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February No-Spend Month Challenge: Day 9 Recap

February No-Spend Month Challenge: Day 9 Recap


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Hello again, savvy savers! I hope everyone’s Monday without without a hitch, as mine did not! 

So, today I challenged you all to accomplish three tasks:

  1. To tackle a one hour cleaning challenge: you will need to start by a visual de-cluttering and surface cleaning of your home. 
  2. To establish a three box donation, toss, and recycling hub in your home; set up three boxes that can be used this week for ending cluttering.
  3. To establish an evening cleaning ritual.


decluttering zone


So today was I able to accomplish my cleaning goals, yes! Was I able to accomplish little more, no! Earlier this morning two transformers in my area failed, rending my home office inept, and my home without power. Thank goodness for gas heating, you know? 


selling zone


Today I completed my morning routine (see below), preformed a 1-hour, no-power needed cleaning routine ( I vacuum after I regained power), and then established a three bin system for upcycled items, trash, and donations. I also created a bin for items which can be listed for sale online next week. Each time my boxes filled, I emptied them accordingly; with upclcyed items being placed in my basement for Spring projects and donations in reusable bags, placed in my trunk for donating in the evening tomorrow. Amazon Pantry boxes make the best boxes for such a project! An easy day, but a good day, if I say so myself!


purse cleanout


As well today, I was also able to accomplish:

  1. As part of my #Choose30 Daily Challenge, I woke up at 7:25, walked my fur babies, showered, & dressed to my shoes. (Thanks, Flylady!)
  2. Worked on my daily Motivated Moms Planner.
  3. I completed Money Saving Mom’s Monday deep cleaning project, a purse decluttering! 
  4. I finished today’s Day 9 No-Spend Challenge!
  5. I cooked from my pantry for each meal.
  6. Read my daily devotional.
  7. I planned out the rest of the months daily challenge posts! 




What I missed today:

  • Work, ha! 
  • A Skype Chat with the ladies of the Merry Monday Linky Party!
  • Scheduling posts for my blog.
  • Any and all product reviews.
  • Earning survey points/ gift cards.

Today I saved:

  • I eat at home this evening for dinner, saving our family $6.95. 
  • I recycled, upcycled, and composted one bins of deluge, and saved $0.25, the cost of 1 trash bag. 
  • My family drank water today, and saved $0.69, the cost of a 2-liter of soda.
  • I also did not watch cable tv, and saved $3.68 by doing so.
  • I lost a half day’s worth of electricity costs, and saved $3.00! 

So, overall today my family saved: $14.57

This months savings goal remaining: $403.09

 A full day, a new way to find to save at home! Be sure to come back tomorrow morning for a new day’s challenge!


Here’s to saving,




Challenge Links: