Sharing a house with other people is something almost all of us will do at one time or another. It’s a fantastic way to save some money on rent and utilities, make new friends when moving to a different city, and ensure that you always have someone to hang out with at home. Of course, there are also some potential downsides to living with roommates, including a lack of privacy, personality clashes, and disagreements over whose turn it is to clean the bathroom.
Luckily there are a few steps you can take to help minimize the chances of falling out with those you live with. Here are some of the best.
Set ground rules from the start
Whether you’re moving in with friends or strangers you met through roomclub.com; it’s best to have a discussion right away and put some ground rules in place that you’re all happy with. This could be anything from no loud music after 10 pm to always letting people know if you’re having a visitor over. It’s better to talk about your pet peeves in advance to avoid arguments in the future.
Be fair about money
Most of the time, the fairest way to deal with shared expenses such as utility bills and cleaning supplies is to split them equally. Make sure you’re all in agreement with this and then use money-sharing apps or a similar system to stick to it. Don’t be the one who always owes people money!
Split chores in a way you’re all happy with
Very few people enjoy cleaning, but sadly it’s a necessary part of life! Work out a chore chart or other system with your roommates so that everyone knows who is responsible for what and when. You could take turns with the worst tasks, such as cleaning the bathroom, or divide them up according to preference. It doesn’t matter what system you use as long as you’re all happy.
Communicate openly and honestly
It’s best to talk to your roommates if there’s something bothering you to avoid a small issue growing into a larger one. They might not even realize that what they’re doing irritates you and be happy to change their behavior after talking things over. Just make sure that you’re willing to compromise too.
Respect each other’s space and property
Just because you live with someone, it doesn’t mean that you have to share everything. Don’t barge into people’s private bedrooms without knocking, and don’t use their stuff without asking for permission. This includes eating their food, watching their movies, borrowing their clothes… everything! Even if you’re happy to share all your possessions, other people might feel differently.
Be considerate
Essentially, this is what it all comes down to. Consider how your actions will impact those you live with, and adjust your behavior accordingly – whether it’s playing music through headphones rather than out loud, always doing your dishes after meals, or asking before inviting lots of people over. Finally, don’t forget to set aside time to hang out with your roommates so you can get to know each other as friends too!
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