7 Things Every Expectant Mom Should Do While Pregnant

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There are lots of things you supposedly shouldn’t do while pregnant. But what about the things you should do? From taking naps to accepting gifts, here are some of the things that you should consider doing for you and your bump. 

Take folic acid

Folic acid is a B vitamin that is often recommended in the early stages of pregnancy. Research shows that it can help prevent various birth defects affecting the brain and spine. You can take folic acid as a pill – it is available in most pharmacies. This should be consumed every day during the first trimester. Foods like leafy greens, beans, and sunflower seeds are also full of folate and could be worth consuming. And while taking supplements is all good, be mindful about any medication you take. Some ingredients can be damaging to a fetus – take a look through ActionMatters.org for more information about the possibilities.

Monitor your baby’s movements

Most moms start to feel their baby moving between 16 and 24 months. Once your baby starts moving, it’s worth monitoring these movements. This is particularly important during the third trimester when movement should be frequent. A lack of movement could suggest that your baby is stressed or in an unwanted position. Either way, you should tell your midwife or a doctor – they may recommend scans at a hospital to check that the baby is healthy and happy. 

Stay physically active

It can be tempting to give up on exercise while pregnant – especially during the third trimester when you may feel especially tired from carrying around all that extra weight. However, it’s important for you and your baby to still do some exercise. Physical activity during pregnancy can have many benefits including shorter labor, quicker recovery time, less unhealthy weight gain, and less risk of developing diabetes. Of course, it’s important to do the right exercises and keep it moderate. Low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, riding an exercise bike, and yoga are recommended. You can check out a few of the best exercises to do while pregnant here

But don’t be afraid to take more naps

Many pregnant women feel a lot more tired. You may have the urge to sleep in longer or take naps during the day, and if so you should give in to these urges. You’re not being lazy – that extra sleep is a necessity to keep you and your baby healthy. It’s when you’re asleep that your body goes through important changes necessary for pregnancy. If you’re sleep-deprived, your body won’t be able to go through these changes, which will affect the health of your baby. It’s also worth getting as much sleep as you can in the last few weeks so that you have more energy for the birth and so that you’re more able to take on the first few weeks of night feeds (make the most of those uninterrupted nights while you still can!). 

Mentally prepare for motherhood

Becoming a new mom can be a joyous occasion, but it can also be very stressful. The shock of the birth itself, the constant dependence on your child, and the lack of freedom can cause many new moms to develop postpartum depression. While you can never truly prepare for being a parent, it’s useful to have some fourth-trimester expectations. In many cases, being a new mom is a lot easier when you have a strong support network around you – it’s okay to let family and friends look after your child for temporary periods while you have some time to yourself to relax or simply catch up on sleep. 

Take advantage of pregnancy freebies and discounts

There are various freebies and discounts that you can look into while pregnant. Whether you’re financially struggling or not, it’s worth taking advantage of these. This includes free maternity classes, baby formula tubs, and other baby products. Some dentists may even offer discounts or free check-ups for pregnant women. You can check out a few freebies for pregnant women here. 

Accept gifts from friends/family

If it’s your first baby, there could be a lot of baby essentials that you need to buy from clothes to prams. Don’t be too shy to ask friends and family to help buy or put money towards certain supplies. A baby shower could be worth throwing simply to encourage gifts – this is particularly worthwhile for small supplies like diapers and bibs. There may even be free hand-me-downs that you can receive from friends and family. Unless you ask, some friends and relatives may not think to offer you these items. Bear in mind that you may also be able to pick up freebies online through sites like Facebook. 

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