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For Only $0.08!

DIY Electronic Spray, For Only $0.08!


Recently, I was in need of electronics cleaner for my computer, laptops, and tablets, and so I set off to Best Buy to browse, only to find that the average electronics spray cost $13.00! So, I set out to make my own!

I use 1 cup isopropyl alcohol, or rubbing alcohol, and 1 cup distilled water, in a spray bottle as my cleaner! Each cleaning, for nearly thirty appliances costs me $0.08! As well, I use a clean, white tee-shirt, cut up to clean my appliances, as well; never use paper towels for this sort of cleaning. A rule of thumbs is to spray four sprayed onto the cloth to clean; never directly spray appliances or electronics with spray!

I use this blend on: eyeglasses, my TIVO, tv’s, computers, tablets, iphones, and more!

This spray is both a time and money-saver!
