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Battle Of The Bulge, Budget-Style: My Go-To Gluten-Free Lifestyle Apps!

Hello again, savvy savers! Today I am starting another new blog series, Battle Of The Bulge, Budget-Style! I will be focusing on ways to live a healthier, more active lifestyle while be able to afford clean, organic, obtainable foods! I believe this series can be worthwhile for many, who like myself, wish to get more in shape, not through crash-dieting but by small attainable lifestyle changes!  All of the changes I propose will be free or affordable, and most meals and plans will contain couponed savings or deals! Fads are fancy, but coupons are a commitment! With that said, here is where I am currently: I have a family history of high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer. I am looking to lose 60 lbs., find affordable non-gym membership options for working out, and change the way I consume food; this includes meals, snacks, and splurges!

Today I am 31 years young, I am 5’6”, and weigh 195 lbs; I am down two pounds since last week. I walk my dogs but beyond this am not terribly active. My lifestyle causes sedentary behaviors; I work-from-home, blog, run two internet businesses, and perform advocacy work online as well. I am an internet-based excuses queen! Today finds my continued yoga, meditation, walking my dogs, using a pedometer, portioning my meals, and monthly proportional self-measuring!

So, for this weeks series post I wanted to share three of my favorite diet-friendly apps, and these are the two apps that I use to help control my gluten consumption!

1. ipiit, the Food Ambassador

App features

  • You can shop for gluten-free options by scanning item barcodes in-store, you instantly know whether it has gluten or not.
  • For off-limit items, the app gives you a list of alternate items that are safe to buy.

2. Su-Chef

This free app (for iPhone and iPad) features 25 different menu guides for a variety of special diets (from gf to diabetic, dairy free to vegetarian).

App features

  • The app includes 200,000+ recipes, and stores that offer the items needed for these recipes, and budgets.

So, these are a few of my go-to apps help me to make healthier, more budgeted recipes and shopping trips, and as both apps are free, this is a win-win!

Here’s to health,
