With the summer already here, it’s time for our legs to emerge from their hiding places under layers of denim and finally show themselves to the world. But how do you get those flawless summer legs you’ve been dreaming about? Check out these tips.
Tone Them Up

The first step to incredible summer legs is to tone them up. The more you get moving, the firmer they will look and the better their shape will be. You can tone them in all kinds of ways: cycling, running, walking, squatting – whatever you need to do to activate your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves.
Add Some Color
There’s no need to spend hours getting a tan on the beach. Instead, just add some natural bronzer to your skin and avoid sun damage. Bronzer looks better than regular tanning because you get the color that you want but without any of the associated skin damage that so often accompanies UV-based methods of tanning.
Add More Lotion
If you think you’ve added enough lotion to your legs, then think again. By slathering on mountains of lotion to your skin, you can get that dewy, glistening look that all the models seem to have.
Also, be picky about your lotion. Don’t just go for the first commercial product you find. Choose something based on nature that can generate proven results. The best lotions include ingredients like eucalyptus that help to support the health of your skin.
Eliminate The Stubble
Nobody wants stubbly summer legs. That’s why laser treatments are becoming so incredibly popular right now. This clever technique actually prevents hair from growing at all long term on your legs, eliminating the need to shave altogether. That means less time spent in the shower, fewer cuts, and no more annoying ingrown hairs.
Sort Your Cellulite
Cellulite is annoying because it doesn’t seem to respond to diet or exercise. That’s because of how it forms. Structures under the skin squeeze the fat on your legs, making it look as though it is bulging out in unwanted directions.
You can, however, get treatments that address this issue. One of the most popular uses an enzyme to break down fat-constricting structures under the skin, helping to smooth cellulite at the surface. Dimpling appears visibly reduced after just a couple of sessions.
Make Them Wet
Getting fabulous legs also involves getting them a little wet. Go for a shower and set the temperature to lukewarm. This will open up the pores and prime them for exfoliation. Then just scrub your legs with the usual scrub to remove dirt, dead skin cells, and anything else that could be clogging things up.
If you’re still struggling to get the legs of your dreams, you might want to try hydrotherapy. Here you just submerge your legs in water for 20 minutes and allow the surrounding blood vessels to expand. Then you apply cold water which causes the blood vessels to constrict again, tightening your legs up once more. When they do, the legs will look more svelte.