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5 Tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc., Abreva, Clorox, Theraflu and TYLENOL®. All opinions are mine alone. #AHealthyHolidays #CollectiveBias


5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

November. That brief moment in time when the weather cools down, the air gets crisp, and when the falling leaves are replaced with holiday greenery. The time of year when the holiday season is just around the corner! But with all that sparkles this time of year, there’s also a few not so lovely parts of the season as well. Namely, the start to the germ season!

If your family is anything like mine, then you know what a damper the germ season can put on fun family festivities at home! Afterall, how can you be the hostess with the mostest this holiday season with a family in the throws of the germ season?

In my home, we’ve officially been in germ season for the past month and it’s been circling our family for the past several weeks. Starting with my husband’s students, then the kiddos and myself, and finally my husband. 

Luckily, we’re all on the mend at home thanks in no small part to my family having been prepared to tackle the germ season. And thankfully, it’s super simple for you to get your family prepared at home for the germ season to do the same! With that in mind, here are my 5 tips to getting your family prepared for germ season at home.

1) Create a Winter Home Germ Season Survival Kit. A month before the start of each germ season, I create for my family a Winter Home Germ Season Survival Kit. In this kit contains:

  • An easy-to-clean Metal 4-Compartment Caddy
  • OTC Germ Season Medicines
  • Cold Sore Medicine
  • Reusable Tissues
  • Thermometer

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

Making this kit was super simple as I was able to pick-up everything I needed, minus my caddy (which I already had on-hand at home), was available for quick pick-up at my local Kroger. With everything, I needed locating right on the pain relief and lip care aisles.

Here’s what I picked up for my germ season caddy at home:

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

Abreva: My family has never gone through a germ season without someone getting a cold sore, so I always make sure to keep an Abreva Pump in my Home Germ Survival Kit. Because when used at the first sign of cold sores (you know, the tingle on your lip that lets you know a present is on the way) delivers healing relief. 

I love that Abreva is easy to apply, can heal your cold sore in as little as 2 1/2 days, and is the only FDA approved OTC medicine to shorten healing time. For us, nothing heals our cold sores faster than Abreva. Making it a staple in our germ season survival kit!

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

Theraflu: I like to pick up a box of both the Theraflu Multi-symptom Cold and Flu Relief and the Day Night Pack of Theraflu. This makes sure that no matter what symptoms crop up at home during germ season, my family is well taken care of.

Theraflu provides my family with powerful relief without a prescription and the Multi-symptom severe packets are the #1 cold & flu hot liquid brand for powerful symptom relief.*

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

TYLENOL® Cold + Flu Severe Warming Honey Lemon Liquid: For myself, I always pick up the TYLENOL® Cold + Flu Severe Warming Honey Lemon Liquid. It provides me with all day relief, of cold and flu symptoms at home and is the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand to help stop your painful coughing, congestion & sore throat each germ season! It also does not have a harsh taste and the warming honey in the TYLENOL® Cold + Flu products provide relief to sore, irritated throats as well!

Even better, TYLENOL® comes with a Feel better or your money back, guarantees on adult products, that lets me feel assured in TYLENOL®’s commitment to my overall-wellbeing at home this germ season!

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

Once I’ve gotten home from my local Kroger, I start filling my caddy with all of the essential germ season essentials mentioned above I place the kit in a central location so everyone in my family knows that this kit is the place to come when they need germ season supplies at home! 

2) I keep a stocked cleaning kit nearby: I keep a well-stocked cleaning caddy by our Winter Home Germ Season Survival Kit to help me tackle the necessary cleaning that comes with germ season at home.

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

In my caddy, I like to keep Clorox products. Specifically the Clorox Scentiva Multi-Purpose Cleaner Spray and Wipes in the Tuscan Lavender & Jasmine scent. I’m also digging that these products carry Clorox’s Kill Claim, as the products help to kills 99.9% of germs that can live on surfaces for up to 48 hours, kills 99.9% of Viruses* and Bacteria, and kills Staph, E. Coli, Salmonella, Strep on surfaces as well. Making these Clorox products my go-to cleaning aids each germ season! 

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

Like with the products in my Winter Home Germ Season Survival Kit, I was able to pick up these Clorox Scentiva products at my local Kroger in the cleaning product aisle.

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

Also in my caddy, I keep several reusable towels, disposable gloves, and a spray bottle of distilled water to wash down surfaces after disinfecting that come in contact with my kiddos at home. I also keep this cleaning caddy right next to Winter Survival Kit for easy access for everyone in my family this germ season!

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

3) Use a hot water bottle: One of my favorite ways to keep my family warm and cozy each germ season is by keeping each family member equipped with their own reusable water bottle. This allows my family the ability to stay extra warm and toasty when they might not be feeling their best! 

We love hot water bottles. Especially the wide-mouth varieties, since it’s easier to fill them without splashing hot water on yourself or others. But the traditional red rubber models are fine too. In fact, they are my family’s favorites! 

On an average winter night, I fill my bottle with hot tap water. But if it’s going to be one of those bone-chilling nights, I’ll heat up some water with my electric kettle and fill my bottle with a funnel. Making sure to be careful when pouring the water into the bottle and taking equal measure to make sure the bottle is extra tight to prevent leaks in bed! 

Another thing I like to do to make sure that our hot water bottles stay warmer longer is by placing DIY Crochet Hot Water Bottle Covers on them! The cover absorbs any water that dripped onto the outside of the bottle, but more importantly, it keeps heat from escaping too quickly. And making crochet covers is super simple to make. Check out my 1-hour pattern below to get started:
5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home
Supplies you’ll need:
  • 5.0 mm crochet hook
  • 1 skein worsted weight yarn
  • Darning needle
  • 1 Hot Water Bottle (I used a 2-liter rubber one)

Pattern Terms Used:

  • Chain: Chain Stitch
  • DC= Double Crochet
  • TR= Treble Stitch 


5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home
Begin by chaining 66 stitches. You’ll want a chain long enough to loop around your bottle. Your bottle may be larger or smaller, just make sure to keep your base count a multiple of 3.

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

Row 1: Into the 2nd chain from the hook, work 1dc, then 1dc into each stitch working your way back to the starting stitch. You should have 64 stitches in total, or 2 less than when you started.

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home
Row 2: Turn work & chain 3. Then 1tr into the first stitch. Skip the next 2 stitches, then 1tr into the 3rd stitch, then a set of 3tr, skip the next 2 stitches, then again another 3tr into the 3rd & so on to the end of your row. Follow this exact pattern, except only do 2tr into the final stitch of the row. The row should now start and finish with a set of 2 trebles.

