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Thrifty Thursdays: Create Seperate Email Accounts For Coupons

Why You Should Create Separate Email Accounts For Coupons, Sweepstakes, and Product Offers!



Good morning, savvy savers! For this weeks Thrifty Thursday’s piece, I wanted to write about a no-brainer for us couponing folks, creating separate email accounts for coupons, sweepstakes, giveaways, freebies, and product offers! As you know, wading through a sea of emails, because your inbox is full of coupon-related messages, can be overwhelming. I recommend creating a separate email address to keep you organized and as stress-free as possible. I personally have two seperate email accounts, one for coupons and offers, and one for freebies that make you sign-up for offers; this send account is my “spam account.” With this said, here are a few tips to keep in mind when creating your new account:

Coupon Address: Start by creating a new email address. Either sign up with an alternative service provider, such as gmail, ymail, yahoo, or the like, rather than your personal email address. Be sure to keep separate tabs on on your internet browser, while online, so they are easily accessible to you. As well, add separate account to your mobile devices and gadgets, so that you can quickly check offers on the go!

Signing up: Use the newest address when you sign up for exclusive newsletters and offers.

Update: Make sure to update your current subscriptions to the new email address; most reputable companies and services provide a link (typically at the bottom of an e-newsletter) or allow an address change through profile settings.

Enjoy the freedom of a clean inbox!