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What’s the Best Way to Save Money When Hiring a Plumber?

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There’s one thing that absolutely everyone hates to deal with, and that would be plumbing issues in their home. How did they start? Why did they even happen? Honestly, what can you even do to fix this? It’s a lot. Well, that’s not necessarily all, either. Can you DIY this fix? Sure, a clogged drain can usually be fixed with a quick DIY, but leaking fixtures? 

Probably not. Usually, homeowners are reluctant to hire plumbers because, well, they’re expensive. There’s no denying that. But is that all? Well, it’s not like you can just sit and deal with these plumbing issues or attempt to fix these issues in hopes of not making them worse. You might be able to save a bit of money. You read that right! 

So, with that all said, here’s what you need to know when it comes to saving money on hiring a plumber. 

Do Your Homework

Alright, so for starters, you will have to do your research! This isn’t just about Googling “plumber near me” and picking the first name that pops up. You need to dig a little deeper. This is actually where people get it wrong! Now, you will want to check out reviews on Yelp, Google, or Angie’s List. Look for plumbers who have solid reputations and lots of positive feedback. It’s also a good idea to ask friends, family, or neighbors for recommendations. Word of mouth can be incredibly valuable.

Get Multiple Quotes

Ideally, you don’t just want to settle for the first estimate you get. Instead, you’ll need to contact several plumbers and ask for quotes. This not only gives you a ballpark figure of what you should be expecting to pay but also gives you some leverage to negotiate. When plumbers know they are competing for your business, they might be more inclined to offer you a better rate. Plus, you might discover that prices can vary significantly from one plumber to another.

Ask About Flat Rates vs. Hourly Rates

This is one that a lot of customers didn’t know they could ask about, but by all means, you should! So, one way to keep costs down is by understanding how your plumber charges. Some plumbers charge by the hour, while others offer flat rates for specific jobs. 

For the most part, flat rates can sometimes save you money because you won’t be charged for unexpected delays or complications. However, hourly rates can be advantageous if the job is straightforward and quick. Make sure you discuss this upfront and get a clear understanding of how you’ll be billed.

DIY Prep Work

If you’re a bit handy, there are a few things you can do to prepare for the plumber’s visit that might save you some cash (sometimes, not always). For example, if the issue is a clogged drain, you could try using a plunger or a drain snake to see if you can clear the blockage yourself. 

If the problem persists, then it’s time to call the pros, but at least you’ve tried the simpler (and cheaper) solutions first. Also, clear the workspace where the plumber will be working. If they have to move things around, that’s time they’re billing you for!

Look into Combining Jobs

Got more than one plumbing issue? Instead of calling the plumber out multiple times, combine the jobs into one visit. If you’ve got a leaky faucet and a running toilet, get them both fixed at the same time. This way, you’re only paying for one service call and possibly getting a better overall deal. So, this should most likely save you money, but it’s not 100% guaranteed though.

Start Investing in Quality

It might seem counterintuitive to spend more money to save money, but investing in quality materials and a reputable plumber can save you big bucks in the long run. As you might have guessed, cheap materials and shoddy work might solve the problem temporarily but could lead to more significant issues down the line. 

Plus, a well-done job with quality parts might cost more upfront but can prevent future breakdowns and costly repairs. But it can be hard to figure out what’s high quality and what’s not, so you can have a talk with your plumber about it. 

Ask About Discounts and Promotions

Is it actually this easy? Yes, it truly can be! Seriously, don’t be shy about asking for discounts or if they have any promotions running. Some plumbers offer discounts for first-time customers, seniors, or military personnel. Others might have seasonal promotions or referral discounts. It never hurts to ask, and you might be pleasantly surprised by the savings you can snag.

Friends, what are your best tips for plumbing projects at home? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.

4 Ways to Prepare Your Home for Winter

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The best way to avoid the most common winter-weather problems is to prepare your home before the temperature drops. Although you can’t control everything that happens outside, there are several steps you can take to mitigate the effects of winter on your home and family. Here are four simple things that will help make sure you’re ready for whatever Mother Nature decides to throw at you this season:

Keep your home pest-free

Heating systems are one of the most effective ways to keep your home pest-free this winter. A well-insulated home can help keep you warm, but it can also help keep pests out.

If you have mice or rats that are making their way into your home, these pests can be prevented from entering by sealing all holes and cracks in your walls with steel wool or cork. This will keep them from being able to get inside.

If you notice small insects in your home, you can use some natural remedies to get rid of them. Vinegar is an effective way to kill ants and other bugs and keep them away from your house in general. You can also get in touch with a pest control service to help you rid your home of any issues you may have before winter. Just search pest control near me to find a service in your local area. 

