5 Ways To Cut The Cost Of Pregnancy

There’s nothing more wonderful than finding out that you’re pregnant. The warm feeling that comes with knowing that you’re going to bring a life into the world. Yet, as wonderful as this feeling is, most of us also experience a little trepidation. Maybe even outright fear. Especially if this is your first pregnancy. You may wonder if you’re ready to be a Mom, emotionally, psychologically and (of course) monetarily. Of course, any parent will tell you that you’re never ready, not really. And while bringing a child into the world often means expense, it does not mean that you have to spend a fortune. 

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Pregnancy gives you 9 months to prepare not just for childbirth but for parenthood. That gives you a lot of time (although still less than you might think) to get your home and your mind ready to bring a child into your life. It also gives you a great deal of time to find ways to reduce the cost of pregnancy and those early days of motherhood. The thrifty and enterprising Mom-to-be has a plethora of ways in which she can use this time to make substantial savings…

Find a side hustle

You’ll be on maternity leave after your baby’s born… But that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to scrape by on nothing more than maternity pay. Once you’ve found your rhythm as a parent and established a daily schedule to look after your baby you may be able to make a little extra money in your downtime with a side hustle. A side hustle shouldn’t necessarily be more work. It should be a way to make money while using your skills and doing things that you enjoy. This could be something as simple as walking the neighbor’s dogs or babysitting the kids of other Moms in your social circle. Or it could mean starting a brand new job from home that capitalizes on your skills and passions. Here are a few full-time jobs you can do from home that might serve as inspiration for you. 

Find a better savings account and pay into it

It’s okay to admit it. We could all do more when it comes to setting aside some money in our savings. While many of us have a savings account, these can only work for us when we actually pay into them regularly. It doesn’t have to be a lot. It doesn’t even have to be 10% of your paycheck. But paying something in every month will provide a valuable safety net for your finances. Oh, and if you’re still using your old savings account from your high street bank, you desperately need an upgrade. Find an online bank as these can usually offer you better rates of interest (since they have fewer overheads they can pass the savings onto you). Here are some of the best savings accounts of 2019

Take steps to reduce hospital bills

Unless you’re lucky enough to live in a country where healthcare is free, having a baby inevitably means expense. Still, that doesn’t mean that you have to surrender yourself to being ripped off. Even little things like going through your insurance coverage with a fine-toothed comb so that you know what is and isn’t covered can save you considerable expense. It’s also worth learning how to time contractions. The last thing you need is to have to pay for an ambulance to take you to hospital for your Braxton Hicks. It’s also worth finding out what your local birthing charges are. These can vary wildly from hospital to hospital even between hospitals in the same city.

Don’t have insurance? That may not necessarily be a problem. Your hospital may be willing to give you discounted rates or charge you as a charity case.

Buy used and borrow

As tempting as it may be to go all out on your new baby’s clothes, this is an urge you should rein in as much as possible. After all, you know that the baby won’t be wearing them for long. Buying used clothes can save you an absolute fortune. eBay, charity stores and even dedicated online shops are an absolute treasure trove of cute, virtually new baby clothing at a fraction of the price that you’d pay in stores. And don’t forget your most precious resource… Other Moms. Any of your friends who’ve had kids recently will likely be more than happy to help you out by sending some of their kid’s old clothes your way. 

The same goes for strollers, buggies and even toys. You can even apply the same principle for your maternity clothes, too. Many new Moms are quick to get rid of maternity clothes they won’t be needing anymore, putting them up for sale online, taking them to the local charity store, selling them in yard sales or simply giving them away to friends.

Speaking of nice ways in which your friends can help you…

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Did somebody say “baby shower”?

A baby shower is not only a great way to keep in touch with friends old and new, but it can also be a wonderful source of cute free stuff that will help you to hit the proverbial ground running when your baby is born. While it may not be appropriate to outright ask friends or family for a baby shower, never underestimate the awesome power of… Dropping hints. 

Mentioning to your friends that you’re having a little trouble making ends meet or hinting to your Mom that you’re struggling to find an affordable stroller might be enough to get the party started. If someone close to you tells you that you’re planning a baby shower, by all means, give them a wish list. This will help you to avoid the risk of duplicate gifts and allow each of your guests to choose a gift that’s within their budget.

With patience, tenacity and a little know how anyone can cut the cost of pregnancy and feather their nests for motherhood. Try a few of these strategies and you’ll be able to enjoy the wonderful perks of life as a new parent, without being plagued by money worries.  

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