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Weekly Gardening Update: 5/4!

Weekly Gardening Update: 5/4!


Happy Sunday, everyone! Here is this weeks gardening post update!

This week I was able to plant half of my herbs, including my lavender, thyme, basil, lemon grass, parsley, bay leaves, and mint. Also, the tomato sprouts are coming up and in two weeks should be able to be thinned, and then planted outside! Even in the face of all the horrific storms this week, everything was thankfully spared, and growing right on schedule!

This finds my outdoor green beans six inches taller, greener, and lush as ever! Also, the squash plant, though small, is growing! In addition, my mum plants from last fall have doubled in size, and will have sucker that need to be plucked in the next few weeks! This week to come I will be planting my hill of strawberries, starting potato and sweet potato towers, as well as creating a summer butterfly flower bed!  Despite the pollen which can infiltrated every bed, tree, sidewalk, and encrusted my grill and smoker mats, everything is lush, green, and beautiful!

Here’s to next week!