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Healthier Lifestyle Tips

Sustainability In Your Healthcare Business

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When operating in the healthcare sector, your business is heavily focused on supporting people. To unlock true success, though, it should also actively help the planet. 

Sustainability is a priority across all industries. Frankly, your healthcare business can make several improvements. Better still, they occur without compromising patient experiences. Here are five that you should focus on to enhance your company in 2025 and beyond.

Sustainable Staff Development

To run a greener healthcare business, starting with your employees is vital. Local EMS scholarships are an exciting opportunity for employees to develop their skills in a more sustainable setting. Creating greater sustainability within the team by reducing staff turnover rates is a positive factor. It indirectly reduces resource requirements as recruitment needs are removed. Likewise, you should notice benefits linked to onboarding.

Teaching staff members about your desire for sustainability should help too.

Waste Reductions

As a healthcare business, you will naturally use a large volume of resources. It is impossible to avoid the situation altogether as there are many single-use items involved in patient care. Still, the healthcare industry should actively reduce plastic waste use where possible. It’s great for the environment while also improving the way people view the company. Other simple steps include using water and electricity more efficiently. 

There’s nothing wrong with using resources in healthcare, especially if waste is minimal.

Marketing Sustainability

Healthcare businesses often struggle with the concept of viewing patients as customers. However, that is what they are. As such, marketing your services to your audience is an essential part of the process. Going paperless with social media influencing, email marketing, and SEO is highly advised. Meanwhile, tools like SMS reminders can be sent instead of patient letters. This cuts down on material usage and carbon emissions caused by mail. 

By connecting with patients more efficiently, you’ll also be positioned to improve more lives. 


Technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace across the healthcare sector. Telehealth is unquestionably one of the most interesting developments. Remote connections between health providers and patients deliver many benefits. They include cost, comfort, and convenience. However, it can also support sustainability by reducing travel needs for providers and patients. Likewise, resources are utilized with optimal efficiency, which directly reduces overall carbon footprints. 

While it’s not the only incentive to embrace it, the environmental rewards are telling.

Greener Workspaces

Finally, building a greener workspace is an ideal way to improve the healthcare firm. Simple ideas like using LED lights and more efficient machinery will help. The size of the building means that roof solar panels can make a huge difference too. The right choice of windows, building materials, and interior design features are also key. So, you should always focus on green building designs and practices when updating spaces. If nothing else, it sets the tone.

Simple additions like plants may unlock even greater rewards.

The Final Word

Sustainability should be a priority for modern healthcare businesses. Not least because increased success means you’ll enjoy a more stable future. Start implementing the right changes today and the future will look brighter than ever.

Friends, in what ways has sustainability in healthcare affected your healthcare business practices? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.

7 Health Benefits to drinking wine this fall

This post is sponsored by Diamond Bloggers. All opinions are my own. Thank you.
7 Health Benefits to drinking wine this fall


Wine. We drink it with dinner, after a long day, and for yearly celebrations. Especially in fall, a season chock-full of fun, festive get-togethers. it always finds its way to the table. Wine is often the centerpiece of tradition and happiness this time of year.

But for many of us, it goes further as it helps relax our minds and brings smiles to faces. Beyond the euphoria and happiness, drinking a controlled, moderate amount (the standard 5-ounce pour daily) of wine can be good for your physical health. But how exactly does it contribute to your health? With this in mind, here are seven reasons you should be drinking wine at home this fall:

7 Health Benefits to drinking wine this fall


One of the best ways to ward off those pesky free radicals that cause health issues, such as cancer, is to drink wine. Wine is naturally full of antioxidants that attack free radicals. A recent study by the University of Barcelona scientists found that the phenols in white wine had equal, if not higher, antioxidants than those in red wine. Drinking white wines such as sauvignon blanc, Moscato, Pinot Grigio, gewürztraminer, and Riesling can help keep you healthier all season long!

