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Weekly Reflections: Highs and Lows For The Week Ahead!

Weekly Reflections: Highs and Lows For The Week Ahead!


Hello again, savvy savers! I wanted to end my weekly posts by bring the week to a close with a post about the reflections on this past week.

The highs for the week:

Starting to add new crafts to my online ETSY store!
Finishing two review novels; these reviews can be found here!
Losing two pounds.
Trying to expand my family!
The start of painting and redecorating my living room, dining room, and kitchen.
Continuing a daily devotional.
A visit for Memorial Day’s from the MIL & SIL!
Celebrating being out of graduate school for the next three months!

My lows for the week:

The trials and tribulations of a family members dementia, and eye surgery.

My quote for the week:

“I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend.” –Thomas Jefferson

My inspiration for the week:

Being able to not shop for any groceries, and living off of our stockpile!

My humor for the week:

My ability to take the changes that have come with being in my 30′s with a grain of salt!

Goals For The Coming Week:

Lose 1 pound, organize my basement, craft room, and stockpile, walk the fur-babies a 1/2 mile a day, have all blog assignments done on time, finish four product and boxed subscription reviews, oil paint for a few hours, take one hour for myself each night, and sleep 7 hours nightly!

Happy Sunday!