Maintain your yard properly

Maintaining your yard properly is a great way to prepare for winter because it ensures that your yard will be in tip-top shape to handle the harsh weather.

If you don’t maintain your yard, you could find leaves and branches scattered across your lawn, making it difficult to mow the grass or keep up with the rest of your yard maintenance. This leaves you vulnerable to having a messy and unkempt yard, making it harder for people looking at your home from the street to see how well-maintained and beautiful it is. 

Protect your water pipes

Protecting your water pipes from freezing can help prepare your house for winter. The water inside your pipes is constantly moving, which means it’s warm. But when the temperature outside drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, that isn’t so anymore—and if the cold air gets into your pipes, it can freeze them solid. The result: a burst pipe that could cause thousands of dollars in damage and take days to repair.

You can protect your home from these costly disasters by insulating your water pipes with an inexpensive hose that fits snugly around each pipe or by wrapping them in foam insulation tape. If you want to do more than just prevent damage, consider having a plumber install “pipe insulation sleeves” on all exposed pipes in your home, that way, they’ll be protected all year round.

Get an energy audit

Finally, whether you’re planning on staying in your home for the winter or are an apartment dweller who will be looking for a new place to live, it’s important to get a good idea of what your energy usage is like.

An energy audit can help you determine your home’s energy and identify areas where you could save money. If you’re renting, an audit can help you negotiate with your landlord about making changes to your space to make it more energy efficient.

It’s also important to consider that most landlords require all tenants in their buildings to have their homes inspected before they move in.

 With this information in mind, it makes sense to consider getting an audit done before winter weather hits so any issues can be fixed before they become problems.

Protect Your Patio During the Winter

A lovely patio is a wonderful place to sit during warmer weather. But as it starts to get cold, the idea of sitting out on your patio or deck probably doesn’t appeal so much. It’s too cold and wet to spend long outdoors, especially when you’re just sitting still. Your patio might not see much action over the winter but that can prove to be a problem. You don’t want to have to deal with all kinds of problems when winter is over and it turns out that your patio has been ravaged by the cold weather. Fortunately, there are things you can do to protect it.

Keep It Clear

Firstly, clear off your patio before winter arrives. Removing furniture, grills, potted plants and anything else is not just good for your patio but also good for any items that you remove. It will give you the opportunity to check your patio over and make sure it’s in good health. Sweep it and give it a light clean before you check for cracks. If you notice any cracks, fill them in to protect your patio. As for anything that you remove, you might need to decide whether to store items or how else to protect them.

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Protect Your Furniture

Your patio furniture needs to be protected during the winter. If you have cushions on your furniture, now is a good time to clean them, repair any damage, and store them away. Using covers for your patio furniture is a smart idea during the winter. It will protect everything from snow, ice, and rain, as well as cold temperatures and winter sunshine. It’s often easier to cover your patio furniture than it is to find somewhere dry to store it, especially as you might have large pieces of furniture that don’t store easily.

Seal Your Patio

Some people may need to seal their patios before winter really hits. This is mostly something that you will need to do if your patio is masonry, so you will probably be ok if you have a concrete patio. Masonry needs to be sealed to prevent water from leaking into the cracks and gaps, which can cause damage. You don’t necessarily need to seal your patio every year. Every three to five years is a basic rule of thumb to keep your patio sealed.

Clean Your Patio

Cleaning your patio is something that you might want to do before winter, but it could also be something you want to wait to do until spring arrives. You could clean it lightly now, but there’s a good chance it’s going to get pretty dirty over winter. In which case, it could be smart to wait and use a pressure washing service to give it a really good clean. Your patio could get pretty grubby over the winter, with grit, mud, and slushy snow affecting it. A good spring clean is a smart idea.

Protect your patio during the winter and you can ensure it still looks good and is in good condition in the spring.

How to Host the Perfect Barbecue

The perfect barbecue is about more than the food, although that’s a key component of it. If you want to make the most of your next barbecue, it’s worth thinking about how you can prepare properly and offer your guests a great day all around. It’s what every barbecue gathering should be.

It takes planning and forward-thinking in order to get it all right though. There are lots of things that’ll go into making that happen, and you can read on and find out all about them below.

Put On Some Activities and Games

First of all, you need to think about the way in which you’re going to keep everyone at your barbecue entertained. As we already mentioned, when it comes to creating a great barbecue occasion, it’s not all about the food. If you’re going to have families with young children attending, you should make sure there’s enough to keep the kids entertained throughout the day. And the same applies to the adults too.

Make Sure There’s Enough Seating Space

You need to make sure that when people sit down to eat the food you serve, there’s enough space for everyone. Sure, some people might choose to stand around and chat with friends, but you should at least make sure everyone has the option to sit down if they want to because that’s obviously very important. If you don’t make that possible, your guests might not be as comfortable as they should be.

