7 Tips To Keep Your Home Cleaner With Dogs

This post is sponsored by The Libman Company but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.



As many of you know, we have a large adoptive pet family. Including three amazing dogs, including our twelve-year-old Westie, Roxie, our seventeen-year-old Chihuahua Harley, and my pride and joy, my nine-year-old Shih-Tzu Sassy.

So it’s not a big surprise that when it comes to keeping my home clean at home with pets, it can sometimes be a constant uphill battle. Considering that I already have two other human beings in my home with a penchant for all things messy.

Luckily over the years, I’ve learned a thing or two about keeping all the pet messes in my home at bay and today I’m sharing my top 7 tips for keeping your home clean and tidy with dogs.

1. Quickly clean up accidents.

Pets are often very scent driven. When it comes to effectively cleaning up pet accidents its best to air on the side of attending to stains sooner than later. My go-to? Enzyme cleaners.

While many prefer baking soda and vinegar bombs, they are often effective only at removing surface stains, whereas enzyme cleaners naturally dissolve the bacteria and pet-induced pheromones completely. Allowing you to quickly address accidents which will help you in the long run.

Because even if you can’t smell the residual bacteria and pheromones left behind by pet accidents, your pets certainly can. And this lingering smell can include repeat performances which over time can damage carpeting and untreated hardwood flooring

pet feeding station

2. Create a pet feeding station.

Keeping your dog bowl and water bowl on a clean, wipeable surface will allow you to quickly clean up food messes as well as to allow for a more hygienic means to feed and nourish your fuzzy friends each day.

At home, I like to use feeding stations consisting of easy-to-clean food dishes, a water fountain, and treat bowls places on top of clean contact paper. This allows me to keep their feeding area clean and tidy throughout the day.

3. Bathe your dogs bi-weekly.

Bathing your dogs bi-weekly will help keep your home cleaner and help keep your allergies at bay by keeping pet dander, shedding, and the proverbial ode de dog scent we all know and love.

This is also a great way in warmer months to keep your pets healthier as bi-weekly bathing will help you to kill any residual fleas that can come into your home via evening walks as well as give you the opportunity to get hands-on with your pets and check them over for ticks. Especially important from May-November each year.

4. Brush your pets often.

If you have a dog that sheds, is a long-haired variety (as two of my fuzzy friends are), or are prone to skin allergies, regular brushing will not only keep your home much cleaner but will also help to prevent painfully, difficult mats from forming. What’s even better? Many dogs enjoy a great brushing. So consider adding it to your pets existing care and comfort routines at home!

libman tornado mop

5. Stock my home with the right cleaning supplies.

When it comes to cleaning up after my pets at home, my go-to is always my Libman Tornado® Spray Mop. It’s my favorite because it features zero-waste cotton strings, which after you’re done the cleaning, can be thrown in the washing machine and line dried for quick and easy pet mess cleanups.

But what’s even better? After many seasons of cleanings mopings at home, the mop can be composted at home. Making it not only very effective at cleaning pet messes at home but eco-friendly too!

6. Set regular bathroom break trips.

One of the most effective ways I have found at home to limit pet messes is to regularly set household times for letting my dogs outside each day.

I designate times throughout the day where my dogs are allowed outdoors to our fenced in backyard where they can relieve themselves, play, and enjoy their time outdoors. This helps to not only eliminate pet messes indoors but like with children, helps out dogs release some of their pent-up energy too!

7. Clean your dog’s paws when they come inside.

Is there anything worse than being in the middle of mopping your home only to find redeposited paw prints everywhere? To remedy this, I make a point of wiping down and around my dog’s paws each time they come into our home. Especially on rainy days at home.

libman tornado mop

What to do to keep your home cleaner with pets this season?

The next time in-store at your favorite big box store, make sure you’re stocked up on pet cleaning supplies for your home. Especially the Libman Freedom® Spray Mop.

Not to mention, I really love the ability I have to throw the mop head straight into the washing machine after a messy day and right outside to line dry and sun bleach at home. It can hold up to at least 100 washes. Perfect for all your cleaning at home this season! My favorite part? This mop is easy to use, it’s not heavy in hand, and is always fresh, clean, and ready to use at home!

It also works great on my homes various flooring including century-old hardwood floors, ceramic tile, and concrete flooring too! Head on over to their site and find the closest retailer to you!

Now, friends, I want to ask, what are your go-to tips for keeping your home clean with pets at home? Share your tips below!


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