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no spend month cleaning

June No-Spend Month Challenge: Day 8 (Preparing For A Purge)


Hello again, savvy savers! Happy Sunday! Can you believe we are a week into a No-Spending Month Challenge! 

 A full day, a new way to find to save at home! This last week, we focused the first part of the week on pantry organization, organizing food swap days, creating meals based on pantry staples, and then switched focus to alternative pantry re-stocking methods, including starting and maintaining a coupon swap, rain-check shopping, and saving money on the grocery bill, and monthly expenses for that matter, by channeling funds from utility premiums back into your overall family/personal budgets. So you could say, last week was all about food! 

This coming week I want to change course. I want to focus on our homes. I want to focus on all of the cluttered, chaotic, dirty, overlooked blemishes that hinder out overall vision of what a simple, efficient can bring into our day-to-day existences.  

This week we are going tackle the chaos that be head on.  We are going to scrub, dust,  sort, purge, evaluate, and hopefully make a profit in the process! No matter is you rent, lease, or own there is work to be done! No matter if your home is showcase worthy or disaster-adjacent, there is something can can be done to better your home this coming week! 


Paleo - it starts with your mindset!


This week will be slow. This week will seem awful. This week will leave you feeling wonderful.  

So today I challenge you two fold. First, I challenge you to make a list of four areas in your home that need organization, cleaning, sorting, or the like. Secondly, I challenge you to prepare to clean this week. 

As well, in addition to the challenges ahead of you today, I encourage you to procure from your home the following:

  • A large basket, bin, or box.
  • A clipboard with paper, or notepad.
  • A few pens, markers, or sharpies.
  • Three empty bags, bins, or boxes large enough to hold a load of laundry or like items. 
  • A handful of sponges or rags.

Nothing too dramatic today! So, be sure to have a cup of coffee or tea, take a moment to collect your thoughts, write your list, and then mosey on back here this evening to see today’s recap!

Here’s to saving,
