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From One Mum to Another: A Different Kind of Foster Care in the UK

One of the most amazing services that fostering agencies are allowed to provide in the UK is what is referred to as “Parent and Child Fostering.” Typically, this kind of foster care plan involves vulnerable pregnant girls or women and mums of young children so that they can be observed and guided for a relatively short period of time. 

It is a rather unique kind of offering that isn’t available in many countries around the world; it’s a foster care program that can help mothers learn what it takes to safely care for a child – from one mum to another. If this is a new concept to you, let’s explore a few of the most commonly asked questions.

What Exactly Are Parent and Child Fostering?

As mentioned above, there are times when the mother of a child, and the child of course, are among the most vulnerable in our society. Some are very young girls, teenagers, who simply don’t have the skills to care for their babies. Many come from troubled homes and, as a result, are ill-equipped for parenting. 

One independent fostering agency found at not only offers this type of fostering placement but has gained the recognition of Ofsted as an outstanding agency. The length of stay with the foster carer is just about three months in duration and during that time the mums will be observed and guided in proper (and safe) childcare.

Are Parent and Child Fostering Only for Vulnerable Mums?

Actually, that is a very good question because there are some custodial dads out there with babies or very young children. The reasons why mum doesn’t have custody of the child are too numerous to discuss here, but the answer to that question is simple. 

Yes, vulnerable dads within our society can also be placed in Parent and Child Fostering. Some need that extra bit of help for the same reasons as vulnerable mums do, so it only makes sense to offer the same services to them. Sometimes, both the mum and dad are supported together in a Parent and Child placement.

What Is the Foster Carer’s Role in Parent and Child Fostering?

As the foster carer, you will be responsible for monitoring the parent with their child. It is important that you carefully monitor their interactions with the child so that if anything is amiss, you can show them a better way. Your reports will go back to the fostering agency and local authority social worker who are responsible for completing the assessment of the mum or dad’s parenting ability. 

Sometimes, the placement will be a great success and the local authority will be satisfied with the parent’s ability to meet their child’s needs. Other times, it goes the other way and the baby may require further support through an alternative fostering placement. It is important to know that you will be heard. If you believe the parent isn’t ready to be off on their own with the child, the social worker will consult with you. The safety and security of the child, after all, is the most important aspect of foster care.

A Different Kind of Fostering Altogether

If working as a foster carer is something you’ve been attracted to and are finally ready to take the leap, this just might be a focus you’d like to explore. With that said, no matter what area of foster care you’d like to specialize in as a foster carer, know that you are needed. Welcome to the family.

How Fostering Can Transform Children’s Lives

Fostering is a remarkable and compassionate role that provides children in care with a temporary home. Fostering also offers an invaluable opportunity for families to make a positive impact on their community and the lives of children. If you are considering a change to fostering, below we look at the transformative effects this choice can have on foster children.

Developing Independence and Life Skills

Fostering provides children with the opportunity to develop essential life skills, such as cooking, financial literacy, personal hygiene, and so much more. As a foster carer, you can empower children to become self-sufficient and independent, enabling them to feel safe and more confident.

Foster children can also develop a sense of responsibility, as they begin to understand household chores and the importance of maintaining a clean home. These skills may have not been taught to some children before going into foster care, so they are an essential stepping stone in understanding and navigating the world.

Creating a Safe and Loving Environment

One of the most important benefits of fostering is the ability to create and provide a safe, stable, and loving home. Children in foster care may have been through some challenging circumstances and may not have grown up in a safe and stable environment. By opening up their home, foster families can offer this nurturing and loving space, which is a vital aspect for children to be able to heal, grow, and thrive. 

The stability that a foster family can provide will also play an important role in helping foster children build resilience, develop a more positive outlook on life, and overcome adversity. While their life may not have been easy up until this point, foster families can help children see the good in life. If you believe you have what it takes to provide a safe and loving environment for foster children, find out more about fostering in Aberdeen

Nurturing Emotional and Mental Health

Children require love and understanding to grow their emotional development and intelligence. Living with a foster family enables them to live in a home where unconditional love is the norm, which can help them process difficult emotions and possibly begin healing from past traumas. Nurturing emotional and mental health in children is also important for teaching them healthy coping mechanisms.

