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Perfectly Positive: 2013 Valpak Savings Institute Research Findings!

2013 Valpak Savings Institute Research Findings



Good afternoon, savvy savers! For this weeks Perfectly  Positive post, I wanted to bring to your attention the findings of the 2013 Valpak Research Institutes Finding on household coupon usage!

According to the research:

-The average household can save up to $10,000 through couponing.

-Only 3-4% of couponers identified themselves as “Extreme Savers.”

-One-in-five consumers feel victorious (22%) after using coupons.

-Female couponers are 20% more likely than their male counterparts to receive emotional satisfaction from using coupons (69% vs. 57%).

-Nearly half of respondents age 18-34 said they feel responsible when they use coupons.

According to this research, women who coupon feel responsible, sapale, and self-sufficient! What do I say to these findings? Score one for the couponers!

Here’s to saving!