Immune Health

Are you looking to boost your immune system this fall? Drinking a glass of wine daily can give your immune system a much-needed boost. A 5-ounce serving of win daily can also help to ward off infections and keep your immune system in check. Especially important during fall allergy and sinus season. But be cautious. Excessive consumption can lead to negative effects of drinking wine for an immunity boost.

Increases Bone Density

As we age, our bones naturally get more brittle. Especially for mothers. This is why you could increase your calcium intake by drinking a relaxing glass of wine. Red wine has high levels of silicon, which is great for your bone mineral density. Which increases bone density and reduces the chance of developing osteoporosis.

Reduces the risk of Stroke

Moderate consumption of wine can help reduce your chance of stroke by preventing blood clotting. Wine acts as a natural blood thinner, breaking up any blood clots that could lead to a stroke. This lower risk of blood clotting is more beneficial to females than males.

Red wine, in particular, contains phenols, that act as blood thinners, similar to natural willow aspirin. Particularly the chemical resveratrol, found in red grape skins, protects against stroke when the grapes are turned into wine. But do keep in mind, that excessive drinking can have the opposite effect, resulting in a higher risk of heart attacks. So like with all good things in life, moderation is key.

Reduced the risk of Heart Disease

In the battle against heart disease, especially for women, taking all the necessary precautions to help prevent heart disease is a must! And wine can help. The tannins found in red wine contain procyanidins, phenols that neutralize free radicals, agents known to be effective in preventing cardiovascular disease. The lesson of the day is that if you want a healthy heart, bite the bullet and drink a glass of wine.

For those with high cholesterol,  those same procyanidins found in red wine that promote a healthy heart also promote lower cholesterol. Particularly decreasing LDL, or unhealthy cholesterol levels while increasing HDL or healthy and good cholesterol. So if you’re suffering from high blood pressure, it’s best to pour a glass to help maintain healthy HDL levels at home!

Fight off that flu

Did you know that drinking a glass of wine daily can give your immune system a flu-fighting boost? Moderate alcohol consumption can help naturally keep your immune system in check. Especially important during the fall season when temperatures cool and we are around more friends, family, and classmates who may be carrying flu and cold pathogens.

Reduces the risk of Type 2 Diabetes

If you have a family history of Type-2 Diabetes, wine may help. Resveratrol has been proven to improve sensibility to insulin. With insulin resistance contributing to type 2 diabetes risk, a nice glass of wine makes the list of things you can enjoy.

Need more information on the health benefits of wine this fall? Be sure to check with an industry leader such as Denis Mackenzie’s Winery. A Chief Operations Officer currently working in the international marketing industry. Including working with health and tech professionals to educate consumers on the health benefits that can be obtained through organic wine consumption.

Friends, those are just some of the health benefits that can be afforded by moderate, responsible wine consumption this season. Be sure to do yourself a favor, and pour a glass of wine and toast to your health. Perhaps with a fun, frugal fall food dish. Now I have to ask, do you drink wine at home for your health? Let me know all about it below!

7 Health Benefits to drinking wine this fall

9 Foods That Help Fight Fall Allergies

Hello again, savvy savers! Looking out of my kitchen windows I can currently see that the leaves of my beautiful Maple and Pecan trees are starting to fall. The hot, humid days of summer are giving way to crisp, cool, throw-an-extra-blanket-on-the-bed nights days (unless you live in Mississippi where we have a true Indian Summer and humidity may again rear its ugly head). And this change could not come soon enough for me! I love Fall, the sights, the smells, the food, the holidays,

I love Fall, the sights, the smells, the food, the holidays, and my favorite, anything pumpkin spice flavored! Mind you, there is one exception to my list of fall favorites, my seasonal fall allergies. Now if you’re anything like me, this time of year your ragweed and allergy may have you running indoors, preventing you from seeing and experiencing all that is great this time of year.

If you feel like your allergies are starting sooner this year, don’t feel alone, because they are.