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

Row 3: Turn work & chain 3, then work 3 trebles into the first chain space then 3 trebles into every chain space till the end of the row then 1 treble into the chain space of the row.

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

Row 4: Chain 3. Work 3 trebles into the spaces just like in row 3. Do this all the way along till the last space on the row and then treble only 2 stitches into the last stitch.

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

Row 5: Chain 3 & turn. Work 3 trebles into the spaces just like in row 3. Do this all the way along till the last space on the row and then treble only 1 stitch into the last stitch.

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

Row 6: Follow the instructions for Row 4 for the rest of the body of your work and until you achieve your desired length. My bottle is 30 rows in total.

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

When at the desired length, sew up the bottom and the sides of your work with your darning needle with matching yarn as the thread.

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

Next, place the hot water bottle inside the cozy so make sure that the bottle cozy will be snug and keep the bottle in place until finished.

To create the cozy’s neck:

Row 1: Starting at the neck, insert your hook into 1 of the chain spaces on the top row of your last row and chain 3. Add 2 more trebles into the same space. Then working around the neck, add 3 trebles into each space till you reach your starting stitch.

Row 2: Chain 3 and work 2 more trebles into the chain space, then 3tr into every space, working your way around to your first stitch of the row and then inserting hook into the top of the ch3.

Row 3-5: ch3 plus 2tr into the next starting row space and continue to work groups of 3tr into the spaces as in the previous rounds.  I did 5 rows around the neck, but your neck might be longer or shorter, so amend your pattern as needed.

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

After you have reached your desired length, join with a slip stitch to the top of the ch3 and sew in the end. And you’re done with your hot water bottle cozy! You’ll notice that by adding the neck you will have created small pleats in the work. This is intentional as it gives you three 1/4″ bits of slack to allow you to move the bottle in and out of the cozy.

To remove the cozy, simply turn your bottle into itself, in a C-pattern. I like to keep my cozy in my bottle and keep it located by my cleaning caddy and Winter Home Germ Season Survival Kit for easy access each germ season! 

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

4) I make sure my family knows how to properly wash their hands at homeWhile most of us know that handwashing is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from getting sick. But how many of us know the right way to do so?

Here are the 5 steps to washing your hands properly at home each germ season:

  1. Wet your hands with clean water and then turn off the tap. Apply soap to your hands.
  2. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap, including the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails and cuticles.
  3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. A tip: Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice to ensure you’ve had time to properly clean your hands.
  4. Next, rinse your hands with clean water.
  5. Finally, dry your hands using a clean towel.

Throughout the year, but especially during germ season, I constantly reiterate the point of proper hand washing to my family. I want them to not only know how to properly wash their hands but also the proper times to wash their hands as well. Such as before, during, and after preparing food, after eating, after using the bathroom, and after caring for someone who is ill. 

Looking for a way to help your kiddos understand the best way to wash their hands at home? Right-click the infographic below to save and print your own safe hand washing printable at home!

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

5) Create a working Germ Season Shopping List: The final way I help protect my family at home during germ season is by keeping a working shopping list on my phone that allows me to know just what I need to pick up while in-store at my local Kroger!

I keep all of my above-mentioned home health and cleaning products as well as any last-minute holiday food items I might need as well to keep my family happy and healthy each holiday season! Be sure to right-click on my shopping list pdf below to make sure you’re prepared and stocked up for germ season at home too!

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

This past weekend when my husband came home from school fully inundated with germs I knew I was already prepared for everything my husband needed to start feeling his best again.

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

But I knew we were covered! Because as a family, we always tackle the winter germ season with our winter survival kit because we know that Abreva, Theraflu, TYLENOL® Cold + Flu Severe Warming Honey Lemon Liquid, and with the help of Clorox Scentiva cleaning products, we are protected at home this time of year.

Though my husband is on the mend, I’ll be sure to re-stock everything I’ll need for our next germy bought this season at my local Kroger. When it comes to germ season at home, you can never be too prepared! 

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

Friends, be sure to stop by your local Kroger and pick up Abreva, Theraflu, TYLENOL® Cold + Flu Severe Warming Honey Lemon Liquid, and Clorox Scentiva cleaning products, and everything you need to help you prepare for this year’s germ season at home.

Be sure to check click here to find out about the savings you can currently score on the above-mentioned products at your local Kroger to help ensure your family has their healthiest holiday season yet from your local Kroger! Now I have to ask, what is your favorite way to tackle germ season at home? I’d love to hear about it below! 

Disclaimer: Abreva – Use only as directed. Read and follow label directions. Clorox – Use as directed on hard non-porous surfaces. Theraflu – Read and follow label directions. Theraflu is for use in adults 12 years and older. Use products only as directed. 
TYLENOL® – ® Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc. 2017. Use products only as directed. The makers of TYLENOL® remind you to use only one medicine with acetaminophen at a time.
*Influenza A Virus **On hard, non-porous surfaces. See product label for a list of organisms.
***Median healing time is 4.1 days, 25% of users healed in 2.5 days.

5 tips For Surviving Germ Season At Home

Shark IONFlex 2x DuoClean Cord-Free Vacuum Review

Disclosure: This review is sponsored by Shark. All opinions expressed are my own. Thank you!


Shark IONFlex 2x DuoClean

Convenience. My go-to mantra when it comes homemaking and cleaning. As a work-at-home blogger, I need valuable cleaning products that help me maintain my home each day with little effort or difficulty. Helping me get back to juggling the myriad of other hats I wear each day! 

When it comes to cleaning convenience at home, one thing is for sure. Cordless vacuums are key. They give you the freedom of movement that upright vacuums simply can’t provide.

However, all cord-free vacuums are not made the same. Some cordless vacs, particularly stick-vacuums, work well enough but lack floor nozzles. Leaving you unable to tackle everyday messes, such as sugar, cereal, crumbs, and coffee at home.

Many cord-free vacuums are limited in their functionality. Geared for use for only one type of flooring, either carpeting or hardwood floors. As most homes include both types of flooring, this is very problematic in design.

Others aren’t able to reach under furniture. And, worse still, as every cordless vacuum runs off battery power, few cordless vacuums provide power packs with enough power to allow you to finish cleaning an entire floor of your home. Making you chose between cleaning or charging each day.

With so many issues surrounding cordless vacuums, it’s hard to know which vacuum to choose from reviews. However, there is one cordless vac that eliminates all these problems – the Shark IONFlex 2x DuoClean Cord-Free Vacuum.

