead, start doing a few dry runs at home as if you were already pregnant. Start cutting out alcohol and shellfish and live as if to see if you can handle it properly and at the very least to gain an understanding of what this lifestyle change is going to mean to you and your partner if you have one.


Get as much advice as possible from as many different and trusted sources as you can. Each woman is going to give a completely different account of what it all meant for her and while not all experiences will be relevant to you, it’s never a bad idea to have a diverse set of experiences and advice to draw from. Ask about natural births or if an epidural is more your scene.

You’re in for one of the most blessed and exciting parts of womanhood – something that only other women will be able to share in and enjoy. The miracle of life is part of the endless journey and mystery of the human condition, so remember that through it all, to enjoy absolutely every moment.

Good luck!

Simple Ways To Get To Know Yourself And The World Around You

In this life, we can go through a wide range of emotions and experiences. There’s literally nothing we’re prepared for initially as we’re always so raw to new feelings and events. We can do a few things in order to feel more prepared mentally and physically for what life has to throw at us, however. Sure, we can study and go through all kinds of training, but fundamentally challenging ourselves can make all the difference.

By this, we’re talking about doing basic things in order to get to know ourselves a little better – and to get to know the world around us. If we have more competence in everyday life and more of the coveted ‘common sense,’ then we’ll be capable of most things in this world. 

It’s just a case of making ourselves more capable of doing so. A lot of people on this planet go to work and then return home without really challenging themselves further. This isn’t a huge problem, but we can all become more accomplished in life if we assert ourselves a little more. Here are just a few things we can do in order to feel at one with ourselves and to feel more competent with regard to the world around us: 


When you get up and out of your house, you start to realize a lot more about this world. If you’re daily and weekly schedule revolves around your hometown for years and years, you only really get to see that life. Your judgments are limited to a small area. Get away from your home, away from all that screen time, and away from the same thing every day. Go out and see what this eclectic world has to offer. You’ll learn so much. 

Get To Grips With The Fundamentals Of Your Health 

If you know where you stand in terms of your overall health, then you’re going to know what decisions to make going forward. You’ll also know what to avoid in the future. You shouldn’t need to do heaps of research, but educating yourself a little every now and again will help you out so much. You’ll be able to know what’s going on, and you won’t fret too much should you find yourself in a spot of bother. Looking at hearing loss types, chest pains, kinds of headaches, etc. will help you out a lot. 

Organize Yourself And Keep A Log Of Things

If you’re a more organized individual, then you’re going to have a better time when it comes to the likes of your daily routine. It’s easy to fall into a bit of a rut or to become overwhelmed with what’s in front of you. A clearer routine will result in a clearer mind, and you’ll be a lot happier for it. Things like bullet journaling, neaten up your home/workplace, and logging down what you did each day will help out a lot. 

Go Out And Try Things 

Go out and fail in life. This approach is counterintuitive because failure is often seen as a bad thing, but it’s something that leads to progress. When you fail, you learn. So go out and learn more things every single day.

The 9 Best Halloween Podcasts for Fall

October, the season for all things spooky, and what better way to do it than with a good podcast? So whether you love spine-tingling fiction to bone-chilling true crime, or are eagerly waiting for new episodes of your two other favorite podcasts, Misfit Minimalism (insert shameless self-promotion) and Lore, here are other 9 podcasts to help you enjoy October nights ahead.

The 9 Best Halloween Podcasts for Fall

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The No-Sleep Podcast

Fans of scary movies might enjoy NoSleep, a fiction podcast that comes with a warning: “[NoSleep] is intended for mature adults, not the faint of heart. Join us at your own risk…” NoSleep started as a subreddit devoted to original horror; in 2011, member Matt Hansen proposed a podcast, and David Cummings signed on to host and produce. The stories are brought to life by voice actors, sound effects, and spooky scores. NoSleep is currently in its 13th season, which it promised “has 16 candles we hope you can handle, with five tales about nasty nature, terrifying transformations, and malicious malls. This one might sting.” If you’re not sure where to start, the team has assembled a handy list of sample episodes to get you started. Check out this podcast, here.

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Pretty Scary

Listeners who love My Favorite Murder will likely enjoy Pretty Scary. While the overall vibe of this podcast isn’t exactly creepy, but it’s well-produced and it’s hosted by comics Adam Tod Brown, Caitlin Cutt, and Kari Martin, who brings humor to the podcast in such spooky, awesome ways. Pretty Scary covers everything from true crime cases to conspiracy theories to the unexplained. Past episodes have explored the chupacabra, the ghost ship Mary Celeste, the effects of nuclear explosions, and, of course, various murders that happened on Halloween. Find out more about this podcast, here.

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Into the Dark

This podcast, just 23 episodes long, is hosted by Cooper B. Wilhelm, and it’s the perfect pre-Halloween listening: It features “friendly interviews with practitioners and scholars of witchcraft and the occult arts, as well as answers to listener questions on occult subjects.” Wilhelm is excellent at getting the witches and wizards he interviews to open up. Check out this episode, which features a discussion about Satanism versus American Devil Worshiping celebrations. Or whatever that is. To find out more about his podcast, click here.

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This podcast, which drops bi-weekly, takes on events that defy explanation, “the space between what we think of as real and what is not. Where the unknown and paranormal meets the most radical ideas in science today…” Host Richard MacLean Smith explained to TVOvermind that he has three criteria for selecting stories to feature: “One, that it has a human element at the heart of it; two, that it is actually a story and not just an event (for example, like just saying, “this person was abducted on this day, and that’s all they can remember”); and [third], that the unexplained mystery has never been sufficiently debunked.” In past episodes, they have covered the Stocksbridge Bypass, Operation Cone of Power, and the disappearance of the Eilean Mòr Lighthouse Keepers. Season 2 already shaping up to be ever greater than its premiere season, you’ll not want to miss this podcast at home. To find out more, click here.

