100 More Items I no longer own as a Minimlaist

A.A. Milne (2)


Hello again, friends. Last week in my post The 100 Things I No Longer Own as a minimalist, I discussed that my end goal for becoming a minimalist was not simply to disinfect my home of affluenza, but to rid my life of distraction, discontentment, and to create my own version of Joie de vivre. I did this by challenging myself to go the contrarian route and list the first 100 things I no longer own

This post wasn’t simply a list of things that I have gotten rid of  because I wanted to immolate the life of anyone else, but a chronicle of the things I parted with in life to help me keep down from the Joneses. And I must say that it felt so cathartic to be able to document this personal minimalist progress in my life! 

And so here is a list of 100 more common household items my family happily lives without:

1. Large Glass bakeware- We donated all bakeware that would not fit in our toaster over. 
2. Vases- All unused. All 10 Donated.
3. Herb Scissors- We still grown herbs. We chiffonade herbs instead. 
4. Metal Spatulas- They scratch pans. Donated.
5. Electric Wok- We use our metal wok. Donated. 
6. Plastic Mixing bowls- We use glass mixing bowls instead. Donated. 
7. Tupperware- We use glass mason jars instead. 
8. Water pitchers- Donated. 
9. Emulsion Blender- Donated.
10. Newspapers- We no longer get papers delivered to our home.
11. Coupons- We no longer use printable and paper coupons. We use apps instead. Donated to Coups for Troops. 
12. Pill boxes- We use a select few vitamins and keep the pills in-bottle. Recycled.
13. Make-up bags- I keep two storage containers in my bathroom cabinet only. Donated.
14. Chip Clips- I use binder clips, if needed. Donated. 
15. Coupon binder- Donated to my husbands school. 
16. At-home paraffin wax machine- Donated. Personal beauty appliances (hair dryer/curlers, electric razors)
17. Electric Spa Foot Bath- Donated. 
18. Photos- Digitized all but a handful of photos, then recycled the rest. 
19. Photography supplies- Donated.
20. Sewing box- I kept one small travel sewing kit. My larger box was donated.
21. Quilting supplies- Donated.
22. Scrapbooking supplies- Donated.
23. Blank CD-Roms- Donated.
24. Blank DVD-R’s- Donated.
25. Willow Tree Collection- Sold last Autumn when KM’ed.
26. Votive Candle Holder- Donated.
27. Pumpkin Seed Figurines: Sold last Autumn when KM’ed. 
28. Crystal Goblets: Donated.
29: Acrylic Vases: Donated.
30. Audio/visual components- Donated to my husband’s school. 
31. Audio/visual cables- Donated to my husband’s school
32. Computer equipment- Donated to my husband’s school
33. Zune MP3 players- Sold online last Summer. 
34. iPod Classics- Sold online last Summer. 
35. PS3 Video game system and games: Traded-in to Game Stop last year for store credit. 
36. Playstation Video games: Traded-in to Amazon for store credit. 
37: Video game accessories: Traded-in to Amazon for store credit.
38. Blue iMac Computer: Donated last fall. 
39. Halloween decor- Donated last Halloween. 
40. Valentine’s Day decor- Donated last Autumn.
41. Gold clubs- Donated last Autumn.
42. Ski Hats- No longer needed in Mississippi. Donated. 
43. Metal Clothes hangers- donated on freecycle to a crafter.
44. Gold Shoes- Donated.
45. Winter ski boots- No longer needed in Mississippi. Donated. 
46. Costume Jewelry- Donated. 
47. Purses- I only use totes and wristlets. Everything else sent to Thredup for store credit. 
48. Tennis rackets- Donated. 
49. Guest bedroom furniture- We rarely have overnight company. Donated. 
50. Guest Towels- We rarely have overnight company. Donated.
51. Linen sets- We kept one set per season. All other sets donated. 
53. Crystal Candle Holders- Donated. 
54. 13″ Televisions- Unused in basement and shed any longer. Donated. 
55. Bulletin boards- Larger boards donated. 
56. Magnets- Recycled all but my I love Darcy magnet
57: Poster tubes- Recycled. 
58. Door Mirrors: We use bathroom mirrors or wing-it. Donated. 
59. Stamp and stamp pad sets- Donated to my husband’s school.
60. VCR- Unused. Donated. 
61. Old batteries- Recycled. 
62. VHS Tapes- Donated. 
63. CD Boom Box- Donated. 
64. Giant Cupcake Maker Pan Set- Donated. 
65. Styrofoam Coolers- Donated. 
66. Manuals- Digitzed, if needed. Recycled the rest. 
67. Language learning sets- Donated to my husband’s school. 
68. Soccer balls- Donated. 
69. Glass Beer Steins- Unused. Donated. 
70. Wine planks- Used for larger dinner parties we no longer host. Donated. 
71. Electric Wine Bottle opener- Donated. 
72. Used Glass bottles- Donated. 
73. Automobile fluids- Donated to local machanics class. 
74. Second Family Vehicle- We share a single vehicle now. We sold our van a year ago. 
75. Scrap pieces of lumber- Used in patio firepit this past winter. 
76. Corn Brooms- Donated. 
78. plastic Leaf Rakes- We kept our metal rake. Donated. 
79. Post Hole Digger- Donated. 
80. Dryer- We line, air, and rack dry. Sold this past Winter. 
81. Electric litter box- Donated to cat shelter. 
82. Empty cardboard boxes- Recycled.
83. Homeschooling materials- Donated. 
84. Puzzles- Donated.
85. Spoon rest- Donated. 
86. Cross Stiching Supplies- Donated. 
87. Baby clothes- Sent to Thredup for store credit. 
88. Electric Baby Wipe Warmer- Sold last Autumn.
89. Baby Bottle Warmer- Sold last Autumn.
90. Car Baby Bottle Warmer- Sold last Autumn. 
91. Baby Bath toys- Donated. 
92. Baby bathtub- Donated. 
93. Pack and play- Sold last Autumn. 
94. Electric keyboard- Donated. 
95. Small, Unused Stuffed animals- Donated. 
96. Plastic toy bins- Donated.
97. Season Clothes Storage Rack- Sold last Autumn. 
98. Suitcases- We kept two weekender bags. Donated all of our hard cases. 
99. SodaStream- Unused. We sold our unit and co2 tanks last Autumn. 
98. Shot glasses- Donated. 
99. Plastic measuring spoons- Donated. 
100. Christmas Tree Skirts- Donated. 

Well that’s it folks, 100 more common household items we no longer live with as a family. Items donated that help us step one foot closer to realizing our family dream of small, sustained, affordable minimalist living. Be sure to stay tuned for next Tuesday’s list of 100 Additional common household items we no longer live with. 

Here’s to living with less, 


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  • Reply Tanya @ Mom's Small Victories April 24, 2016 at 8:30 am

    I love that you are keeping track like this of what you get rid of. I’m going to be working on decluttering next week as soon as I get caught up on our expenses tracking. Thanks for sharing with Small Victories Sunday Linkup. Pinning to our linkup board and hope you found some great posts to visit this week!

    • Reply Nicole April 24, 2016 at 3:29 pm

      Thank you so much, Tanya! Have an awesome week!

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