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3 Debt-Free Ways For Adults To Afford To Go Back To School

Please note, this post is sponsored by Diamond Bloggers. All opinions are my own. Thank you.



More adults than ever are returning to college to get their bachelor’s or master’s degrees to advance their careers. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, an estimated 8.1 million students age 25 and older attend college will enroll in colleges and universities across this nation and matriculate this fall. With that number expected to grow by a whopping 18% percent by 2025.

While completing a degree can help you progress in your career field of choice, it can be quite expensive. With many adult students thinking that their educational pursuits may be out of reach due to their financial circumstances at home. Leavings struggling students heavily reliant on student loans and the racking up of debt.

However, as many adult students are considered demographically as nontraditional attendees, you might be eligible for debt-free financial aid and financing options. With the largest percentage of these options being easy-to-apply for scholarships for adults going back to school. Options that can reduce the cost of attending college and limit how much student loan debt you take on.

If you’re looking to go back to school as an adult student, here are the steps you should take to get started:

Complete the FAFSA

If you’re thinking of going back to school, the first thing you should do is complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The U.S. federal government, colleges, and universities will need to review your FAFSA in order to give you access to federal grants, loans, and work-study programs.

Search for Grants

Grants can be some of your best friends when it comes to financing your way back to school. Various grants are offered by the federal government and individual colleges and universities to nontraditional students. Since these are grants and not loans, they will not need to be repaid. Check with your local social clubs in your area, such as Civitans, your workplace’s HR department, as well as your university and colleges bursar’s department for available grant opportunities. Federal opportunities also exist, including the Federal Pell Grant. A need-based grant for undergraduate students of any age who can demonstrate financial need, with the average recipient receiving $5,920, as of January 2018.

For teaching professionals going back to school, you may also qualify for the federal Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant. Funds that can be applied to help you receive your Master’s, online and through traditional programs. Keep in mind, some grants will require you to finish your program as a full-time student to avoid grant repayment. And remember to apply early as grant funding may be limited.

Apply for Scholarships

Because college costs a lot more than it used to, the economy stinks, and state support for students has decreased substantially, applying for scholarships is a must for adult students returning to college. Scholarships also have benefits beyond finances including opportunities to network with college and university admissions officers and possible mentorship opportunities as well. This is why applying for scholarships is key to affording to go back to school.

Searching for scholarships can occur by searching for scholarship organizations and foundations as well as by seeking funding from scholarships funded by familiar sources, such as workplace opportunities, but I often find that business professionals often offer the most competitive scholarship opportunities available across the boars.

Currently, there are several awesome scholarships available to help you on your road to debt-recovery including the following:

Be sure to apply to receive a chance to receive the above-mentioned scholarships this season. Keep in mind, most will require a heartfelt 500-word essay. But don’t let this deter you because every little bit helps when it comes to building your debt-free tomorrow!

Friends, those are the 3 steps to help you start the process of financing your journey back-to-school this season. Now I want to ask, will you be going back to school this year and which of these great scholarships will you apply to? Share your thoughts below!