Do the Food Prep Before the Guests Arrive

As a host, you want to be available and social with the people who are attending your barbecue. It’s only right that you’re there and presents because this is a social occasion after all. That’s why it makes the most sense to do as much of the food prep as possible before your guests actually arrive. You don’t want to be hidden away in the kitchen, do all of that stuff beforehand. You can then focus on being social and cooking on the barbecue out in the garden with everyone else.

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Ask the Guests to Bring Sides

Asking the guests to bring some sides with them is usually a good idea. You want to make sure that the guests feel involved in the day, so giving them the opportunity to bring something they’ve made at home is always good. It also means that there’s a little less work for you to do. As the person hosting the barbecue, you can instead focus on preparing and cooking the meat, which is the focal point of the day after all.

Cook Up Some Smashburgers

If you’re looking for recipes to serve at your barbecue, one of them you should definitely consider is this smashburger recipe. When you make these burgers, you unleash more of the flavor than you would usually get from regular burgers, and they tend to go down a storm with all meat lovers of all ages at barbecues such as the one you’re looking for to plan. It’s definitely an option you consider as you’re planning your barbecue.

Ensure There’s Something to Drink for All Ages and Preferences

There should be something that everyone can enjoy when it comes to the drinks on offer at the barbecue as well. Providing drinks that everyone can enjoy means making sure there are plenty of non-alcoholic options too. Not everyone is going to want wine and beer. There might be underage people in attendance, and there’ll probably be people who need to drive as well. Making sure all of those people are catered for is key. You could create some alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails for people to enjoy, for example.

Put Lighting in Place So the Gathering Can Stretch On Into the Evening

Putting the right lighting in place is something that you might want to consider if you haven’t thought about the evening. If it might get dark before the evening’s done, it makes sense to think about how the lighting can improve the situation. You want to be able to enjoy the evening for as long as possible, and with the right lighting in place, that’s a lot easier to make possible. Investing in a good lighting solution makes sense.

By making the most of the tips and ideas discussed here, you should be able to ensure your barbecue is a fulfilling and enjoyable one for everyone who attends. With great food, the right atmosphere, and games and activities to keep everyone entertained, you can’t go too far wrong.

Top 7 Indicators Of A Pest Issue

Have you been worrying about some weird things going on in your home? Do you have a sneaky suspicion you may not be alone in your home at the moment? If so, here are seven indicators that you could have a pest problem.

1. You have spotted creatures you’re not used to seeing indoors – This may sound obvious, but if you have started to see creatures you would not usually see, we’re sure you have a problem. Uninvited creatures that should raise the alarm raise from fleas and mice to wasps and rice. Ticks can also be a problem too! Luckily, there are experts in tick control that can assist with this.

2. You keep hearing strange sounds – Do you keep hearing scurrying sounds? If so, this could be a big indicator that you have a problem with mice or rats. They tend to live under the floorboards and make a lot of noise.

3. Gnawing – Have you started to notice that there are some marks on your furniture? Does it look like something has been chewing your table legs? If so, then this is another indicator that you could have problems in your home. A lot of pests like to attack furniture. The same goes if you have pests in your garden; look at your garden furniture to see if there are any gnaw marks.

4. Grease tracks and marks – Rats and mice tend to leave grease tracks across furniture and flooring. There are a number of insects that can leave greasy marks too, so this is another key sign to keep your eyes out on.

5. Dead bugs indoors – In addition to the indicators that we have mentioned above, another sign that you could have an issue is if you have noticed that there are more dead bugs in your home. If there are lots of dead bugs, the chances are that there are a lot of alive bugs somewhere else as well.

6. Strange and unpleasant smells – There are different smells that are associated with different animals and insects. For example, bed bugs have a musty and sweet odor. Rats have a very unpleasant smell, which is like ammonia, otherwise known as a very urine and musty smell. There is then the oily smell that comes from the like of roaches.

7. Droppings – Finally, another clear indicator that you have some pests in your home is that there are droppings. The appearance of droppings can differ from pest to pest. For example, roaches will typically leave droppings that look like black pellets. If you have a termite problem, the pellets will look like poppy seeds.

So there you have it: seven indicators that you could have a big problem with pests within your home. From droppings to strange and unpleasant smells, if you notice any of the signs you should get in touch with professional pest control as soon as you are able to for assistance.

Finding The Perfect Property For Your Needs

Whenever you outgrow your surroundings and develop the need to seek out a new, more suitable home, choosing between the wide range of properties on offer can be a little tough. There are just so many different options available, from modern flats to traditional detached houses, so it’s important that you can seek out the ideal property for your requirements. But, how exactly can you determine which kind of home you need to start searching for? Luckily it needn’t be more simple to begin your quests to find the perfect property, as there are just a few simple tips and tricks that you can make the most of today. So, if you would like to find out more, then read on to uncover some of the best steps that you can follow now! 