Ultimately, climate change, and the resulting higher temperature fluctuation, paired with global increases in carbon dioxide levels, allow pollen-producing plants to live longer and to produce more and more mega-potent pollen. And this year, the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology announced that the season will extend through November, rather than ending at the end of September as it normally does.

But that doesn’t mean you have to suffer for 4 more weeks. Lately, I have started on a new natural allergy-fighting path and have found that there in fact foods you eat (and again should not eat) can help stifle your sniffling, watery eyes, and general malaise.

Moreover, some foods are not only helpful in fighting seasonal allergies, but these same organic options can also help to build up your immune system too! And what’s better than finding out that all those delicious, seasonal food options, currently available now from your farmers’ market and super-centers can help you live a better quality of life? Nothing is better than that my friends. Nothing!

This makes this time of year the best time to hit the market for these nine fabulous, frugal, fresh finds! But before you head out to your local markets, consider the following 9 seasonal food options when it comes to fighting fall allergies in your own home.

9 Foods that help fight seasonal fall allergies


This dinner staple serves two purposes in fighting your allergy symptoms. It’s high in allergy-relieving Vitamin C, and it’s a member of the crucifer family, plants that have been shown to clear out blocked-up sinuses. Researchers from Johns Hopkins have found that about 500 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C a day can ease allergy symptoms and just 1 cup of raw broccoli packs about 80 milligrams of the immune-boosting good stuff!


This superfood contains another awesome form of vitamin A which is thought to improve allergy symptoms. Several studies have shown that people with low vitamin A stores are more likely to have asthma and allergy problems. And as savvy savers, why often see savings app deals on Kale weekly, making this an affordable, natural option for yourself this season at home?

Collard Greens

In full disclosure, I must admit that I love collard greens! As a Southerner, it’s a staple in our home, especially in the fall, and of course, for New Year’s Day meals! However, if your nose is being hijacked by hay fever, serving collard greens weekly can help! Their phytochemical content eases allergy issues. The darker the leaves, the higher the carotenoid content. A twice-weekly serving of these affordable greens can truly help!


Onions and garlic are packed with quercetin, which is a natural antihistamine that helps quell inflammation in your system, which helps stem the side effects associated with allergic inflammation, such as stuffy noses and watery eyes. Consider couponing to score free frozen onions and garlic, awesome for quick stir-fry meals, and sandwiches this fall!


This visually appealing fall staple, is rich in allergy-fighting carotenoids, the form of vitamin A, which helps the body to better ward off allergies. There are hundreds of ways to consume this festive beauty, including coffee, bread, soups, stews, pies, and much more!


This carotenoid powerhouse contains lots of healthy beta-carotene, to help ward off your ragweed drudgery. Consider throwing carrot sticks in for lunches, or trying glazed carrots with dinners.


Celery is full of vitamin C, making it an affordable allergy tool. But did you also know that celery can also help high blood pressure and chronic pain? Consumed raw or cooked, you will benefit from this veggie, without losing access to its nutrients. And don’t ignore the leaves; chop those up for use in soups and stews to get their vitamin C content, as well!

Stinging Nettle

This affordable herb helps stifle inflammation, as contains histamine, the chemical your body produces during an allergic reaction, so by taking this herb, you can help your body acquire tolerance to seasonal allergies.


This seasonal beauty is a powerful tool in terms of antioxidant fighting. This fruit can be your new go-to to fight free radicals. A bonus? Cranberries, to their role in the synthesis of collagen, can help keep you looking younger too! Savvy savers know, this coming season will have many BOGO deals for fresh, dried, and frozen cranberries.

Friends, these are my 9 go-to foods to help fight my allergy and sinus issues at home each fall season. I hope these tips can help you naturally fight your fall seasonal allergies too! if you have any tips for using food to fight allergies in your own home, I’d love to hear about them below as well!

The Strange Ways Nutrition Can Impact Your Body

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Everyone knows that proper nutrition is vital for health. What you eat plays a bigger role in how healthy you feel than almost anything else. 

