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Part III!

An Additive of Gratitude, Part III!

Hello again, savvy savers! I wanted to continue my weekly “Attitude of Gratitude-style” post. I will be following this trend for the rest of the holiday season, and each weeks reflections, will reflect the calendar date of each post. I encourage all of my fellow blogging friends, readers, family, and friends-at-large to join in as well. For me, this post series is greatly overdue.


So, without further ado… here are the 23 REASONS I AM GRATEFUL THIS WEEK:

  1. This past month, my beloved husband, friend, and confident, Daniel, turned the big 4-0, in such a gracious manner, that I was truly proud of him!
  2. This past week, my husband brought home a new fur-baby, Glenda, a rescue, who after a clean bill of health from our family veterinarian, has already proven to be a loving, thoughtful companion, and helps prove that the old adage, “who rescued who,” to be more than the truth, in our case!
  3. I lost an additional two pounds, as part of my healthier lifestyle, and am hopeful to lose more!
  4. Last week my website hit 500,000 views; I am truly blessed to have reached so many readers since March of this year, and am grateful for all of my readers!
  5. I am having continued success with my ETSY shop, and am loving all of the positive comments, conversations, likes, favorites, and orders this holiday season!
  6. I have finished up my holiday shopping for this holiday season, and came in under budget!
  7. I plan to take some time this afternoon to clean out, organize, and inventory my deep freezer, freezer, and refrigerators; I am grateful for the abundance of groceries, food staples, and other blessings that couponing has allotted my family this past year. I plan to donate 20% of our non-perishable food staples this week to a local soup kitchen and my husband’s school food drive, so that we may pass our blessings onto others!
  8. I am grateful for falling leaves. I somehow love the quiet moments, early in the morning, where I alone can creep across my yard, to fetch the morning paper, while listening to the crunch of leaves beneath my feet, the glow of brilliant fall foliage in sight, and the feel of chill in the air. I long for the days of Autumn!
  9. Finally, I am grateful for my three overgrown puppies, Sassy, Roxie, and Lady. My girls were so ecstatic this morning to receive a new treat from the store, and just the fact that a binky and ball makes there day, makes mine, too; I strive to be the kind of person my pups think I am!
  10. I am grateful for warm, seasonal crockpot meals on cool Fall nights.
  11. I am grateful for having a husband who has not just a true heart for God, but a desire to help others in the process.
  12. I am grateful for being a product reviewer; being able to bring my readers, friends, and family new, affordable products that will make their lives easier, is comforting to me!
  13. I am grateful for silence; I enjoy nothing more than waking up on cool Fall mornings, to a silent house, a cup of warm chai, and the sound of nothingness. There is a contentedness that I find in silence that I long for and crave. 
  14. I am grateful for being a book reviewer; I have been afforded the opportunity to read so many amazing pre-released works from authors previously unknown to me, and the opportunity to share their works with others is always a shared blessing, in the ability to in the greatness of the written word. There is something to be said for the sense of accomplishment that one feel when a good book closes for the last time, on the last page, the sense of forlorn consideration that comes with having to leave newly made literary friends, that no sort of electronic reader can come close to! 
  15. I am grateful for silly pet moments; bringing home a new dog bed and smoked ham bones for my dogs brought forth grins and smiles all around this morning! 
  16. I am grateful for Sundays spent in pajamas and sweat pants; there is something to be said for being comfortable in one’s own home! 
  17. I am grateful for sturdy, funky, rubber gardening clogs… my true gardening buddies! 
  18. I am grateful for the increased number of healthy, organic produce deals on my favorite shopping apps; this past week I saved $11.00 on produce! 
  19.  I am grateful for my family budget plan; for the past three years my husband and I have gradually increased our savings, retirement accounts, and monthly charitable contributions due to the changes our budget has allotted us! 
  20.  I am grateful for a husband who enjoys helping our family recycle; the example he sets for others in this manner is stellar! 
  21.  I am grateful for lower gas prices nationally at the moment; I was able to fill my gas tank up Friday for under $25.00 for the first time in three years! 
  22.  I am grateful for a warm, low-humid Fall day; it was 74 degrees today and simply glorious to behold! 
  23. I am grateful for the gentleman today, who on his only day off this week, manned the Salvation Army Holiday Change Station, at my local Winn-Dixie, and despite his age, he displayed such a graceful attitude of gratitude, I was proud to know that gentleman such as this, live in my community. 

Happy Sunday!