What I liked about the vacuum:

Shark IONFlex 2x DuoClean

Upon opening the vacuum, it’s easy to see how sturdy and well designed the Shark IONFlex 2x DuoClean Cord-Free Vacuum is.

This vacuum can help you clean every surface of your home. From household floors and stairs to playrooms, vehicles, workshops, and sheds, this vacuum has you covered. With the durability and power of a standard vacuum with the convenience of a stick vac.

The IONFlex 2x DuoClean Cord-Free Vacuum delivers a powerful clean with dual brush rollers that work in tandem to clean carpets and hard floors while providing you with the ability to customize the needed suction levers for both surfaces depending on your specific cleaning needs.

Weighing in at only 8.7 pounds, this Shark delivers the power of an upright vac with the ease of a stick vac. Making it easy to move from room to room with ease. Perfect for busy gals like me!

Cleaning Tools:

Shark IONFlex 2x DuoClean

This vacuum also features several awesome attachment tools, including its MultiFLEX Wand. This wand is unique to the IONFlex cordless vacuum and features technology allowing the wand to bend halfway across the main cleaning tube. With just a single press of the unlock button, the hinged cover opens up, revealing a bendable hose. Perfect for high cleaning.

The MultiFLEX Wand also allows you to maneuver in and out of tight spaces. Such as under cabinets and beside major appliances, all without bending over or having to move heavy items in order to clean unsightly debris out of the way. Particularly important for those with back issues or for more heavy-duty preparatory cleaning during the holiday season.

You’ll also receive a duster-crevice tool. This 8-inch combo attachment features soft bristles and a tapered nozzle to help you dust narrow spaces. Moreover, you can customize your dusting with this tool by sliding the duster head. This takes you from brush to crevice dusting instantly.

In addition, the vacuum comes with an anti-allergen dust brush, which works well for removing fine dust from decor objects, such as picture frames, figurines, lampshades, bed frames, and books.

Shark IONFlex 2x DuoClean

If you’re a pet owner, like me, you’ll appreciate the included multi-tool that can not only lift piles of debris from carpets but also removes pet hair from fabric without damaging fabric or clog your wand. Altogether eliminating the need for wasteful, expensive lint rollers at home.

The dust cup is also easy to open. Just press the wand-release button to open the dust cup lid. Perfect for emptying your dust cup in the compost bin or when your hands are full with little ones or fuzzies at home.

Power and Performance:

Shark IONFlex 2x DuoClean

In terms of overall daily cleaning performance, this cordless vacuum works incredibly well. Utilizing dual brush head technology, with both a strong-bristled brush is able to reach deep into carpet fibers and a softer roller brush that not only draws in large debris but also lightly polishes hard floors.

With both brushes, you’ll be able to bring in larger dirt and debris to the surface. Since they operate in unison, you get the benefits that both brush rolls provide no matter what type of floor you’re cleaning.

The IONFlex also features a brush roll indicator light that glows green when the brushes are in working order and red when they are jammed, so you’ll know right away if your brush heads need cleaning. Saving you the time spent on troubleshooting.

Removing the brush rolls is also super simple. Simply slide the two door-access buttons and pull the tab to release the brushes.

Shark IONFlex 2x DuoClean

As we all know, every flooring requires a different level of care. Which is why Shark integrated its Smart Response technology, that gives users the ability to adjust the vacuum’s power settings.

From the display panel, you can choose from among two surface settings and two suction settings. Making the brush rollers spin faster for high-pile carpeting or slower for hard surfaces. You can also control the suction strength. Ther’s also the extended run-time feature. Perfect for doubling the battery life between charges during daily 1-hour power cleaning.

I also love that with just one touch of the release button, you can detach the handle and canister from the wand and floor nozzle, instantly turning the floor vacuum into a handheld vac. This allows you to clean everywhere around your house, including ceiling fans, door frames, cabinets, mantles, and more.

Battery Life:

With the Shark IONFlex 2x DuoClean Cord-Free Vacuum, you get twice the length of vacuuming time without battery-life restrictions as this cordless vac comes standard with two batteries, so your vacuum will always be charged. Making you ready to go at a moment’s notice for all of life’s mom moments. 

Shark IONFlex 2x DuoClean

Both power packs come with a rechargeable 25.2-volt lithium-ion battery and Single Battery Charging Dock. Allowing you to charge a single battery while using your additional power pack in your vacuum while the other battery is charged and waiting to be swapped. 

Each power pack is equipped with a battery light indicator, so you check its power status at a glance. It’s also worth noting that it took me only 3 hours to fully charge a depleted power pack at home.

Shark’s integrated Smart Response technology gives the ability to quickly switch over to heavy-duty vacuuming too. In extended runtime mode, you can get about 23 minutes’ worth of vacuuming time before the battery must be recharged, without sacrificing speed or dirt-lifting performance. 

Shark IONFlex 2x DuoClean

Best still, each power pack comes standard with its own individual 2-year warranty. Should either power pack fail to charge, Shark will replace your pack for free!

In terms of performance, this cordless stick vacuum works incredibly well. It glides across carpets and doesn’t drag on tiled or wood surfaces. Making it even easier to keep my hard surfaces clean at home!


Shark IONFlex 2x DuoClean

Storage, especially for those living with minimal available storage space, is super simple with the IONFlex 2x DuoClean Cordl-Free Vacuum. As this vacuum can be lowered and folded in half, it allows you to store the freestanding vacuum in small areas such as pantries, closets, or playrooms. 

When you are ready to return the wand to its upright position, pull the handle until the hinge locks into place.

Warranty and Affordability:

The IONFlex 2x DuoClean Cordless Vacuum also has you covered with a 5-year warranty on all parts except the batteries, which again, have a separate warranty. 

This Shark Cord-Free Vacuum is also affordably priced. With a price point nearly $100.00 less than its next comprehensive competitor. Making the IONFlex 2x DuoClean Cord-Free Vacuum is your best-buying bet this holiday season.

Shark IONFlex 2x DuoClean

While I’m an already existing Shark owner, having purchased and used their products in my home, including their standard, upright vacuums, steam mops, and handheld steamers for nearly a decade, I’ve been over the moon with this IONFlex 2x DuoClean Cord-Free Vacuum. It’s upped my cleaning game beyond measure. Taking it to a whole new convenient level!

Friends, I encourage you to check out this awesome product and the other awesome Ninja and Shark products for your gift-giving list this year!

lean Cordless Vacuum. And, if you’re looking for other cleaning tips, check out my cleaning tab for more frugal tips too!

Now, I want to ask, are you currently a Shark user at home? What has your experience been with the brand? I’d love to hear about it below!

