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5 Tips on How to Stay Healthy During Fall Allergy, Cold & Flu Season

Please note, this post is sponsored by All opinions expressed are my own. Thank you.

When it comes to fall allergy season as well as cold and flu season, the old adage is true, that an ounce of prevention is always worth a pound of cure. So are we are currently in the midst of one of the worst flu season’s on record, it’s more important than ever to find ways to prevent flu and cold symptoms in our lives, especially in our homes this season. With this in mind, here are seven tips to help you prevent at all season long:

Wash your hands often

Let’s face it, the effort is key when it comes to protecting your family this germ season. You have to do better than a quick rinse under the faucet. Do this by rubbing your hands together with soap and warm water vigorously for at least 20 seconds. Paying attention not to forget the areas between your fingers and under your nails, and then pat your hands dry. And remember, keep your hands away from your nose, mouth, and face to help to prevent illness.

For times when you cannot use soap and water to wash your hands, then I recommend Desert Essence Probiotic Hand Sanitizer. It is a pure, potent hand sanitizer that kills 99.99% of germs while delivering good bacteria courtesy of probiotic-packed Kefir, which nourishes and conditions the skin. It uses a combination of botanical extracts including Tea Tree Oil, Thyme, Elderberry, and Echinacea to help reduce bacteria.

Using patented “membrane”  technology that creates a “membrane,” or protective screen, a Desert Essence Probiotic Hand Sanitizer formula’s probiotic-rich formula, providing users with sanitization and the added benefits of gut-building flora. This one-of-a-kind sanitizer neither kills the probiotic, nor neutralizes flora, but rather helps facilitate the removal of harmful bacteria from hands while ensuring that gut-friendly flora thrives. 

You can find Desert Essence Probiotic Hand Sanitizer available here for purchase and you can use promo code DEprobioticpower to get 30% off Desert Essence Probiotic Hand Sanitizers. You can also check this store list to see if a retailer carries Desert Essence Probiotic Hand Sanitizers near you. Or use promo code DEprobioticpower for 30% off Desert Essence Probiotic Hand Sanitizers when visiting

Sanitize surfaces

Stopping the spread of germs doesn’t stop with our hands. Making sure you clean and disinfect hard surfaces such as countertops, tables, refrigerator handles, doorknobs, and faucets in your home is a must this season, too. Including the surfaces of our most-used items, including TV remotes, computers, laptops, tablets, toys, and phones, too. Some germs can live in these spots, in small creases for up to 24 hours, so make sure you clean with a disinfectant or disinfecting wipes, or 1/4 cup of vinegar mixed with 1 gallon of water and 10 drops of lavender essential oil.

Steer clear of the sick

It can be tough to completely avoid a sick person in your house, especially if you’re a caretaker. But sometimes the best thing you can do to stay well is to keep your distance. If you can, give the sick person their own room for sleeping and relaxing. Stock it with the items they’ll need, like tissues, a trash can, medicine, and bottles of water. And limit their guests, so that the only person who should go in and out of the sick-room is the person taking care of them.

Pamper your immune system

Your body does a remarkable job protecting you from illnesses most of the time, eating lots of fruits and veggies, and making sure you get plenty of rest, can help you out as well. Also making sure to add daily exercise, keeping stress in check, and limiting alcohol as well.

Close your toilet lid before flushing

You really should put the toilet seat down. No really! While it may put some household arguments to rest, the real reason to close the toilet lid is a phenomenon known as a toilet plume. When you flush a toilet, the swirling water that removes your waste from the bowl also mixes with small particles of that waste, shooting aerosolized feces and urine into the air. Low-flow toilets have decreased this risk but have not eliminated this and as aerosol plumes can reach as high as 15 feet, closing the lid is a must!

Get a flu shot

While this may be controversial to some, it’s also worth noting that getting a flu shot is still one of the surest ways to stay well each cold and flu season. Flu vaccines cause antibodies to develop in the body about two weeks after vaccination, antibodies provide protection against infection with the viruses that are in the vaccine. The seasonal flu vaccine protects against the influenza viruses that research indicates will be most common illness this season. As the vaccine is different every year, so it’s vital to make sure yours is up-to-date each season.

Don’t overshare

One of the best ways to prevent cold and flu at home is by not sharing food or drinks, cups, utensils, or towels with people who are sick in your home. Also, don’t forget to throw out toothbrushes after everyone gets well and to keep a sick person’s toothbrush separate from the rest of your family’s. They can be a breeding ground for germs. A great tip? Trade out plastic toothbrushes for naturally antimicrobial, compostable toothbrushes. As well, don’t let anyone share pillows and blankets with anyone who is sick, and they should have their own bedding, in their own space in the house. Then, once he’s better, wash everything he used. The same goes for toys and playtimes, too!

Friends, those are 7 tips to help prevent germs at home this fall allergy, flu, and cold season. While you may not be able to prevent every illness under the sun from coming into your home this season, these tips may be able to help you and your family stay healthier at home just the same! Also, make sure to follow Desert Essence on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for more product information, sales, and giveaways. So, now I want to ask, do you have any tips for preventing germs at home this fall? I’d love to hear about them below.