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Set Your Budget 

One of the most important aspects that can impact dramatically upon your property search is the overall budget that you have available for your project, as this will define what you can and cannot buy. Your budget must include funds for the price of your new home, legal fees, furnishing, and moving costs, as there are many more hidden payments that you may not consider until they crop up – at which point, your funds could have run out. Having a smaller budget can often convince people that they have to settle for less than what they originally had in mind for themselves, but luckily this needn’t be the case as there are several things you can do to get more for your money. Potentially the best concept for you to pursue with a tighter budget is a property that’s in need of a little TLC, as the requirement for renovation can knock a considerable amount of money from the purchase price, and you can seek out your own inexpensive materials to complete your new home to your own unique design specification. 

Choosing A Location 

Choosing the ideal location for your new home can be influenced by several different factors, from the needs of those who live with you i.e. good schools for small children or an abundance of employment opportunities for adults, as well as what kind of property style you think you might enjoy. For example, if you’re looking to buy condo or apartment type spaces that span across one level with über modern features and fittings, you’re far more likely to find this in the center of a big city rather than surrounded by beautiful countryside. The location of your property search can also influence the amount that you are able to get for the money that you have to spend, as certain areas are far more affordable than others. It’s a good idea to explore your chosen location several times before commencing your search for a new home to ensure that you can get a real feel for the place, and identify whether you will truly be comfortable in this new environment. 

Assess Your Needs 

The type of property you search for will depend heavily upon the needs of you (and your family), and this can make it tricky to identify the perfect place for you. Unless you’re ready to build your own home or your budget spans far and wide, it’s likely that you will need to compromise during your search to actually find a property that encompasses at least a few of your original requirements. Think about your main priorities: do you need more space? Are you searching for a lighter, brighter home? Are facilities important to you? Or is the location the most essential feature? If you’re stuck on where to start when deciding on your priorities then consider why you chose to move to a new home in the first place, as these issues can be the foundations of your property search. 

Finding the ideal property for your needs has never been so simple when you are able to make the most of the top tips and tricks detailed above. Start off by deciding on a budget that you can spend during your project, making sure that you include features like furnishing your home and moving fees too. Spend some time exploring to find the ideal location for your new home, and visit the spot several times to get a feel for the environment and figure out which neighborhood best suits your family. Assess your need to see whether space, fittings or price are your main priorities, and use this list to begin your journey to find the perfect new home.

Safe Driving with the New Uniden R7 Radar Detector

Disclosure: This review is sponsored by Best Buy. All opinions about safe driving are 100% my own.


Safe Driving. Its a concern for so many of us. With so many things that could go wrong. Things we all take for granted. Especially for parents of new drivers just getting their learner’s permit and got behind the wheel of a car. Which makes arming your new driver, by way of information and plenty of practice while in the car with younger drivers. Helping bring parents more peace of mind.

Including lessons concern speeding. In almost all the cases that we hear about teen driving accidents, speeding is a factor. So when teaching new drivers about the basics of driver safety a lot of discussions need to involve driving too fast This is why I love the Uniden R7 radar detector.

About Uniden R7 Radar Detector

The Uniden R7 radar helps track up to four signals simultaneously for greater awareness as you drive. Enabling drivers, new and old, to be able to avoid getting speeding tickets. With the Uniden R7 radar detector, it is fall about safe driving, by way of mindfully keeping a safe driving speed. with a large OLED display includes arrows that identify the direction of incoming threats and change color on a scale of green to red to indicate the signal’s strength.

Monitoring Your Speed

With voice notification capabilities and a MAX speed warning system, drivers will be able to hear when you exceed the preset speed without taking your eyes off the road. Enabling new drivers to maintain a safe driving speed. Keeping eyes on the road with minimal distraction. another great feature is the system’s directional arrows indicate where the radar signal is originating from on the large screen allowing drivers to quickly and easily read variable information while maintaining your focus on the road ahead.

Uniden R7 Radar Detector Specs

  • Voice notifications – This allows drivers to focus on the road.
  • Works with most vehicles – You can get real-time alerts in your existing vehicle.
  • Color OLED display – The easy-to-see information display provides a clear view.
  • Long-range detection – High sensitivity on all conventional and instant-on radar bands.
  • K-Filter and Ka-Filter – Filter noise from the K and Ka bands to prevent false detections.

Friends, you can learn more about the new Uniden R7 radar detector at Best Buy or stop by your Best Buy and pick up the Uniden R7 today. Now I want to ask, do you use or plan to use radar detectors while driving this warm weather season ahead? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.