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Shark IONFlex 2x DuoClean

5 Freezer Cooking Clean Up Success Tips

 Disclosure: This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #ScrubWithDots #CollectiveBias

Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwand

Growing up, my grandmother never liked to have anything on her kitchen countertops, so I’m pretty sure that’s where my love of clean countertops originated. Couple this with becoming a minimalist a year ago, my need to maintain spotless countertops at home has become less a hobby and more a life narrative. Especially during all-day freezer cooking sessions!

Why all day freezer cooking sessions? Well, if you’re anything like me, there are no scarier times in your home than the 5 o’clock what’s for dinner debate. The scenario of having to decide what to cook can be a daunting task for even the most prepared home chefs. Which is why Fall freezer meals are my go-to dinnertime prep each Autumn season!

There’s nothing better than being able to provide my family with a hot, nutritious, affordable meal. Now, it goes without saying that I adore freezer cooking meals, with just one exception, the clean-up.

Try as I might, I things start to pile up in my kitchen. You know how it goes. Ingredients come out. Things get messy. Counters get cluttered. Splatters confetti your otherwise serene kitchen landscape. Dishes in the sink pile up. Life happens. Especially in the midst of a kitchen teeming with dirty, baked-on pots, pans, and dishes!

Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwand

As you can see, the one area in my life I’m less than neat at is cooking. I’m what you could call an all-in, full-contact domestic goddess. A typical afternoon of cooking for me involves grease spatters, crumbs on the floor, and a pile of dishes that far exceeds both sides of my kitchen sink. From the blinds to the baseboards, nothing in my kitchen seems to be exempt from stains and spills.

It’s always a balancing act. Do you cook all the meals your family will enjoy, only to spend the rest of your evening scrubbing saucy, stained lasagna pans? Or cook just enough meals, in hopes of limiting the mess that will inevitably be created. 

For me, I go with the creating of meals. Which makes finding better, more practical ways of cleaning-up my kitchen all the more imperative in my home. Now that I’ve gotten my new Freezer Cooking Clean-Up routine down to a science, and I’d like to share some of my favorite 5 tips for Freezer Cooking Session Clean-up Success.

Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwand

Prep your kitchen for cleaning success: For me, it’s also important to keep effective, affordable cleaning methods by my side during each freezer cooking session. So when I’m heading to the store to purchase any last-minute ingredients I’ll need for my freezer cooking sessions I also plan to pick up all the cleaning products I’ll need as well.

Recently, my go-to cleaning sponges have been the new Scotch-Brite® Heavy Duty Scrub Dots Sponges and the Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Sponges from my neighborhood Dollar General store.

5 tips for freezer cooking clean up success at home

My minimalist kitchen hosts cooking appliances with specific cleaning needs. Needs tailored to both Non-Scratch cookware and Cast Iron pots and pans, I love that the Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Sponges help keep my non-stick pans and induction burner clean as a whistle while the Scotch-Brite® Heavy Duty Scrub Dots Sponges work great at breaking down even the toughest stains on my heirloom cast iron pans! 

Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwand

I like to pick up the Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwands and Scotch-Brite® Dishwand Refills 2-Packs. Both products that utilize scrub dot technology to effortless lift off even the grimiest of sauces, spills, and splatters from my cookware, utensils, spoon rests, and even had the power to help tackle stains from the surface of my sink itself!

Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwand

In fact, all of the new Scotch-Brite® Heavy Duty and Scotch-Brite®Non-Scratching Scrub Dots Sponges and Scotch-Brite®Dishwands can clean almost everything in my kitchen. Even items that I previously would have to soak or scrub. such as glasses with milk protein deposits or wine deposit film. Both particular pet peeves of mine.

This awesome cleaning line is also easy on my budget too! The entire line of Scotch-Brite® Scrub Dots Sponges and Scotch-Brite®Dishwands are affordably priced! With both the Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Sponges and the Scotch-Brite® Heavy Duty Scrub Dots Sponges priced at only $2.75 for Sponge 2-pk and $4.35 for Sponge 4-pk and the Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwand and Scotch-Brite® Dishwand Refill 2-pk. priced at only $3.00 respectfully! And at that price, you just can’t go wrong! 

ve on scortch-brite scrubbing doy spongesand dishwands

Even better, from 10/4 through 12/31, you can save $1.00 off any two Scrub Dots items with a new printable coupon offer! Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwand

Isolate spills: Instead of walking over to the trash can or compost bin with handfuls of peelings and scraps, keep a garbage bowl on the counter next to where you will be working. This will not only help you isolate your messes to a single location, which will keep kitchen floors cleaner, but will also save time and prevent slippery floors during freezer cooking sessions too! Especially important when mini chefs are helping you out in the kitchen!

Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwand

Prep your cutting boards: did you know that wiping down cutting boards with lemon juice can help to naturally sanitize cutting boards at home? And that wiping down clean, dry cutting boards with kosher salt before cooking will help future foods from sticking to wood surfaces? I like to prep my cutting boards with both a lemon and salt treatment the night before freezer cooking sessions. This helps to ensure my prepping surfaces are their cleanest the next day! 

Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwand

Bring in a recycling bin: For cooking projects where I’m using a lot of canned or boxed goods, I’ll take a recycling bin and set it right on the right side of my kitchen counter. This allows me to clean and deposit my recyclables without having to leave my kitchen during freezer cooking sessions where heat sources are actively in use!

Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwand

Have a sink full of soapy water ready: I love to start each cooking session with a sink full of hot, soapy water full of dishwands and sponges. This sets not only the mood for cleaning success but also helps me to quickly address spills and splatters that will inevitably happen during all-day freezer cooking sessions.leaning up spills immediately will help prevent bigger messes and help prevent kitchen falls and accidents on slippery floors and to tackle stains created on small and major appliances with little to no effort. As the old adage goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Especially when it comes to cleaning up messes in the kitchen!

Immediately cleaning up spills will not only help prevent bigger messes from forming but can also help you prevent kitchen falls and accidents. As the adage goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Especially when it comes to cleaning up messes in the kitchen!

This past weekend, with my new Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch sponges and Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Dishwand by my side, I was able to create a month’s worth of creamy, ooey-gooey Italian-style freezer meals this past weekend. I cooked, assembled, and froze Skinny Chicken Alfredo, Fall-Inspired Spaghetti Carbonara, and Meatless Monday Baked Alfredo. All meals that are as delicious as they are super simple to make. The best part? They were all created using one DIY base sauce recipe, my Skinny Béchamel Pasta Sauce!

Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwand

This sauce is a delicious blend of both rich and modest ingredients. Like in traditional alfredo sauces, I use salt and organic butter. Where this sauce gets its skinny cachet is its use of gluten-free flour base, use of soy milk in lieu of whole milk, almond milk instead of heavy whipping cream, and a special surprise ingredient, tofu! 

I cook each batch of sauce separately to prevent curdling and separation. I always start by adding butter to a medium skillet over medium-low induction heat. To this, I add my flour and stir until a smooth roux forms. I continue to cook until the roux turns a light, golden color, in about 4-5 minutes.

Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwand

Meanwhile, heat the soy milk, almond milk, and tofu. Break up the tofu into the blend until smooth. Heat blend until almost at a boil. Then add the hot milk to the butter mixture 1 cup at a time, whisking with a rubber spatula until smooth. Bring to a boil. Cook 10 minutes, stirring constantly, then remove from heat. Season with salt, nutmeg, and a dash of fleur de sel. Then your sauce is ready to use!

Now that your sauce is finished, you can turn this base into different pasta meals. Again, I used my Béchamel to make Skinny Chicken Alfredo, Fall-Inspired Spaghetti Carbonara, and Meatless Monday Baked Alfredo. Here’s how I used this sauce to make these three meals:

Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwand

Skinny Chicken Alfredo:

Ingredients added to Béchamele sauce:

  • 1/2 teaspoon Himalayan pink salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/2 cup grated good organic parmesan cheese
  • 1/2 cup shredded organic Italian blend cheese
  • 1 8-ounce chicken breast; cut into strips
  • 2 teaspoons organic olive oil

Directions (per tray):

  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. 
  2. Now bring 1-gallon pot, boil 8-cups filtered, salted water to a boil.
  3. Cook 8-ounces of good spaghetti pasta in the salted water.
  4. Once al dente, carefully drain and remove from your pot. Set aside.
  5. Meanwhile, in a large skillet, cook 1 skinless, boneless chicken breast in a teaspoon of organic olive oil; we used a pre-cooked chicken breast we smoked this summer at home.
  6. Once your chicken breast is cooked, remove it from your skillet, cool, and cut into strips. Set aside.
  7. Next, add your drained pasta and Béchamele sauce to your pan and bring to temperature. 
  8. Then add your pasta, sauce, and seasonings to your freezable bakeware of choice.
  9. Top with chicken strips and shredded cheese.
  10. Bake for 15 minutes at 350 degrees until your cheese is bubbly and light brown in color.
  11. Cool for one hour, then top with foil. Label your dish accordingly. Freeze for up to six months; four servings per pan.

Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwand

Fall-Inspired Spaghetti Carbonara:

Ingredients added to Béchamele sauce:

  • 1/2 teaspoon Himalayan pink salt
  • 1 pinch ground cinnamon
  • 1 pinch ground nutmeg
  • 1 pinch ground ginger
  • 1 pinch ground allspice
  • 1 pinch ground cloves
  • 1/2 cup grated good organic parmesan cheese
  • 1/2 cup shredded organic Italian blend cheese
  • 1 8-ounce chicken breast; cut into strips
  • 1 cup organic mushrooms
  • 1/2 cup cooked turkey bacon; cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 2 beaten organic, free range eggs
  • 2 teaspoons organic olive oil

Directions (per tray):

  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. 
  2. Now bring 1-gallon pot, boil 8-cups filtered, salted water to a boil.
  3. Cook 8-ounces of good spaghetti pasta in the salted water.
  4. Once al dente, carefully drain and remove from your pot. Set aside.
  5. Meanwhile, in a large skillet, cook 1 skinless, boneless chicken breast in a teaspoon of organic olive oil.
  6. Once your chicken breast is cooked, remove it from your skillet, cool, and cut into strips. Set aside.
  7. Using this same pan cook your turkey bacon and mushrooms.
  8. Once finished, cool and cut into bite-sized pieces. Set aside.
  9. Turn heat off of the pan.
  10. Next, add your drained pasta and Béchamele sauce. Toss sauce with pasta.
  11. Then add beaten eggs, parmesan cheese, and seasonings. Toss to combine. The residual heat will cook your eggs through.
  12. Add your pasta and sauce to your freezable bakeware of choice.
  13. Top with chicken strips and shredded cheese.
  14. Bake for 15 minutes at 350 degrees until your cheese is bubbly and light brown in color.
  15. Cool for one hour, then top with foil. Label your dish accordingly. Freeze for up to six months; four servings per pan.

Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwand

Meatless Monday’s Baked Alfredo:

Ingredients added to Béchamele sauce:

  • 1/2 teaspoon Himalayan pink salt
  • 1/2 cup grated good organic parmesan cheese
  • 1/2 cup shredded organic Italian blend cheese
  • 1 cup mushrooms; I used half portabello and half white button mushrooms.
  • 1/2 cup chopped organic spinach
  • 2 teaspoons organic olive oil

Directions (per tray):

  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. 
  2. Now bring 1-gallon pot, boil 8-cups filtered, salted water to a boil.
  3. Cook 8-ounces of good spaghetti pasta in the salted water.
  4. Once al dente, carefully drain and remove from your pot. Set aside.
  5. Meanwhile, in a large skillet, cook your mushrooms a teaspoon of organic olive oil.
  6. Once your mushrooms are cooked, add your spinach and heat through. 
  7. Turn heat off of the pan.
  8. Next, add your drained pasta and Béchamele sauce. Toss sauce with pasta.
  9. Add your pasta and sauce to your freezable bakeware of choice.
  10. Top with shredded cheese.
  11. Bake for 15 minutes at 350 degrees until your cheese is bubbly and light brown in color.
  12. Cool for one hour, then top with foil. Label your dish accordingly. Freeze for up to six months; serves four per pan.

Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwand

Friends, those are my three favorite Béchamele sauce-based freezer meals for the fall! While it goes without saying that that was a lot of work this past weekend, it was worth it knowing I now have a freezer full of yummy, ready-to-bake meals on hand this season!

Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwand 5

Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwand 5

Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwand 5

And the only thing better than ready-to-go meals is knowing how simple my kitchen clean-up will be! With the Scotch-Brite® Heavy Duty and Scotch-Brite®Non-Scratching Scrub Dots Sponges and Scotch-Brite® non-Scratch Dishbrushes cleanup took just minutes. Comparing to the hours spend scrubbing dishes, pans, counters, and floors before finding these products! 

Making this new line the true hero of my freezer cooking session this past weekend! I’ve been so inspired by the ease of cleaning this past weekend that I’m already looking for new recipes for my next mega freezer cooking session online! And if you’re looking for additional freezer cooking recipes at home, be sure to check out my other freezer cooking recipes here!

Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwand

I encourage you all to pick-up the new Scotch-Brite® Heavy Duty Scrub Dot sponges, Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratching Scrub Dots Sponges, Scotch-Brite®Dishwands, and Scotch-Brite® Dishwand Refill 2-packs while in-store at your local Dollar General. Because with Scotch-Brite® Heavy Duty and Scotch-Brite®Non-Scratching Scrub Dots Sponges, you’ll no longer have to choose between a clean kitchen and the convenience of hot, fresh meals at home this Fall!

So now I have to ask, do you have any great tips for keeping your kitchens cleaned and your countertops cleared during freezer cooking sessions at home? I’d love to hear all about them below! 


Find more #ScrubWithDots inspiration here!

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[yumprint-recipe id=’89’]Scotch-Brite® Non-Scratch Scrub Dots Dishwand

Kroger: Save $1.00 on any 2 Scotch-Brite Scrub Dots Sponges!

Disclosure: This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #PowerOfDots #CollectiveBias


Experience the Power of Dots! The new Scotch-Brite™ Brand Scrub Dots sponges feature Scrubbing Dots technology that will help you clean away kitchen messes as they scrub fast and rinse clean. The new Scrub Dots sponges will tackle kitchen messes without trapping food.

Heavy-Duty Scrub Dots sponges (green) will help eliminate those baked on messes and the Non-Scratch Scrub Dots sponges (blue) will safely clean all cookware without scratching. Use the right tools for each surface and cleaning your home will be easier and faster!

Visit your local Kroger and save $1 on Scotch-Brite Scrub Dots Sponges!

September 2017 Favorites

It’s hard to believe fall is officially here! Despite the temperatures here in Dixie still being in the upper 80’s, I’m ready to go all in for the new season ahead! Despite the change in season, this month has been a particularly productive month for me. Lots of posts written. Lots of loose ends tied up. Lots of connections made. Needless to say, I’ve been making moves. 

Despite all that’s gone on it wouldn’t be a proper end of the month without sharing what I’ve been loving around my home this September! So, here are the 5 things I have been loving this September:

My new slow cooker: I have always loved my slow cookers. Let’s be honest, what would fall and winter be without the down-home comfort food that only a slow cooker can provide? Whether it’s chili, soup, or stew there are so many great recipes made from real ingredients. You may also not be surprised that despite being a minimalist I actually own three slow cookers. I use them all the times. Especially to create make-ahead freezer meals and DIY yogurt.

This past week one of my old school crock-pot brand cookers bid our home farewell. While at my local Walmart I stumbled upon the new line of Pioneer Woman slow cookers from Hamilton Beach.

Folks, this slow cooker has worked really well for me. This unit heats quickly, cooks meals evenly, and the Country Garden pattern is too cute! My favorite feature? The lid clips. No more accidental sloshing sauce all over your car when you’re carting something to a potluck, chili cook-off, or friend’s house! If you’re in the market, this one is awesome.

Gilmore girls: It’s very important to me that if you haven’t seen this series, you make time to. I always make an annual pilgrimage through Stars Hollow each fall. It’s one of the most beautiful, charming, funny shows of ever. Plus, there’s, like, coffee consumed in the show. And cute dresses. And an amazing cast. Are you watching it yet? Start

iPeak Sunrise Alarm Clock: I have a lot of trouble sleeping at night. Especially during the dark fall and winter mornings leave me without my natural early jolt of a light to start my new day! The iPeak sunrise alarm clock has a feature that mimics the suns natural sunrise each morning.

Within an hour of your desired time to get up each day, the clock will start to gently emanate light. It’s helped me to wake up each day without feeling groggy from oversleeping! There’s also a nightly function that will remind you it’s time to start winding down for bed with its sunset setting. I love this clock and cannot recommend it enough! As I long mentioned here on the blog, one of my favorite ways to spend my discretionary funds each month is my reinvesting in the lives of women around the world., a non-profit charity grants women, and men, in developing nations start-up grants to bring themselves and their communities out of abstract poverty by becoming motivated business owners in their own right.

Each year to commemorate the date my Uncle Danny passed away in what was the largest LGBT hate crime in US history (until the Pulse Massacre of 2016), I give to I believe it helps bring the gift of life, and love, to those who most in need the world over.

While dreams are universal, opportunities for social and wealth-building are often not. Especially for persons of color, indigenous populations, and for women and mothers the world over. Sometimes we all need a hand-up in life. is a way people can get that help. I encourage you to check them out today! 

Keith Mansfield Radio: Lately I’ve really been loving the jazzy pop tunes of Keith Mansfield. A particular favorite? His 1968 hit, Funky Fanfare. His music is the perfect soundtrack to cleaning the house, working on fall DIY’s, or enjoying a fun date-night-in at home! Check him out on Pandora Radio today! 

So, friends, those are the 5 things I have been loving this September. Now, I have to ask, what have you been loving in your own lives at home? I’d love to hear about it below!

7 Ways to Make Your Period More Zero-Waste at Home

Disclosure: This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #PeriodConfidence #TryTheDivaCup #CollectiveBias


7 Ways to Make Your Period More Zero-Waste at Home
No one really likes getting their period. Let’s face it, they can be a real pain. Especially when you seek to live a zero-waste lifestyle at home.

Since the summer of my sixth-grade year, when it came to using tampons, I’ve always been a box a month kind of girl. Because for me, tampons were a means to an end when it came to my feminine health each month. In fact, my grandmother initially discussed the use of tampons with me as if they were a wearable badge of honor. Those small, gleaming white spirit sticks became the official mascot of my high school years.

7 Ways to Make Your Period More Zero-Waste at Home
But how do tampons and pads get that fresh and clean look? Chlorine bleach. A dioxin that may be linked to abnormal endometrial tissue growth and immune system suppression. That many tampons are derived from genetically-modified cotton and contain a smorgasbord of chemicals including cotton crop pesticides, odor neutralizers, artificial fragrances, synthetic dyes, polyester, adhesives, polyethylene, polypropylene, and propylene glycol, contaminants linked to hormone disruption, cancer, birth defects, and infertility.

A particularly scary set of fact for someone who lives with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, and knows first-hand how out of whack hormone levels can affect all aspects of your life! 

7 Ways to Make Your Period More Zero-Waste at Home

With this knowledge in mind, in my early 20’s, I moved onto using organic tampon products. While organic products are a better idea than non-organic tampons, they are still not a perfect solution. Even reusable period pads require the added cost of water, detergent, and laundering with each use. Not to mention they could not be recycled after they are no longer usable at home.