This can improve their performance at school, help them to feel more confident, improve their relationships, and much more. The presence of a caring and supportive foster family can significantly improve a foster child’s mental and emotional health, even in ways that aren’t always noticeable at this point in development.

Fostering can transform the lives of foster children in countless ways. Foster families help children to develop their independence, by learning life skills for the future. They also create a safe and loving environment, which is vital for a child’s development. Foster families can also make a huge difference in the emotional and mental health of children in their care. If you think you have what it takes, find out what the process for becoming a foster carer entails.

Friends, have you considered adopting? Leave your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.

Activities to Help Your Foster Children Feel Included

Ensuring foster children feel included is crucial for making them feel welcome, loved, and involved. However, you do not have to plan lavish outings or events to make this happen. Little things, such as indoor and outdoor activities, can create strong bonds and connections. Understanding that bonding with children in care is important, here are some activities you can do to spend time and bond as a family.

Cooking and Baking

These are perhaps two of the easiest and most fun activities you can do together. They are both great options because they are great for kids of all ages, and it takes little to get started. You can look online to find simple recipes that take little time but are fun online and create something together. These activities are great for spending time together and teaching lessons like task sharing, taking responsibility, working as a team, and the importance of healthy, nutritious meals.

Let your foster children pick what to cook or bake to get them even more involved. Doing so is an excellent way of showing them you trust them and their choices, which is great for building their confidence and self-esteem.

Exploring and Playing Outdoors

There are numerous outdoor activities and games foster carers can explore with their foster children. A go-to option that is both fun and inexpensive is visiting a park. The children can play, exercise, and enjoy fresh air.

Picnics, nature walks, road trips, and camping are also all great for foster children as it helps them have fun in new areas. If you want to engage in activities involving travel, you should talk to your foster care agency to ensure you are allowed to do so. 

New Hobbies and Interests

As children grow older, they become interested in different things and hobbies. As a foster carer, you should allow your foster children to not only engage in different activities but also to choose the ones they are interested in the most. Depending on the activity, you can use the fostering allowance you receive from the fostering agency to cover it. Fostering agencies such as have generous allowances that cater to these costs so you can encourage your foster children to pick the ones they like. Some popular options include painting, decorating, arts, and drawing murals.

Board Games

Board games are another excellent option for foster families that want to spend time together and bond. There is no shortage of board games, so it is easy to pick ones that foster children of all ages will love. These games range from easy options like Scrabble to more challenging ones like chess.

You can also encourage your children to play with each other as there are numerous online platforms where they can do so easily.

Creating strong bonds between foster children and the rest of the family is critical for making them feel welcome and part of the family. There are numerous activities to engage in, and you can pick the best ones depending on the children’s age and interest and their ability to bring everyone together.

How to Welcome a Foster Child into Your Home 

Imagine how a foster child experiences moving into a foster home. Whether this is a permanent or temporary arrangement, you’ll need to make every effort to let your foster child know that they are welcome in your home. Here are some tips on how to go about doing this.

a kid with multicolored hand paint
Photo by Alexander Grey on

Create a Personalised Space for Your Foster Child 

Start with the bedroom your foster child will be using. Make it attractive and suitable for the age of the child. You should not store household items, or those belonging to family members, in the child’s room. All cupboards and furniture with drawers should be emptied out completely. Give the child the option to make changes, such as repositioning the bed. An armchair is a nice touch as it gives your foster child a place to sit comfortably when they want to be alone. You will also get support from your agency, such as, regarding your foster child’s personality and preferences.

If you need to paint the bedroom ahead of your foster child moving in, aim to have the room aired out and the smell disappear before they arrive. New linen and pillows indicate that you have placed value on their comfort and were looking forward to having them in your home. Find out what items they need, such as toiletries and clothing, and get these as soon as possible.

As time goes by, you will be able to pin their drawings to the fridge or other space you have allocated. Include your foster child in family photographs. Make sure these are displayed.

Show Your Foster Child Around Your Home

Your foster child will adapt much faster if they know where everything is. Show the child which bathroom to use and any privacy rules about going into your room. At the same time, emphasize that your foster child can come to you when needed or if they are feeling lonely. For example, how will you handle the situation if the child has a nightmare?

