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Natural Pesticide Spray

Organic, Natural Pesticide Spray, For Under $1.00!


Hello again, savvy savers! Yesterday I received the following message from reader, Nicole:

I’m a single mother and this is my 2nd year trying this. (Last year bugs ate all my crops) i was wondering if you by chance had a recipe or cheap pesticide so my daughter (and myself) don’t go through the unbearable site of our crops being eaten again?

Well, Nicole I concur. Garden pests are one of the few things I find simply deplorable; working day in and day out on weekends, tilling a patch growing seeds by hand, waiting for seeds to germinate, be planted, nurtured, and mature, only to be eaten- by pesky garden bugs! What could be more frustrating, in terms of gardening? Whether it’s the snails taking over your lettuce, or the aphids decimating on your roses — it’s annoying! But fear not, there is no need to again reach for harmful, toxic sprays as I am going to share my go-to recipe for DIY, Natural, Organic Garden Pesticide Spray!

This spray is easy to keep on hand, costs under $1.00 to make, and should take care of most of those annoying common pests such as aphids, mites, white flies, thrips, Japanese Beetles, borers, grasshoppers, mealy bugs, and slugs. Garlic also deters larger pest like deer and rabbit.

Here is how to make your pesticide base:

  • Spray bottle
  • Strainer
  • Funnel
  • Glass Bowl
  • 1 1/2 Teaspoons Murphy’s Oil Soap
  • 25 Drops of Lemon Essential Oil
  • 3 Tablespoons Olive Oil
  • 3 Tablespoons Baking soda
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Garlic Powder
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Chili powder
  • 1 Quart Water


  1. Take your water and heat until warm; place into your bowl.
  2. Next, add the baking soda and oil to the water until it dissolves. 
  3. Add all your spices and stir until mixed. 
  4. Cover your bowl and let sit overnight to steep.
  5. The next day, strain over a strainer and funnel into a spray bottle.
  6. Add your essential oil.
  7. Your spray is ready for use.
  8. This blend will last one month. 

Please note: Always spray your plants with this blend in the morning, before the sun is too hot or you run the risk of burning the leaves of your plant; generally before 11 am and before the outside temperature is 80 degrees. Also, while this spray is non-toxic, it will kill beneficial bugs along with the harmful ones, too. I recommend using these sprays sparingly, only treating the infected plants, not with a garden sprayer or the like. Enjoy!

Here’s to gardening,



(Please note, this blend was first seen on