A Few Thoughts About Starting A New Family

Along with the bliss of starting a new family, comes the inevitable thought of how you’re going to pay for your expanding tribe. These days, it certainly is no easy task that’s for sure.

But despite what so many would have you believe in this modern world, the joy of creating a new family far outweighs anything else, so we’re going to take a look at what you should be thinking about when you’re thinking about starting a family or growing yours.

Image By AntoniaRusev 


Before you and your partner consider going ahead with planning for a new family, you must take the time to get your healthcare in order and it starts with a general medical by your GP and OBGYN. Remember to tell them about your family history, any hereditary issues that you’re aware of.

If you know that you have underlying conditions like anemia, high or low blood pressure, cholesterol, or asthma, or anything of that sort, then you must let your healthcare provider know as soon as possible. Are you going to need a pregnancy chiropractor or a specialist doctor or midwife? These are important things to discuss before you even get started with your pregnancy planning.


You’re going to want to make sure that your insurance coverage is adequate and that you have cover for antenatal care, ongoing pregnancy care, scans, check-ups, birth, and post-natal care as well. The sooner you do this, the better because you definitely don’t want a situation that could have been avoided with a bit of research.


For something that comes so naturally to human beings, the entire process of child care has become a money machine in and of itself, so you need to ensure that you have the right financial plan in place and that everything you’re going to want and need throughout your pregnancy is taking into consideration as well. So much stress and unnecessary hardship can be avoided by planning your pregnancy comprehensively.


Once you’ve dotted your “i’s” and crossed your “t’s” and you’re certain it’s time to move ahead, start doing a few dry runs at home as if you were already pregnant. Start cutting out alcohol and shellfish and live as if to see if you can handle it properly and at the very least to gain an understanding of what this lifestyle change is going to mean to you and your partner if you have one.


Get as much advice as possible from as many different and trusted sources as you can. Each woman is going to give a completely different account of what it all meant for her and while not all experiences will be relevant to you, it’s never a bad idea to have a diverse set of experiences and advice to draw from. Ask about natural births or if an epidural is more your scene.

You’re in for one of the most blessed and exciting parts of womanhood – something that only other women will be able to share in and enjoy. The miracle of life is part of the endless journey and mystery of the human condition, so remember that through it all, to enjoy absolutely every moment.

Good luck!

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