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Everyone knows that exercising regularly is supposed to be good for your health. But, sometimes, your fitness regime can cause problems. While everyone knows about the importance of warming up and cooling down correctly before their workout to avoid injury, you may not be aware of these other exercise-related issues. Here are some of the problems that can occur in the pursuit of achieving a healthy body, and how you can enjoy the benefits of physical activity without the unwanted side effects:
Common Workout Woes
Going to the gym is good for your health, but you may be more vulnerable to picking up colds and bugs if you are using shared gym equipment. To avoid picking up any germs during your visit, it is a wise idea to wipe over the equipment before using it for your workout. After you have finished your training, you may want to wash your hands or use a sanitizer gel before touching your face to prevent the spread of germs.
Another issue that can arise from your workout is pimples. The sweat generated by your workout can lead to breakouts occurring. There are a few ways to combat unwanted spots popping up after your gym session. Keep your hair off your face by tying it up and wearing a headband, especially if you have bangs to avoid sweat building up under the hair. Wearing makeup while exercising could also lead to more spots by clogging your pores. To prevent pimples from forming, it is also a good idea to cleanse your face as soon as you can after your workout.
Pool-Related Problems
Swimming and other pool-based activities, such as aqua aerobics, are an excellent form of exercise. Swimming is a perfect activity for building your stamina and endurance and an ideal way to improve your cardiovascular health without putting a strain on your joints. While swimming and aqua aerobics can help you reduce the impact of exercise, they can cause other issues.
A clogged ear or ears is a common problem for swimmers and is usually caused by water entering the ear. If you are a swimmer and have a blocked feeling in your ears, this may be caused by water entering your ears and causing a build-up of bacteria. If you experience blocked ears after swimming, it is vital to see a doctor to get it dealt with quickly in case it is caused by an infection.
Swimming regularly can improve your appearance by toning up and building muscle. However, the chlorinated water of the pool can cause issues for your hair and skin. If you swim regularly, you may find that your hair and skin feel and look dry and dehydrated. Ensuring that you find an effective moisturizer to help prevent your skin from becoming overly dry and irritated is vital if you spend a lot of time in the water. Choosing a shampoo that is specially designed for swimming and conditioning your hair regularly should help combat damage to your hair.
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