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Week II Update!

Homegrown Saving: How To Create An Indoor Greenhouse, Week 2



Calling all my frugal gardening friends! For this weeks Garden Update, I wanted to share with you this weeks progress in my Indoor Garden Greenhouse set-up! This first week has seemed to fly by, and the seedling are off to a fantastic start! They have grown taller than their lids, so they are no free-standing under the grow lights for 16 hours daily; they are also being misted daily as well.

Take a look at the seedlings so far:

Here the seedlings, both the container green beans and yellow squash, are up close:

  green beans 2  squash seedlings 1  green beans 1

In addition to the container green beans and squash, this week I also planted rye, barley, and catnip seeds in a cute, coffee cup pot for my cats, which can be seen here:

catnip seeds 1

The garden is coming along well, and next week all of the shelves and lights will be up, as well I will start showing you all the progress in the outdoor garden, tilling of the garden, and we start the selection of pots for the upper patio container-variety of plants for this summer.

Here’s to growing!