9 Summer Diaper Bag Essentials For Moms

Disclosure: This post was made possible by iConnect and Luvs. I was compensated for my participation in this campaign, but all opinions are 100% mine. Read full Disclosure Policy here.

9 Summer Diaper Bag Essentials For Moms 
Can you believe Summer is right around the corner? It’s hard to believe we are just four short weeks from the official start of the warm weather season, making now the perfect time to prep for all your warm-weather adventures with your little one. Specifically everything you’ll need for a fun day in the sun with little ones in tow.

We all know the needs of babies and toddlers can be unpredictable, so the best way to prepare for warmer days ahead is with a well-stocked diaper bag. A bag ready prepped with everything you need for whatever situation you and your kiddos may run into this Summer. With this in mind, here are some of my favorite Summer diaper bag necessities!

9 Summer Diaper Bag Essentials For Moms

9 items every parent should pack in the diaper bag this Summer:

Sunscreen:  Sunscreen’s a must if you’re spending any time outdoors with your kiddos this Summer. Many experts recommend using mineral-based sunscreen, in lieu of chemical-laden brands. So be sure to research brands and find a product that fits your family’s needs. And remember, the FDA recommends not applying sunscreen to babies younger than six months of age. So babies should avoid direct sunlight during the peak hours when the sun is high in the sky, from 12 noon to 4 pm daily. 

Protective clothing: Bucket-style hats are great for keeping little heads and precious faces free of sunburns and windburns. For children under a year old, consider purchasing SPF-rated swim suits and beach sandals. A quick tip: Packing a footy onesie or blanket in your diaper bag is a great air condition-proof cover up for babies this summer!

Hydration: Babies and young children are much more susceptible to dehydration and heat exhaustion. Pack appropriate fluids for your child, such as refillable bottles for water and organic juice. For drinks such as formula or milk, consider insulated thermoses and ice packs that help milk products at food-safe temperatures.  Insulated lunch pouches can help with this task and fit perfectly within your diaper bags side compartments. Finally, remember to keep a reusable bottle of filtered water for yourself too! 

Snacks: If you have kiddos you can never have enough quality snacks on hand. So be sure to pack reusable sacks with cereals, or foods such as fruit, that don’t require packaging and can stand up to the heat. Foods that melt, such as yogurt raisins, are better left for cooler seasons ahead.

Insect repellent: Remember, littles may not always be able to let you know they have become a recent mosquito snack. So be sure to pack DEET-free repellents for infants and toddlers. You can also recreate your own all natural version in an amber glass or metal bottle from essential oils; 2-5 drops of each lavender oil, cedar oil, and citronella oil, mixed with 1/2 cup coconut oil can help naturally keep pests at bay. 

First-Aid Kit: A small, purse-sized first-aid kit, available at any dollar store, kept in your Summer diaper bag will help you stay prepared to treat skinned knees, small cuts, and abrasions this coming season.

Extra change of clothes: An extra change of clothes in a diaper bag was a must. Whether messy after a vigorous session making sandcastles at the beach or from spilled snowcones on shirts, a ready-to-go change of clothes can be a lifesaver. Also, pack a gallon-sized plastic bag in your diaper bag to serve as water-proof storage until you can get back home to wash dirty clothes.

Baby wipes: Can one every really pack enough baby wipes? From diaper changes to washing little hands and faces, wipes are an indispensable tool for diaper bag-clad moms, and dads, this Summer. 

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Diapers: What would your diaper bag be without ye ole’ diapers? Particularly Luvs, the diaper of experienced parents! They’re softer and more absorbent than ever before with large stretchy tabs for easy fastening, ultra-leakage protection, and a money-back guarantee! Packing Luvs Ultra Leakguards diapers with NightLock Plus™ diapers in your Summer diaper bag will provide you with high-quality leakage protection for less cost than other premium brands. Luvs is perfect for packing for play dates, snack time, and nap time. After all, ain’t nobody got time for leaks! 

Luvs is also offering big savings this month to help parents save on diapers  Here’s a link to print a $2.00 coupon for any Luvs diaper pack or box! Print soon as the coupon will drop to $1.00 on 5/28/17. Also, savvy savers, this Sunday’s paper will also have a $2.00 coupon in the inserts as well. 

We all know parenting is expensive.  So you’ve got to save money whenever you can, but consider this — saving money on diapers will help you have a little more cash on hand for all of your favorite warm weather planned adventures for you are your kiddos this coming season!

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More about Luvs diapers:

  •  Luvs makes life easier for busy parents by helping to keep leaks in the diaper where they belong, so your baby stays dry and comfortable, even overnight.  
  • A contoured shape hugs baby for a great fit – now softer than ever before on baby’s skin.
  • The Luvs Money Back Guarantee: Luvs feel so strongly about their diapers that they’ve guaranteed them! If you aren’t satisfied with the leakage protection of Luvs, we’ll refund your money; see their website, www.luvsdiapers.com, for details.
  • Luvs diapers are available in sizes newborn through 6, feature fun designs in every pack, and can be found at mass, discount and grocery stores where baby care products are sold.
  • For more information on Luvs diapers, visit www.luvsdiapers.com or the brand’s social media channels on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube

So, friends, I encourage you to check out Luvs new $2.00 coupon available for printing through 5/28/17 and to also make sure to prep your diaper bags for you are your kiddos warm-weather trips ahead. So now, I have to ask, how will you be prepping for kid-safe travels this summer? I’d love to hear your ideas below.

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