However, food can have some strange and unexpected impacts on you. So what’s going on? 

That’s the topic of this post. We explore some of the weird and wacky ways nutrition can affect you and what it might mean. 

Changes In Mood

According to research, more than 90% of the body’s serotonin is produced in the gut. And that matters when it comes to your mood. If you’re not getting enough of this compound, it can affect how you feel (and not always in a good way!)

Evidence suggests, however, that when people eat a better diet, it improves the gut-brain axis. The better your stomach feels, the better your mind also feels. 

Worsened Skin Health

Another way food can affect the gut is in the realm of skin health. The better the diet, the better the skin appears to look. 

Glycation can occur when people eat large quantities of sugar. It happens when proteins in the body fuse with glucose, affecting how they appear on the surface. Glycation is damaging because it can affect skin cells, causing them to look old before their time.

Furthermore, there’s growing evidence that dairy products cause acne. So if you want to avoid zits, reduce milk consumption!

Decreased Hearing

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There’s also a striking link between nutrition and hearing loss. The two appear to go hand in hand. 

Audiologists will often talk about the value of avoiding loud noises and reducing exposure to headphone music. But the main culprit is often the diet. Nutrition lacking whole foods, like fruits and vegetables, can be extra harmful to the system, causing the delicate machinery in the ears to degrade. 

Worsened Sleep Quality

Some diets can also decrease sleep quality. For example, high-sugar meals, like sugary snacks before bed, can hype up the body and prevent it from entering a restful state. The sudden influx of energy makes it want to engage in activity. 

Furthermore, diets poor in certain nutrients that support sleep can also be damaging. That’s why eating plenty of spinach, nuts, and seeds to regulate hormones, like melatonin, is so beneficial. These foods make it easier to get some shut-eye at night. 

Decreased Bone Health

Strangely, bones are also affected by what you eat. And some foods are worse than others. 

For example, if you’re a fan of sodas containing phosphoric acid, that can eat away at the calcium in the bones, causing them to become more brittle over time (increasing the risk of osteoporosis). 

Furthermore, if you don’t eat enough vitamin K2 in fermented foods like natto, you can also weaken your bones. The body needs it to add strength and increase muscle. 

Worsened Immune System

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Finally, failing to get enough zinc from food can make even mild infections dangerous. Zinc mainly comes from beef, oysters, and pumpkin seeds. However, some diets don’t have much of it, leading to problems with fighting off disease. 

Friends, has nutrition impacted your body in strange and unpredictable ways? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.

4 Steps To Living A Healthier Lifestyle

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If you want to feel your best, you must take good care of yourself. Even if you are busy, you must put self-care at the top of your to-do list.

Gladly, there are actions you can start taking today to help you change your situation around for the better. You must pay close attention to your habits and be willing to change your way of life to be, and stay, well. Here you can review four steps to living a healthier lifestyle. 

Visit Your Doctors

    You want to make sure you remain in good health throughout the year. This will entail scheduling appointments to see your doctors, dentist, and audiologist. Review some tips for choosing a hearing specialist that will be most suitable for you. These appointments are a chance to ask any questions you have and address health concerns. If there is an issue that arises you can work with your providers to come up with a treatment plan so you can get back on track to having better health. 

    Nurture Your Mental Health

      You want to make sure you have a clear mind daily. Therefore, you should make it a point to nurture your mental health. Get in better touch with your thoughts and feelings by keeping a journal you can write in. You may also want to use your journal to practice gratitude and write down what you are most thankful for in your life. You can nurture your mental health by trying meditation or taking up yoga. It may also be helpful to unplug from technology more often and instead use your free time to be in nature. 

