4 Tips to Plan A Cozy Get-Together

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From good music to comfort food to feeling closer to your loved ones, a cozy party is a great way to see off one year and head into the next. If you want to celebrate this latest change in your life, it’s no surprise you might be planning a get-together with your nearest and dearest. Of course, the days (and nights) of wild parties are long gone, but a cozy event is still just as enjoyable. 

Give Guests the Right Time 

No one likes waiting around for guests to arrive, but some guests also don’t want to be the first ones there. Still, you’re not as young as you once were, so you can’t waste time since the party will go well into the night anyway. Giving guests the right time, or at least a window means they can arrive at the perfect time. Some may feel like helping you set up, whereas others may have commitments before the party, so this should prevent everyone from arriving at once. 

Designate Who’s Doing What 

Potlucks are a great way to give everyone something to do and make the meal or other activities more exciting. A few weeks before the party, you can get in touch with everyone to see what they could bring. You may not even need to prepare a main dish, and if you have too much to do to cook, you can use services like Barrio Queen catering to supply something hearty and delicious. Other options include bringing booze, games, or just showing up at all. 

Make Your Home Welcoming 

A welcoming home will always set the mood for the rest of the evening, so cleaning up before the guests arrive is essential. You can also make sure you have the evening planned, including when to eat and when to start holiday party games that will keep the laughs (and drinks) flowing well into the night. You can also set up blankets and other cozy accessories for anyone who feels a little chilly as the night wears on while giving them slippers can also be a great way to make everyone feel welcome. 

Give Guests the Option to Stay 

If the drinks have come thick and fast, your guests may not be in optimal condition to drive home. While they can always get a taxi, you may feel more comfortable if they stay the night, especially if they drove beforehand. Setting up extra beds will give them a spot to crash and sleep off a little too much drink. If you want to be the perfect host, you can run to the store first thing in the morning to pick up breakfast food so they have something in their stomachs before heading home.

Getting Together 

Considering you don’t see your closest friends and family as often as you used to, a cozy get-together is a fantastic opportunity for everyone to catch up, have fun, and unwind while bringing the year to a close. With these tips, you’ll be able to see the new year with those you love more than anything and you can look forward to whatever’s still to come. 

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