6 Ways to Treat Anxiety Naturally

6 Ways to Treat Anxiety Naturally

Anxiety is one of the most prevalent mental health issues in the US and can have a devastating effect on a person’s ability to function. Whether it’s caused by a physical condition such as an overactive thyroid, is brought on by trauma or develops gradually over time, anxiety should not be left untreated. Symptoms include tension in the body, difficulty breathing, agitation, an increased heart rate, nervousness, and even chest pains. To cope with anxiety and work towards a recovery a person may need to try more than one type of treatment before they find the right one for them. 

While chronic anxiety should be treated by medical and/or mental health professionals, there are some natural ways that you can ease the symptoms of anxiety at home. 

1) Exercise

Exercise is often effective when trying to alleviate anxiety for several reasons. It can burn off energy which is fueling our anxiety, relieve tension in our muscles and promotes the release of endorphins which improve our mood. In addition, if we manage to find an exercise we enjoy, the simple act of keeping ourselves busy can prevent us from dwelling on issues which can worsen our anxiety. 

2) Self-Expression Through Art

Keeping our anxiety pent up inside will only amplify the problem in the long run so it’s often useful to find a way to express our anxiety. This can be through any form of communication or art, but some research has found that keeping a journal or writing creatively can help people to cope with anxiety. Writing music, creating art or hand-crafted pieces can also act as forms of self-expression if you are not a fan of the written word.

3) Cannabidiol Extract

The cannabis plant is most heavily associated with its psychoactive effect, i.e. getting a ‘high’ from smoking or ingesting it. However, the cannabis plant is actually made up of lots of different chemical compounds. The THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) compound in cannabis which creates the ‘high’ is not present in another of the plant’s derivatives: cannabidiol (CBD). This substance has been shown to ease the symptoms of chronic pain and anxiety and is available without a prescription. You can buy CBD as an oil or a distillate, or as a powder which has created been through CBD isolation

4) Herbal Supplements and Aromatherapy

Herbal supplements, teas, and plant extracts have been linked to relaxation and calm for many years, although there is a lot of debate around the claims in the scientific community. There is some evidence that the scent of certain plant oils can relieve anxiety, sleep problems and stress, such as lavender. 

5) Meditation and Mindfulness Exercises

Meditation and mindfulness techniques are becoming more and more popular as a treatment for anxiety. This can help to clear the mind of negative thoughts and refocus your attention on positivity while relaxing tension which you may be unconsciously holding in your body. 

6) Spending Time with Animals

Interacting with and caring for animals can have a significant impact on both our emotional and physical wellbeing. Our pets provide us with unconditional love, a sense of purpose and a structure to our lives which can help people with a range of mental health issues. Having a pet can alleviate anxiety as there is evidence that suggests the physical act of grooming or petting of an animal such as a cat, dog or horse can relieve stress, slow our breathing and lower our heart rate. 

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