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Here Be Monsters

Created by Jeff Emtman in 2012, Here Be Monsters is a podcast self-described as “a podcast created by and for people interested in pursuing their fears and facing the unknown.” Emtman told The Guardian in 2015 that “What I do—and encourage the people who produce for the show to do—is take our fears and those moments of discomfort and pursue them. You poke around until you feel repulsion and then break it down into its constituent parts and chase each of those. Here Be Monsters has covered everything from a Satanic prayer line and a three-legged arctic fox to crow funerals and ASMR; each episode features an unsettling soundscape and is accompanied on the website by eerie art. To find out more about this podcast, click here.

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Haunted Places

The premise of this podcast is self-explanatory: In each episode, host Greg Polcyn takes listeners to a new haunted location around the world. So far, it’s featured infamous tourist destinations—think the Winchester Mystery House and Paris’s Catacombs—alongside places like Vermont’s Bennington County Courthouse and Austin’s Driskill Hotel. Each episode’s storytelling is a blend of real history and creepy lore and regional legends supplemented with spooky sound effects and narration. New episodes are released every Thursday. To find out more about this podcast, click here.

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Stuff You Missed In History Class

This uber-researched podcast, hosted by Tracy V. Wilson and Holly Frey, has covered plenty of horrifying historical events, and its Halloween episodes—of which there are several every year—are no exception. In the past, Wilson and Frey have covered the Villisca Axe Murders, the mysterious disappearance of Aaron Burr’s only daughter, and Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion. Click here for details.

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Dr. Death

Doctors are supposed to make sick people better, and in fact, they all must take an oath to do no harm. In the event they ignore that oath, the medical system is supposed to protect patients—but that doesn’t always happen. Dr. Death follows the crimes of neurosurgeon Dr. Christopher Duntsch, who cut a path of destruction through the spines of his patients. It was preventable destruction that his various employers, and the medical system, simply did not do enough to stop. What could be scarier than that? To find out more about this podcast, click here.

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Snap Judgement Presents: Spooked

Featuring true stories straight from people who say they’ve experienced paranormal phenomena, SPOOKED—which launched its second season in August—is hosted by Glynn Washington. The grandson of a seer, Washington saw his first exorcism as a teen. “There’s nothing scarier or more mesmerizing than a real-life ghost story,” he said. “The encounters in SPOOKED will stay with you beyond each episode and leave you questioning your understanding of reality.” With its scary stories and spine-tingling sound backing, SPOOKED is one you won’t want to miss this season and beyond. Favorite episodes, including, season one, episode six, “The Shadow Men,” which features two tales: one about a house haunted by a malevolent spirit, and one about the things that went bump in the night for one border patrol agent. To find out more about this podcast, click here.

Friends, those are my 9 favorite fall-themed, spooktacular podcasts for October. All perfect additions to your online hygge music and podcast libraries this season. Tell me, have you listed to any of these? If so, which are your favorites? Shares yours in the commend below. 

5 Things Every 30-Something Should Have At Home

In your 20s, home decorating is all about getting the basics, but once you hit your 30s, it’s time to investing in pieces for your home that will help you feel your most confident each day. Staples that will carry you for the next decade and beyond. Whether you’re still renting an apartment or living the suburban dream, now is the time for you to curate space at home. So if you are the 5 must-have adulting items 30-something gals need at home:

Permanent furnishings

Once you secure your long-term digs, it’s time to invest in quality pieces that will help you create your own thumping at home. Now is the time to switch your furniture from college or second-hand, temporary belongings and replace them with pieces that are quality and represent your style at home. Think classic, functional, and affordable.

Clothing that matches your lifestyle

Once you’ve hit your 30’s it time to curate your perfected adult wardrobe. A wardrobe with functional, quality pieces that can take you from the office to a night on the town. You will also need to invest in quality foundation pieces including a seasonless LBD, quality outerwear, properly fitted lingerie, sleepwear, and workout clothing too! Remember, workout clothes, yoga pants, and tights are not proper attire to wear in public for anyone past the age of ten!

Cosmetics and accessories that make you feel fabulous

30-something women should always have a collection of accessories, ranging from four seasons worth of quality footwear to seasonless hats to jewelry that makes a statement. You should also invest in quality makeup that helps you look your most youthful, health-minded self. Also making sure to purchase the proper containers to keep these fabulous finds in. Including vanity storage, vanity lighting, jewelry armoire, and accessory storage containers.

Proper linens

By the time you reach the age of 30, you should take steps to invest in your nightly sleep health at home. Including a proper mattress set and quality bedding and linen sets at home. Including high thread count long-staple cotton and bamboo sheet sets. Linens that help to sustainably wick away moisture while you sleep. Ensuring you get your proper amount of winks in each night!

All kinds of insurance

Whether you are a renter or homeowner, by the time you’re a 30-something, you should be properly insured at home. Protecting your belongings at home, including homeowners and renters insurance. And depending on your geographical location, policies that protect you from flooding, fire damage, hurricanes, and other natural disasters might be in order as well. It’s the ultimate way to get peace of mind when you are away from home.

Friends, those are the 5 things you should have at home by the time you are in the season of being a 30-something at home. Products and protections to help make your life as fabulous as possible at home! Now I want to ask, do you currently invest in those belongings and policies for yourself? Or do you plan to acquire these things this season? Let me know below!