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Organizational Tips: Hanging Utility Closet Organizer!

Organizational Tips: Hanging Utility Closet Organizer!


Good morning, savvy savers! For this weeks Organizational Tip, I wanted to show you how I organize my hallway utility closet. I use a very basic hanging shoe organizer, purchased online for under 10.00!

The organizer holds everything:

  • cleaning clothes and wipes
  • buffing pads
  • steamer clothes
  • air fresheners
  • batteries
  • mini flashlights
  • puppy pads
  • emergency candles
  • small accordion files which hold appliance instructions and warranties
  • interchangeable parts for my Shark Vacuum
  • and cordless keyboards and car detailing kits

I love being able to use a basic, vertical surface to hold what use to be a laundry basket full of miscellaneous household and cleaning items in my utility closet! This organizer has freed up three kitchen drawers, a bin in my shed, and allows me to know exactly where emergency items are when needed the most! I love knowing just where everything is without having to endlessly search drawers, cabinets, bins, and the like looking for that one small, evasive item desperately needed to finish my task at hand! This small purchase has made a major impact on the functionality of my home!

Here’s to organizing!


Organizational Tips: Hanging Utility Closet Organizer!


Good morning, savvy savers! For this weeks Organizational Tip, I wanted to show you how I organize my hallway utility closet. I use a very basic hanging shoe organizer! This organizer was purchased online, via, and cost under $10.00; I received it for free after redeeming survey points for an Amazon gift card. The organizer holds everything from cleaning clothes and wipes, to buffing pads, steamer clothes, air fresheners, batteries, mini flashlights, puppy pads, small accordion files which hold appliance instructions, and even space and interchangeable parts for my Shark Vacuum and cordless keyboards and car detailing kits! I love being able to use a basic, vertical surface to hold what use to be a laundry basket full of miscellaneous household and cleaning items in my utility closet!

Here’s to organizing!