Let your foster child know that if they are hungry outside of mealtimes they can help themselves to a healthy snack like fruit, nuts, or a glass of milk. If you have biological children too, show your child which toys they can play with freedom and which ones require permission. This delineates that every person’s possessions will be respected, including their own.

Explain the Rules and Routines 

Your foster child will experience more freedom to feel at home by knowing what to expect. Provide information on bath times, mealtimes, and getting up in time for school or preschool. Help your foster child to pack their school bag and point out where you will put their lunch box and juice.

Ask your foster child what they feel most comfortable calling you. Generally, unless the child is going to be with you until they leave school, your first names are best. However, if the child wishes to call you Dad or Mum, you should allow this, always keeping in mind that it is their choice. 

If you follow these guidelines, your foster child will make the transition smoothly and feel welcomed.

My Bag, My Story Initiative & Reader Giveaway

Did you know that my family, my Grandmother, Carolyn, and her brother, Danny Lee, adopted me as a child? A simple act of loving devotion that has left me with a lifelong desire to see other children find their forever homes. No easy task, as many children in various state foster care systems are moved from home to home, from house to house, often toting their limited belongings in transient, trash bags. Leaving impressionable children, young scholars, artists, and athletes already struggling to find their place in this world, struggling to retain personal dignity and space.

While these problems lie much larger, more complicated socioeconomic, economic, and politicized issues. Yet, there are simple ways that everyday people, those like you, and I, can help- ways as simple as they are straightforward.

My Bag My Story,” a non-profit organization that strives to improve the lives of foster youth by providing children with high-quality travel-style bags. With each bag purchased, another high-value bag is donated to help children navigate state foster care systems.

This initiative seeks to address the stigma of children and adolescents being prevented from the indignity that comes with carrying their possessions from place to place in mere garbage bags. Providing foster youth bags that are more than practical simplicity. These bags, train cases, and duffle bags are symbols of value, support, and recognition. Affirming the value of the shared human experience for every child in the foster care system. Helping American foster children feel seen and supported.

My Bag, My Story Founder, Cara Finger, explains that the organization’s origin started when she “Became a foster parent and watching children always have their belongings in a trash bag or grocery sack or nothing. Everyone kept saying this was normal. I said it doesn’t have to be normal, so I set out to have bags made for kids,” That “having a bag to call your own instead of a trash bag gives a child dignity and makes them feel valued. A bag seems so small but makes a huge difference in their foster care experience. Making a child feel like they are worth more than trash is so important to me.” A message vital to me as a fellow adopted child and as someone who, in turn, has helped support members of my own extended family to adopt children in recent wartime conditions.

Beyond community and state donations, My Bag, My Story has partnered with more than 30 Tennessee-based organizations to work directly with children in the foster care system to get them high-quality duffle bags, train cases, and backpacks. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, My Bag, My Story depends on the generosity and support of national corporations, including Dell, The Predators Foundation, Saint George’s Episcopal Church, and the Target Corporation.

National Foster Care Statistics

According to the United States Department of Education, more than 400,000 children rely on the National Foster Care System. With nearly 20,000 young persons aging out of foster care annually, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one, respectfully. Many are without the option of being reunited with their families of origin or legalized adoption. Presenting challenges to young people transitioning to independent living without the guise or financial means of establishment. You can learn more about the foster care system and its many challenges to young children and adolescents, here.

Ways To Help

Ordering a bag from My Bag, My Story, helping to lend security and dignity to children and young adults navigating the foster care system, is one great way you can help send young Americans onto the path of dignity and diversity, today! With so many great options and styles, featuring high-quality fabrics, your generosity can help uplift children from the comfort of your own homes. You can also read other My Bag, My Story accounts on its website, and check out My Bag, My Story on Instagram and Facebook.

If buying a My Story, My Bag duffle, train case, or tote isn’t an option for you at present, I ask that you please consider sharing this organization’s mission with those in your own life. And if you’re looking for other ways to serve foster families, here are other ways you can positively impact those living in foster care in your neck of the woods.


To help spread this impactful message, the good people of Momentum Influencers are giving one reader a chance to win their own $10.00 Amazon card. To enter, please tell me in the comments about your own experiences with the foster care system. Or how you believe individuals can help improve the national foster care system. A winner will be chosen at random on Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024, at 11:59 P.M. CST. Gift cards will be electronically sent from Momentum Influencers. Duplicate entries across all participating campaign websites will be disqualified. Good luck!

