Good morning, savvy savers! For this weeks Savings On The Go With A Cup of Joe series post, I wanted to discuss one of the easiest ways I have found to save my family money, an itemized savings book.
I purchase a 4-column pad, from Office Depot, and use this book to keep a log of my monthly expenses!
The book holds all my expenses at a glance. I divide the book as follows:
Space 1: Expenses Named
Column 1: Amount Owed, Per Month
Column 2: Amount Paid, Per Month
Column 3: Interest Accumulated (If Any)
Column 4: Balance Owed
I find that having an actual book helps keep me accountable for my expenses. I like the feeling of physically writing down what I owe each month, seeing how much interest I pay, how much I am able to pay, how high or low my owed balances are, and see a crossed off column as bills are paid-off!
This is one method that has helped me stay financially responsible, and I hope it might help you as well.
Here’s to saving!