Wonderbag caught my attention quite some time ago. As it’s advertised as a portable non-electric slow cooker, its sustainability made it a must-try on my list of small kitchen appliances to try out this year. After ll, why not save our planet’s energy and mine too?
What I like about Wonderbag:

Whad like most about Wonderbag? It works without electricity. Making it a truly green product. I also love its portability factor. In that, it can be used for camping, potlucks, or anywhere else without an outlet.
There’s also the companies mission statement. For every Wonderbag purchased in the U.S., another Wonderbag is donated to a family in need in Africa. As a former missionary to the continent, this is a philanthropic effort very near and dear to my heart.
Then there is the utilitarianism of the bag itself. For you can use it for up to twelve hours without drying out or burning your food. It’s machine washable on the gentle cycle and its temperature-controlling construction allows it to be used as both a cooker and cooler.
Wonderbag also comes in several fun prints. Which is a selling point for me as I’m currently fluctuating between being matchy matchy to minimalist-chic, a.k.a, gray everything. Which is subject to change as often as the wind bows. Making this product as practical as it is neat in design.
Review of the Wonderbag Portable Slow Cooker

Its no surprise, I love a small appliance. And I have had periods of obsession with both my Instapot and my Crockpot. Especially my Crockpot. So when the Wonderbag was presented as a greener alternative to crockpots, it was one of the major reasons for me to try this out at home.
With that said, there are differences between the two appliances. Namely, with the Wonderbag you cannot set it & forget it. Not without prep work.
You will essentially need a dutch oven and a heating source. For when using the Wonderbag, its best to know up front that in order to properly use this bag, you will need to boil for 5-20 minutes with every meal.
In testing out my Wonderbag, I opted to try out one of my favorite new recipes, Moroccan Soup. a recipe perfected by my friend Melissa, from the house of Plaid Fuzz. Here’s how it went:
Moroccan Soup Recipe For the Wonderbag
What I love most about this recipe is how easy it is to throw together. Using simple ingredients like green lentils, frozen butternut squash, potatoes, carrots, and garam masala, you have a soup on your hands that delicious. Especially on a cold winter day.

After prepping my ingredients, I added all my root vegetables, lentils, spics, and water to my cast iron dutch oven. Then, after bringing it to boil over medium-high heat for 20-minutes, I transferred the dutch oven to the Wonderbag to cook for 6 hours.
When I opened Wonderbag and lifted off the lid, the soup was pipping

I tried cooking several other crockpot recipes from this blog in Wonderbag too, so I can say with confidence that soups and stews are the easiest to make. I’m going to try cooking rice in it next (which is what Wonderbag recommends trying first) and then trying my hand at DIY vegan yogurt.
While there is definitely a learning curve, once you get the hand of the initial boiling process, the rest of a piece of cake. Or in this case, a cup of soup!
My recommendation? Start using the Wonderbag with a recipe you already know down pat with either a crockpot or instapot, and you’ll be golden.
Friends, it’s as easy as that to use the Wonderbag at home. And with soup season underway, what better time to try out a p9ece of greener innovation yourself at home!
Now I want to ask, have you tried the wonderbag at home? Or are
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