Friends, have you or your loved ones been impacted by the foster care system? Please leave your comments below.

Essential Strategies for Assisting Aging Parents with Grace and Dignity

Caring for aging parents is both an emotional and practical journey that requires a delicate balance of support, respect, and empowerment. The goal is to provide care that upholds their dignity while helping them adapt to the challenges of aging. To achieve this, it’s important to employ strategies that focus on small victories, social engagement, and the thoughtful use of technology to enhance independence. Here are some fresh ideas on how to assist aging parents with grace and dignity.

Emphasize Small Victories to Build Confidence

One of the most effective ways to maintain your parents’ sense of dignity is by celebrating their small achievements. Aging can sometimes lead to feelings of inadequacy or frustration when certain tasks become more difficult. Instead of focusing on what they can no longer do, focus on what they can still accomplish, no matter how small. For example, if your parent has completed a physical therapy session or cooked a simple meal, make a point to acknowledge their efforts. A comment like, “I’m so proud of how you’ve been sticking to your exercises,” can uplift their spirits and reinforce their capability. By focusing on small victories, you’re providing emotional encouragement that helps them maintain confidence in their abilities.

Encourage and Facilitate Social Engagement

Social engagement is crucial to your parents’ emotional and mental health as they age. Isolation can lead to depression and cognitive decline, so it’s important to keep them connected with their community, family, and friends. Whether it’s participating in a local club, attending religious services, or simply having regular coffee dates with friends, staying socially active can significantly improve their quality of life. By moving into a modern care home, such as the facility offered by Morris Care, your loved one will have the opportunity to mix with other residents and forge connections. If mobility or health concerns make it difficult for your parent to socialize in person, consider using technology to keep them engaged. Help them learn how to use video calling platforms to chat with loved ones, join online interest groups, or even participate in virtual events that cater to seniors. This not only combats loneliness but also keeps them mentally stimulated and connected to the outside world.

Foster a Sense of Contribution

One powerful way to assist your aging parents with dignity is by ensuring they still feel like they have something valuable to contribute. Aging can sometimes lead to feelings of uselessness, especially when physical abilities start to decline. But everyone has something to offer, regardless of age.

Ask your parents to share their knowledge or skills with you or the family. Whether it’s cooking a family recipe, telling stories from their past, or offering life advice, involving them in family activities keeps them connected and gives them a sense of importance. You could also encourage them to engage in volunteer work, if feasible, or contribute to local causes in ways that match their abilities. Their involvement in meaningful activities reinforces their sense of purpose.

Create Opportunities for Physical Activity

Physical activity is an important part of aging gracefully, as it helps maintain mobility, strength, and overall well-being. Encourage your parents to engage in activities they enjoy and are capable of, whether that’s walking, yoga, gardening, or even simple stretching exercises at home. To make physical activity more appealing, consider joining them in these exercises, turning it into a bonding opportunity. You might take regular walks together, attend fitness classes, or even practice mindfulness and stretching exercises at home. Keeping active will help them to feel physically capable, independent, Morris care, and in control of their health.

Respect Their Desire for Privacy

As parents age and may require more physical assistance, respecting their desire for privacy is essential for preserving their dignity. Tasks like dressing, bathing, or managing medical care can feel invasive if not handled with sensitivity. Always ask for permission before stepping in to help with personal tasks, and provide as much privacy as possible. For example, if you’re assisting with bathing, make sure to allow them to perform parts of the task independently where possible, or cover areas they aren’t currently washing to minimize discomfort. Offering them the space and time to manage as much as they can on their shows that you respect their boundaries and still see them as capable individuals.

Cultivate Patience and Flexibility

Patience is one of the most important qualities when assisting aging parents. As their capabilities change, some tasks may take longer or need to be done differently. It’s essential to approach these changes with understanding and flexibility. For example, if your parent struggles to remember things or becomes slower in completing tasks, avoid rushing or correcting them too quickly. Instead, offer support when necessary and allow them the time they need to adapt. Be open to adjusting the way care is provided, recognizing that their needs may evolve. A patient, flexible attitude shows respect for their pace and process.