Reusable products that will eventually become part of what the Environmental Protection Agency lists as the nearly 30,000 articles, the 300 pounds of period-related garbage headed to landfills in the average American woman’s lifetime. Making their overall environmental footprint smaller but still impactful all the same.

7 Ways to Make Your Period More Zero-Waste at Home

So what’s a girl to do when she wants an affordable, less-wasteful period product that doesn’t leave my hoo-ha souped-up on pesticides while not depleting the eco-friendly values of my zero-waste home? She opts for a menstrual cup, a medical-grade silicone cup that you insert into your va-jay-jay, where it collects blood throughout the day. And my menstrual cup of choice? The DivaCup®.

The DivaCup is a reusable, bell-shaped, medical grade silicone menstrual cup, suitable for girls and women of all ages. The DivaCup® offers women 12 hours of clean, leak-free protection. An all-around better, more zero-waste femcare option than tampons and pads!

The DivaCup® comes available in two sizes, Model 1 and Model 2. The DivaCup Model 1 is recommended for women under the age of 30 who have never delivered vaginally or by cesarean section and DivaCup Model 2, recommended for women age 30 and over/or for women who have delivered vaginally or by cesarean section. Making this product perfect for every woman, no matter her current season of reproductive life.

What makes the DivaCup® unique is that it features 100% healthcare grade silicone, which provides users comfort and durability with each use, from playing sports to going to sleep each night! The DivaCup® is also free of chemicals, including plastic, BPA, latex, and artificial dyes. I also love that the DivaCup® provides women a zero-waste, eco-friendly tampon alternative. 

The best part about the DivaCup®? It’s uber comfortable to use. The DivaCup® sits low at the base of the vaginal canal for easy insertion and removal. It collects, instead of absorbs menstrual flow, which will not dry out or disrupt delicate vaginal pH. When positioned correctly, the DivaCup® is so comfortable you can’t feel the cup at all! 

7 Ways to Make Your Period More Zero-Waste at Home

It’s also simple to know when you need to empty your DivaCup®. Each cup hosts easy-to-follow measurement lines that help you track your flow. Twice a day, every 10-12 hours, you can easily empty your DivaCup®, wash DivaCup® with DivaWash and warm water, and then reinsert for continued femcare protection. Further instructions on how to clean the DivaCup can be found here!

7 Ways to Make Your Period More Zero-Waste at Home

I love that the DivaCup® provides women a zero-waste, eco-friendly tampon alternative that’s available in many local markets. I was able to purchase both my DivaCup® and DivaWash right at my local neighborhood Rite Aid, right in the femcare aisle. I think it’s awesome that healthy, zero-waste, affordable, non-ick alternatives to traditional feminine hygiene products are affordably available to women in your local pharmacy!  

7 Ways to Make Your Period More Zero-Waste at Home

The DivaCup® can also help you save money! The DivaCup costs only $39.99 at retailers. As the average woman can spend in excess to $150.00 on femcare, that’s a saving of over $110.01 the first year alone. With the DivaCup® paying for itself after just one season of use!

For me, the DivaCup® has been a life-saver. Mind you, the first month of use there was a learning curve. But once I became comfortable with the DivaCup®, it was a breeze!

Each morning on my period I start my day my cleaning DivaCup® with DivaWash and reinserting before starting my day. Then after dinner each night, and again before bed, I rinse and repeat the process. Unlike tampons, I don’t have to remove my DivaCup® each time I go to the bathroom, it just stays put! When I am ready to remove my DivaCup®, I just tug on the little silicone pull at the end of my cup and it comes right out. The first time, every time.

7 Ways to Make Your Period More Zero-Waste at Home

In full disclosure, I didn’t go at using this product alone. I first used the DivaCup® User Guide before trying the cup for the first time and consulted my healthcare provider. It gave me a piece of mind on what I could expect on DivaCup®in regards to my overall vaginal and gynecological health. You can also reach DivaCup®directly.

Their Consumer Care Team is available to answer all your questions and concerns. They can be reached at, phoned at 1-866-44-3482, or reach out to them via their social media networks listed below. This team is super helpful to customers and zero-wasters, like me. Everything from insertion to removal, they’re there to help! To find out more about how to properly use your DivaCup®, click here

I say all that to say this: The DivaCup® changed the way I view my adult life as a menstruating woman. I am a better steward of my home, my body, and my environment for being a DivaCup® user! So now that I’ve shared my favorite zero-waste product at home, I also want to share with you a few other tips I’ve found to radically revolutionize my period at home.

Here are 7 zero-waste tips for rocking your next zero-waste period at home too!

Carve out time to rest: The first day of my period brings with it an overwhelming desire for peace and rest. I listen to my body. I don’t pressure myself to carry on as usual. To keep up with my usual tasks, to plaster on a smile on my face and pretend my body isn’t cramping beyond belief. I use the week of my cycle as a sacred pause. Rather than fighting my period, I allow myself a few hours each afternoon of my period for nothing but a nap. I consider it my body’s way of resetting its clock each month.

Stock-up for Success: As I mentioned above, knowing the facts about eco-friendly femcare products is key to having a zero-waste period at home each month. As was switching from pads and tampons to a reusable menstrual cup! It goes without saying that  I make sure in the days leading up to the start of my cycle each month that my DivaCup® is accessible in my bathroom, I am stocked-up on DivaWash, and I have a stack of fresh, clean, organic towels and bath products ready to use each month. This is a natural, easy, and environmentally-friendly way to take care of yourself during your period.

Keep it oily: I like to diffuse clary sage and frankincense essential oils in the days leading up to my cycle to help clear my mind and support my reproductive hormones. When period cramps start, I also rub peppermint oil on my lower abdomen for cramps, on my lower back for pain, and on the back of my neck and temples to relieve headaches at home.

Focus on self-care: During my period each month I amp up my personal meditation, I make a point of keeping up with my gratitude journaling, and it’s also my time to check in on my personal self-care. All which can be made zero-waste by simply digitizing your notes! Remember, your period is the perfect time for a self-awareness check-in.

Turn on the waterworks: During your period, water is your friend. You’ll want lots of baths and showering. Not because you’re dirty, but because you need time to relax and unwind. Think salt baths, warm showers, and shower steams. Looking for a lower-water solution? Try a reusable water bottle! It’s all about self-care and mindful experiences.

