Happy Sunday, everyone! Here is this weeks gardening post update!
This week I was able to plant several medicinal herbs, including chamomile and new aloe plants.
Also, my fall decorative plants, my indian corn, gourds, jack-o-lantern pumpkins, and canning pumpkins are now seeded. In addition, I was able to finish planting the seedlings which will be used as upside down plants outside on one of the lower tiers of my garden; various peppers and tomatoes will be used.
This week I was also able to bring outdoors the start of the ferns I brought indoors over the winter, my prim rose and portulacas I was able to purchase for a steal of a deal at only $3.00 a basket locally, as well as my larger cactus and lemon and orange trees!
In addition, this week finds my outdoor green beans yet another six inches taller, greener, and lush as ever! Also, the squash plant, though small, is growing, as is my pole bean plants! My mum plants from last fall have doubled in size, and will have sucker that need to be plucked in the next few weeks! This week to come I will be planting my hill of strawberries, starting potato and sweet potato towers, as well as creating a summer butterfly flower bed! Despite the pollen which can infiltrated every bed, tree, sidewalk, and encrusted my grill and smoker mats, everything is lush, green, and beautiful! Also, take note of my bulbed elephant ears just popping out from a winter’s nap! They will be amazing by mid-summer!
What’s still lovelier is my Great Pyrenees Puppy, Lady, who loves to help me in the garden, and showing off that she has learned to sit and stay on command at six months old; the fluff of a tail you see is my Shih Tzu, Sassy!
Here’s to next week!