      Cook at Home

        Eating out all the time can be costly and cause you to consume too many calories. Instead, choose to cook for yourself at home more often. Cooking can be a very mindful activity that you may find you enjoy. You can use your free time on the weekends to grocery shop and do some food prep for the week. You may want to freeze some healthy meals that you can pull out when you are busy during the week. Consider having a garden and growing your food that you can cook with these ingredients. You’ll have more control over what foods you are eating and portion sizes when you make it a point to cook meals for yourself. 

        Exercise Daily

          Another step to living a healthier lifestyle is to exercise daily. It’s an effective way to reduce and manage your stress. When you get into better shape your clothes will fit better and you’ll gain a boost in your confidence levels. Set fitness goals for yourself so you know what you are working toward. You may want to join a gym where you can do some weightlifting and participate in group exercise classes. There are also many activities you can do outdoors to get your heart rate up such as running, biking, or swimming.

          Friends, now I want to ask, how do you live a healthier lifestyle at home? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.

          How To Improve Your Life & Feel Happier

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          There are times when you may experience setbacks or find yourself in a slump. This is normal but you also don’t want to get stuck in one place for too long.

          The good news is that there are steps you can take so you can turn your situation around for the better. It’s all about being more mindful about the choices you make and how you want to live your life. It’s important to take good care of yourself and put your needs first. Here you can learn how to improve your life and feel happier. 

          Exercise & Move More

          If you want to improve your life and feel happier then get regular exercise. There are many benefits it offers for your mental and physical health. Working out often is also an effective way to reduce and manage stress. You must move more if you have a sedentary job or lifestyle currently. It may help to get a fitness tracker so you can monitor the amount of steps you’re getting daily. You may also want to join a gym where you can weight lift and take group exercise classes. Create a playlist of your favorite songs and invest in comfortable activewear to help keep you motivated to exercise. 

          Find A Home & Neighborhood You Like

          Where you live can impact how happy you feel. You want to find a home and neighborhood that you like and where you feel at ease. You may discover that now is the perfect time to pack up and move. In this case, consider using a quitclaim deed to transfer your old home to your kids so you know your previous home will be in good hands. Then you can work on finding a new place to live that will be more suitable for you and your family members. Once you’re moved in you can work on personalizing and updating your spaces to your liking. 

          Eat Nourishing Food

          If you eat out all the time you may be spending more money than you prefer and consuming more calories overall. Eating nourishing food can improve your life and health. There are even foods that can increase or decrease anxiety levels. It will be helpful to get in the habit of cooking for yourself at home. This will give you more control over the ingredients you are using and portion sizes. You may come to find that cooking is a very rewarding and enjoyable activity. If you’re having trouble sticking to your diet then you may want to consider keeping a food journal. This way you can quickly identify problem areas and make changes to your eating habits.

          Practice Meditation & Mindfulness

          It’s also important that you nurture your mental health if you want to improve your life and feel happier. Work on slowing down and practicing mindfulness. This entails living in the present moment and not worrying too much about the past or future. You may also want to start engaging in a regular meditation practice. There are apps you can download on your phone so that you can listen to guided meditations whenever you please. Meditation can help you slow racing thoughts and get in better touch with your feelings and emotions. Be patient with yourself because meditating can be tricky when you are first getting started. However, stick with it and it won’t be long before you notice you feel better and have more natural energy. 

          Secure A Job You Enjoy

          Working takes up a lot of your time and energy. You don’t want to be stuck in a dead-end job that doesn’t challenge you. Now is a good time to revisit what you are most passionate about and brush up on your skills. Focus on securing a job that you love and enjoy and makes you feel good about yourself. You may even be motivated to want to work for yourself and start your own company. Working for yourself can be quite rewarding and will offer you greater flexibility in your schedule. It may take some time before you land your dream job so be patient with yourself during your job search. 

