8 Signs Your Divorce is Going to be Difficult

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Divorce, by its very nature, is often a challenging process. It represents the dissolution of a union that likely began with hope and love, which in itself is tough. However, some divorces are particularly difficult, fraught with heightened emotions, contentious disputes, and legal complications. Here are eight signs that you might be heading into challenging divorce territory, so that you can be as prepared as possible.

1. Refusal to communicate

Communication is key during divorce proceedings. If your spouse refuses to engage in productive conversation or avoids discussions about the divorce entirely, this could signal a tough road ahead. This lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings, delay the process, and may require more intervention from lawyers or mediators, which will mean a longer, drawn-out process that could be frustrating for al involved.

2. High conflict personality

If your spouse is a high conflict individual – someone who is confrontational, blames others without self-reflecting, and tends to engage in all-or-nothing thinking – your divorce could be more difficult. High conflict individuals often struggle with compromise, making negotiations challenging.

3. Financial discrepancies

Unresolved financial issues or disagreements about finances can make a divorce particularly complicated. If your spouse is secretive about financial matters, or there are signs of hidden assets, discrepancies in financial documents, or unexplained expenses, you may be facing a complex divorce.

4. Disputes over child custody

If you and your spouse cannot agree on child custody arrangements, your divorce is likely to be challenging not only for you, but for your children too. Disputes over who gets primary custody, visitation schedules, or decision-making rights can escalate tensions and make the process more emotionally draining, which is why trying to work things out fairly nd amicably, as soon as possible is ideal.

5. Differing views on marital property division

One of the most contentious aspects of divorce can be the division of marital assets. If your spouse disagrees with the concept of equitable division, or if you both have differing views on the value of assets, this could signal a difficult divorce. Lawyers can help you to each get your fair share, but they are expensive, and things can get tough if you choose to fight each other on this, so it is always better to try and come to an amicable resolution if possible. 

6. Lack of willingness to compromise

Divorce requires compromise. If your spouse is unwilling to make concessions or insists on “winning” the divorce, you’re likely in for a challenging process. This unwillingness to compromise can drag out the divorce process and make negotiations more stressful. This is another reason why you should start your divorce proceedings with the aim of being as fair and reasonable as you can possibly be. That does not mean you should be a doormat and let your spouse get their way on everything, but you should try to be as open-minded as possible.

7. Involvement of a high number of professionals

While it’s necessary to involve professionals like attorneys, accountants, and child specialists in a divorce process, the need to involve an excessive number of professionals may signal a difficult divorce. This could indicate that there are complicated legal or financial issues to resolve, or that one party is trying to escalate the process.

8. Use of divorce to seek revenge

If your spouse views the divorce as a way to seek revenge or punishment, this is a major red flag. This approach can manifest in various ways, such as trying to damage your reputation, seeking full custody to limit your parental rights, r striving for an unfair division of assets. Such behavior can significantly complicate the divorce process, and it is a really good idea, in these circumstances, to get the best legal team you can because a vengeful spouse is way more likely to play dirty than average.

Recognizing these signs early can help you prepare for the potential challenges ahead. If you suspect your divorce may be difficult, it’s essential to surround yourself with a strong support network. Seek advice from experienced legal professionals, like the ones at http://bencarrascolaw.com, who can guide you through every aspect of divorce. Remember, it’s crucial to take care of your mental and emotional health during this challenging time.

While every divorce is unique, and these signs don’t guarantee a difficult process, they can serve as indicators of potential hurdles. By being aware of these signs, you can equip yourself with the right resources and mindset to navigate our divorce journey more effectively.

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