Assisting aging parents with grace and dignity requires a thoughtful combination of practical strategies and emotional support. By focusing on small victories, encouraging social engagement, leveraging technology for independence, and respecting their need for autonomy, you can help your parents navigate this stage of life with confidence and fulfillment. Ultimately, it’s about empowering them to live as fully and independently as possible while ensuring they feel respected, valued, and loved.

Friends, what are your strategies for assisting your aging parents? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.

The Educational Value Of Board Games

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Board games have been a source of entertainment for centuries, engaging players of all ages in various challenges. Beyond their entertainment value, board games also offer significant educational benefits. They foster cognitive development, enhance critical thinking, and promote social skills. Among these games, chess stands out as a potent educational tool.

Cognitive Development

Board games are excellent for cognitive development, especially in children. They often require players to memorize rules, recall past moves, and plan future strategies, all of which engage and strengthen the brain. Games like “Memory” and “Scrabble” are designed to boost memory and language skills. Memory games improve a player’s ability to recognize patterns and recall details, while word games expand vocabulary and spelling abilities.

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

Many board games are built around the concept of strategy, requiring players to think critically and solve problems. Games such as “Risk” and “Catan” challenge players to think several steps ahead, weighing the potential outcomes of different actions. This kind of strategic thinking is invaluable in real-world situations, where planning and foresight are essential.

Chess, one of the oldest and most revered board games, is a prime example of a game that fosters critical thinking. Each move in chess must be carefully considered, as it affects not only the current state of the game but also future possibilities. Players must anticipate their opponent’s moves and develop a flexible strategy to adapt to the changing board. This level of deep thinking and analysis can significantly enhance cognitive abilities and improve decision-making skills.

Social Skills and Teamwork

Board games are inherently social activities that often require players to interact, communicate, and collaborate. Games like “Pandemic” and “Ticket to Ride” require players to work together toward a common goal, promoting teamwork and cooperation. These interactions help players develop important social skills such as communication, negotiation, and empathy.

Playing board games also teaches players how to handle winning and losing gracefully. The competitive nature of these games often leads to a range of emotions, and players learn to manage these feelings healthily. This emotional regulation is a crucial skill that extends far beyond the gaming table.

Educational Benefits of Chess

Chess, in particular, has been extensively studied for its educational benefits. It is not just a game of kings and queens but also a powerful tool for developing a range of cognitive and social skills. Schools around the world have integrated chess into their curricula, recognizing its potential to enhance student learning.

  1. Improving Concentration and Focus: Chess requires intense concentration and focus. Players must pay attention to every move and anticipate their opponent’s strategies. This sustained focus can translate to better concentration in academic settings, improving students’ ability to stay on task and absorb information.
  2. Enhancing Memory: Chess players must remember a vast array of moves, strategies, and counter-strategies. This constant exercise of memory can lead to improved recall and retention of information, benefiting students in subjects that require memorization, such as history and science.
  3. Developing Critical Thinking: Chess is often referred to as the “game of kings” because it involves strategic thinking, planning, and foresight. Players learn to think multiple steps ahead, evaluate different scenarios, and make decisions based on logic and reasoning. These skills are directly applicable to problem-solving in academic and real-world situations.
  4. Encouraging Patience and Discipline: Chess is a game of patience and discipline. Players must wait for the right moment to execute their strategies and avoid impulsive moves. This patience and discipline can help students approach their studies and other tasks with a more measured and thoughtful mindset.
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Lifelong Learning and Enjoyment

Board games are not just for children; they offer educational benefits for adults as well. Games that involve complex strategies and deep thinking can help keep the adult brain sharp and engaged. Additionally, the social aspect of board games provides a fun and interactive way for adults to connect with others and develop their social skills.

For families, playing board games together can create bonding opportunities and promote a love of learning. Parents can use games as a tool to teach valuable life skills, from basic math and reading to more complex strategic thinking.

There You Go

Board games are more than just a source of entertainment. They are powerful educational tools that can enhance cognitive development, critical thinking, and social skills. Chess, in particular, stands out for its ability to improve concentration, memory, and strategic thinking. Whether played by children or adults, board games offer a unique and enjoyable way to learn and grow, making them an invaluable addition to any educational toolkit.

Friends, what are your favorite games to play? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.