          Get Enough Sleep

          You want to avoid feeling sluggish and having to drag yourself through the day. Therefore, you will want to make sure you’re getting plenty of good sleep. This way you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to seize each new day. It will help if you set up a bedroom retreat that helps you feel calm the minute you step foot in the space. Invest in a comfortable mattress and bedding and have plenty of storage solutions in place so you can keep the room clean and tidy. Engage in a relaxing bedtime routine such as reading a book or taking a warm bath. Playing on your devices or electronics will stimulate your mind and body before bedtime so try to avoid this if you can. Do your best to get on a regular sleep schedule where you’re going to bed and waking up around the same time each day.

          Maintain Healthy Relationships

          Another way to improve your life and feel happier is to maintain healthy relationships. Make it a point to surround yourself with positive people. You want individuals in your life who are encouraging and uplifting. Now is a good opportunity to re-evaluate your inner circle of friends and make some changes if necessary. It will be nice to have people in your life who you can lean on when you are facing problems or struggles. You’ll also enjoy having more of a social life and going out and having some fun with the people who you care about the most.


          You now know what it will take to improve your life and feel happier. All it will require is you to make some adjustments to how you are living currently. Be willing to put in the hard work so that you can feel your best and keep a smile on your face. These are some great ideas to get you started down a more rewarding path in your life. 

          Friends, in what ways are you ensuring your happiness this season at home? Please leave your thoughts in the comment below.

          From Injury to Wellness: A Guide to Recovering from an Accident

          An experience that changes your life is getting an accident on the job or anywhere else. Healing is a long journey, often involving more than just the physical aspect. Having a grasp of what needs to be done and where some support is is crucial for rehab which will get you through it more smoothly, quickly, and fully, this guide offers a 360º framework to get you from injured to well.

          1. Immediate Medical Advice Sought

          Immediately following any accident, the most important step is to receive immediate medical treatment. Even if you think that your injuries are minor, it is important to seek a professional opinion. Not all injuries are obvious right off the bat that you may have sustained but over time they can cause to develop later if left untreated. Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions, and go for regular monitoring visits. The earlier that you seek help, the faster those injuries will heal, and less damage will be done.

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          2. Create a Rehabilitation Plan

          A rehabilitation plan is essential for a proper recovery from an injury and needs to be well-organized. A similar plan should be designed to meet your specific injuries and overall health instead. This may be followed by physical therapy to restore movement and strength, as well as occupational therapy to help you gradually return to your daily activities. 

          With the help of your healthcare team, you can establish goals that are both obtainable as well as a timeline to achieve them. Sticking to your rehabilitation plan is key to attaining the optimal result.

          3. Mental and Emotional Health

          But getting over a crash isn’t just about the physical healing, emotional and mental health take an equal stage. You can expect to be left with all kinds of emotional issues, from trauma and anxiety to depression after an accident. Reaching out to a mental health professional can allow you access to coping methods and emotional support. 

          Being part of a support group with other parents who have gone through or are still going through something similar can provide comfort and compassion for you. Feel free to reach out for more emotional support from friends and family.

          4. Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery

          Others may require or benefit from Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery as part of their recovery. These surgeries may in turn offer injury victims a renewed sense of purpose and tools to restore both the form, function as well as confidence required with providing overall quality of life improvements. 

          Have a detailed conversation with the expert surgeon to learn your alternatives as well as possible results. The key to making an informed decision that complements your recovery goals is weighing the pros and cons.

          5. Return to Normalcy Gradually

          It would be a gradual journey back to your routine and physical activities. If you try to push yourself too hard, it can do the opposite and set you back even longer in your recovery. Ease into light activities and gradually advance the volume of work as your strength and stamina increase. 

          In conclusion, resilience in the aftermath of any accident is a complex path and one that demands healing on every level, physical as well as emotional. The following is a tried and tested strategy for dealing with both physical recovery — sought after by tips of compensation, aesthetic work, or reconstructive surgery considered one most devastating burns survivors ever want to undertake would always involve this kind of operation at some stage post-burns injury. The key to success after a hernia repair operation is patience and persistence, as each step you make brings you nearer the complete healing.

          Friends, what steps do you take to overcome injuries at home? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.