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20 Things You Should Do For Yourself In 2020

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2020 is almost upon us and what better excuse to do some things for yourself. Try a list of 20 things and see what difference it makes to your life. Here are some ideas to get your mind buzzing:

Do a 30-Day Challenge

30-day challenges are an excellent idea because they don’t require too much sacrifice. You get the opportunity to try a new habit just for a month, and then you can decide whether you want to continue doing it. 

Keep A Journal

It doesn’t have to be full of your thoughts and feelings necessarily, but a record of what you’ve done and how you felt. 

Do a Social Media Friend Purge

Go through your social media accounts and remove friends, groups, and pages if they no longer serve you a positive purpose.

Try something You’ve Never Done

What have you never done before? Have you ever been horse riding? Have you ever been on a boat? Whatever it is, do it! 

Go To A Restaurant You’ve Never Been to Before

Do you always go to the same places over and over again? Switch it up a bit; you may find a new favorite. 

Improve Your Health

Focus on your health this year and make sure it’s a priority.

Drink More Water

As part of improving your health, make it a point to drink more water. Buy yourself one of those trendy reusable bottles and set yourself a challenge to drink as much as you can each day.

Go over to the Leafy Side

Also, add more vegetables to every meal you have. 

Go to the Dentist

Go to the dentist, stop putting it off. 

Get Your Eyes and Ears Checked

It’s also good to know where you’re at with your eyes and ears; hearing loss can happen very slowly, so make sure you go and get checked.

Do More Exercise

Make an effort to do some more exercise, this doesn’t mean you have to join the gym, but you could make one of the 30-day challenges or try doing something like the Couch 2 5K.

Walk More

 Try using the car less, if you can walk it, then why not? It’s good exercise, and the fresh air will make you feel good.

Pamper Yourself

Make it a point to treat yourself, whether it’s to a massage, a manicure, or getting your hair done. Whatever it is, make sure you give yourself a bit of pampering now and again.

Start Volunteering

There’s plenty of things you can do to volunteer and that will not only make you feel good about yourself but will help people too.

Go Away On Your Own

Have you ever been for a weekend away on your own or a holiday? If not then give it a try.

Save Spare Change

If you can’t commit to saving a big chunk of your salary each month then start small and save your spare change, you could end up with a nice little spot at the end of the year.

Start A Side Hustle

Everyone’s got a side hustle these days, so why don’t you give it a try? It could be babysitting, starting a blog or online business or selling things on eBay.


Make a list of where you’d like to go and make an effort to do it.

Practice Gratitude

At the end of the beginning of each day, write down three things that you are grateful for. Even if it has been a horrible day, but you had a nice bath at the end of it or a glass of wine, write that down. 

Be Positive

Be more aware of your thoughts and feelings, and if you notice yourself being negative, or excessively complaining, spin it around and see the positive. You’ll notice your life becoming much happier if you do this.