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Part I

Weekly Goals & Reflections: An Additive of Gratitude, Part I!



Hello again, savvy savers! I wanted to end my weekly posts by bring the week to a close with a post about the reflections on this past week. This weeks reflections are going to be slightly different, in that I want to focus this weeks post, not on what I hope to accomplish, but on what I am most thankful for this past week. I wish to continue this series for the remainder of the year, as an “Attitude of Gratitude-style” post. I will be following this trend for the rest of the holiday season, and each weeks reflections, will reflect the calendar date of each post. I encourage all of my fellow blogging friends, readers, family, and friends-at-large to join in as well.



So, without further ado… here are the NINE REASONS I AM GRATEFUL THIS WEEK:

  1. This past Friday, my beloved husband, friend, and confident, Daniel, turned the big 4-0, in such a gracious manner, that I was truly proud of him!
  2. This past week, my husband brought home a new fur-baby, Glenda, a rescue, who after a clean bill of health from our family veterinarian, has already proven to be a loving, thoughtful companion, and helps prove that the old adage, “who rescued who,” to be more than the truth, in our case!
  3. I lost an additional two pounds, as part of my healthier lifestyle, and am hopeful to lose more!
  4. This week my website hit 500,000 views; I am truly blessed to have reached so many readers since March of this year, and am grateful for all of my readers!
  5. I am having continued success with my ETSY shop, and am loving all of the positive comments, conversations, likes, favorites, and orders this holiday season!
  6. I have finished up my holiday shopping for this holiday season, and came in under budget!
  7. I plan to take some time this afternoon to clean out, organize, and inventory my deep freezer, freezer, and refrigerators; I am grateful for the abundance of groceries, food staples, and other blessings that couponing has allotted my family this past year. I plan to donate 20% of our non-perishable food staples this week to a local soup kitchen and my husband’s school food drive, so that we may pass our blessings onto others!
  8. I am grateful for falling leaves. I somehow love the quiet moments, early in the morning, where I alone can creep across my yard, to fetch the morning paper, while listening to the crunch of leaves beneath my feet, the glow of brilliant fall foliage in sight, and the feel of chill in the air. I long for the days of Autumn!
  9. Finally, I am grateful for my three overgrown puppies, Sassy, Roxie, and Lady. My girls were so ecstatic this morning to receive a new treat from the store, and just the fact that a binky and ball makes there day, makes mine, too; I strive to be the kind of person my pups think I am!

Happy Sunday!


How To Garden On A Budget, Part I



Hello, savvy savers! With Spring but a few short months away, I wanted to start blogging about my upcoming garden! I know that many people are on the lookout for cheap, economical ways to eat organic, fresh produce on a dime, and I am as well. This year, I will be gardening myself, canning, and living off of what I can grow; I hope to accomplish this using simple, time-tested natural gardening methods! In addition to this, I will be keeping a running tally of all my gardening costs and expenses, so that you at home can see what growing yourself might cost, compared to buying in-store produce! So, I thank you all for starting this journey with me!

So, my first post will be about the basics, and my basics, I mean just that, the basics.

Step 1: Plan what you will grow. Sit down and plan what you would like to eat; while doing this consider how much space, time, availability of materials you will have at your disposal, will you have help in gardening, and what you will do with the produce once you have it.


I’ve made my list, which I will post later this week.

Step 2: Purchase a Farmer’s Almanac, and look at your growing zone and see when you will need to plant.


I purchased my almanac at my local Dollar Tree for $0.50!

Step 3: Seeds. This past week, I spend several hours researching seeds, seed cost, seed quality, and seed availability in my area. I spoke to friends and family who all suggested that heirloom seeds, although expensive, were the way to go. After researching this idea, I decided on another method. I stopped by my local dollar Tree and purchased both my vegetable seeds, as well as my flower seeds; I purchased both the both shade and flower bed mixes as well as packets for my veggies and flowers!

For $15.00, I was able to buy 48 packets of flowers and veggies, all at $0.25 a packet, and then three boxes of seed mixes for flower beds and around trees. As seeds range in price from $1-6.00 a packet at Walmart, this is a steal in my opinion! Add to this, of the 48 packets purchased, I was able to buy ten different herbs including Sage, Oregano, Lavender, Parsley, and Thyme! I am supper excited about this purchase. As well, I would encourage those wanting to plant to buy seeds at the Dollar Tree early as my local manager said that many stores were sold out by March last year!

Keep in mind, I was not able to buy certain starters such as berries, vines, potatoes, garlic, and onion sprouts yet, I am working on a cheap fix for this as well, and will be blogging on this topic in the weeks to come!

In the meanwhile, I am fifteen dollars into my garden, and feeling very satisfied!


Until later, I’ll be tilling around gardening ideas in my head!