3 Ways You’re Wasting Money On Clothes

Buying clothes is one of the biggest expenses for some people. If you want to look good, you’ll have to buy a load of new outfits every few months to keep things fresh, right?

Actually, you probably didn’t realize it but most people spend way more money on clothes than they need to. It’s a common misconception that cutting down on the amount you spend means sacrificing style but it doesn’t have to. If your monthly clothes bill is getting out of control, you’re probably making one of these mistakes.

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Not Getting The Most Out Of Outfits

This is a big one and most of us are guilty of it. If you buy a dress, for example, and only wear it in certain situations, you’re wasting money. Finding clothes that are more versatile that can be worn on a lot of different occasions is one of the best ways to cut down the amount of money that you’re spending on clothes.

The key to getting the most out of your outfits is to accessorize them well. If you do that, you’ll be able to create multiple outfits from the same couple of pieces, meaning you’re paying for one outfit instead of three. When you’re choosing accessories, always invest a little more money in good quality stuff that will last. Michael Kors accessories, in particular, are great. They’re stylish and good quality so it’s worth spending a little bit more money on.

Buying Cheap Clothes

It stands to reason that buying cheaper clothes will help you spend less money every month, but it’s not quite that simple. If you’re buying cheap clothes, they won’t last you that long and you’ll constantly be replacing them. But if you spend a little bit more money upfront, those clothes will last you a lot longer.

If you added up the cost of buying lots of cheap stuff and compared it with the cost of occasionally buying something a bit more expensive, you’d realize just how much money you’re wasting.

Buying Stuff You Won’t Wear

We’re all guilty of making impulse buys from time to time but if you’re just grabbing something off the shelf because it looks good, you might be wasting money. If it’s not something that you’ll ever actually wear, you might as well be flushing that money down the drain.

Before you spend money on anything, you should think about what occasions you would actually wear it on, if you can’t think of anything, it’s probably not a sensible purchase. The best thing to do if you’re unsure is left it and think about it for a while.

If you still want it next time you go shopping, pick it up then. Cutting down on those impulse buys is the best way to stop you from wasting money on your clothes. It also encourages you to make the most out of the stuff that you already have in your wardrobe.

Stop making these 3 mistakes and you’ll cut your clothes bill in half in no time.

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