Embrace fashion challenges: Your period is the perfect time to embrace your inner need for warm cozy, comfy clothes. Opt for period-friendly dark colors and flowy dresses. Pieces that are easy to clean and allow for the bloating. Think drapey and feminine. Don’t try to force yourself to wear skinny jeans or your favorite white jeans. Opt for organic cotton clothing. Try the slow-fashion route and go thrift shopping for fun, funky, and frugal period-ready clothes. Work with mother nature. Not against her!

Nourish your body: While it may be tempting to indulge in your carnal craving for all things fatty, salty, and sour, your best bet is to actually use your period as a time to nourish and enrich your body instead! Stock your kitchen with already prepped foods, such as mason jar salads, DIY yogurt, and granola, or simple make-ahead freezable soups that can help fuel your body and stave off food cravings during your most trying time of the month. My favorite period food? DIY Apple Pie Walnut Overnight Chia Seed Pudding.

A recipe that’s quick, easy and delish- perfect for your period cravings at home! This chia seed pudding can be made portable in a mason jar rather than a bowl and can be conveniently made before bed. Then just give it a stir in the morning and you’re good to go, sister!

7 Ways to Make Your Period More Zero-Waste at Home
I love chia puddings because they keep me feeling full, satisfied, and nourished. I’m sure you know by now that chia seeds are magical little nutrient-packed powerhouses of goodness packed with fiber, protein, and minerals. This recipe also features a fall-ready apple jam that’s out of this world yummy. Perfect for that time of the month!

Did I also mention that chia seeds are packed with anti-aging antioxidants? Yup, this pudding can help you look and feel good too!

7 Ways to Make Your Period More Zero-Waste at Home

It’s also fall, which means we are entering the full swings of apple season in my neck of the woods. So, of course, this chia seed pudding is packed full of apple pie flavor. I for one can’t seem to get enough apples lately. They’re my favorite period-friendly snack of all time! 

In this recipe, you’ll be infusing all that chia goodness with almond milk, cinnamon, and vanilla. Topped off with a delicious apple jam and the crunchy goodness of pecans and walnuts! It’s apple pie, just reimaged in a fun, frugal, and super satisfying too! You’ll want to make this super simple apple pie yumminess, sweetened with 100% pure apple juice and stevia the next time Aunt Flow comes to town this fall!

I start this recipe by washing, peeling, and coring my apples. The scraps from the apples can be used to make DIY Apple Cider Vinegar, dehydrated to make pet treats, or composted! 

7 Ways to Make Your Period More Zero-Waste at Home

Much like other chia seed jam recipes, you’ll cook down the fruit along with chia seeds and any desired spices. I sweetened this recipe with 100% apple juice and stevia to give it a little extra fall apple kick. It tasted amazing. I opted to use my pressure cooker, on a 10-minute setting, but feel free to use your stove top instead. I made a fairly small batch the first time I made it, but it disappeared quickly! And by disappeared quickly I mean that I ate the whole batch in less than 12 hours. Can you blame me? I was on my period, after all! 

After cooking the apples down the apples and cooling them for about 20 minutes, they will be nice and soft and the jam base will have thickened up nicely thanks to those awesome little chia seeds. to finish the jam, I took a silicone spatula and mashed half of the apple mixture to get a nice, thick consistency. You can mash all of it if you want, but I liked leaving lots of apple chunks for texture. That’s my jam!

7 Ways to Make Your Period More Zero-Waste at Home

Make the chia seed overnight oats was just as easy! Just whisk together to combine the oats, chia seeds, almond milk, vanilla, and cinnamon in a small bowl. Place in the fridge overnight to thicken. The oats are ready when all the liquid has been absorbed and the oats are soft. You can adjust your overnight oats as well. You can thin it out with more milk or thicken it with more chia seeds, as needed.

7 Ways to Make Your Period More Zero-Waste at Home

To assemble my DIY Apple Pie Pecan Overnight Chia Seed Pudding, simply layer the vegan overnight oats with the apple pie jam, a few spoonfuls to each per layer. Add your chopped pecans and walnuts on top of each layer, if desired. Garnish with a cinnamon stick, and you’re ready! This recipe will be your new period-ready go-to! Give it a try, it’s pretty awesome! 

So, friends, those are my 7 tips for rocking your next zero-waste period at home. I encourage you all to reexamine how you can not just exist, but thrive, during your next cycle. All while lowering your period’s overall carbon footprint at home this coming season with DivaCup® and DivaWash products. To find a locator in your area, click here

So, now I have to ask, are you considering using DivaCup® products at home or have you already made the zero-waste switch at home? I’d love to hear about it at below!

Connect with DivaCup®:

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[yumprint-recipe id=’88’]7 Ways to Make Your Period More Zero-Waste at Home

Knock Your Socks Off Vegan Peanut Butter Cookies

Disclosure: I received a product package courtesy of The Sneaky Chef. All opinions expressed are my own, thank you.


Knock Your Socks Off Vegan Peanut Butter Cookies

Last week was a whirlwind for me. From prepping for the back-to-school season, getting ahead on blog posts, and trying to find ways to carve out more time for self-care at home, it’s been a mess. Despite all the work I’ve put in this past week, I’ve had a real nagging feeling in the back of my mind. A hankering for peanut butter cookies. A strange choice considering we didn’t have normally keep peanut butter cookies on hand, the fact that baking in the middle of the summer is nuts, and that I’m currently on a 28-day Personal Trainer food meal plan. As is life.

To satiate my cookie craving I quickly concocted a plan to maintain my current meal plan and my sweet tooth alike. I’d bake cookies, eat just one (maybe two), and then freeze the rest of the batch for my family this fall. The best part? I had everything I needed on hand to make cookies! You have to love a well-stocked pantry, am I right?

Knock Your Socks Off Vegan Peanut Butter Cookies

The only hitch? I wanted to make sure these cookies were somewhat healthy in nature. Because over the last several weeks, I’ve been trying to make at least the majority of my weekday meals vegan. I’ve noticed that I feel more clear-headed and full of energy when I do, so I’ve worked to make it a liveable habit.

Luckily, peanut butter cookies are a cinch to make vegan. With a few tweaks, mind you. I subbed oat flour for white flour to make sure my cookies were vegan and gluten-free. While with any baking, vegan or otherwise, the bottom line is taste. To that end, I promise you these cookies will knock the socks off even the pickiest of peanut butter lovers. Like socks on the floor, cookie crumbs galore, and you could care less about cleaning those crumbs up kind of good.  I’ll let you savor that image for a moment.

These cookies are the softest and most tender peanut butter cookies I’ve ever tasted. The use of organic coconut sugar gives them a warm caramel layer to their base that’s so good. These vegan and gluten-free cookies are every bit as decadent as their traditional counterparts! Just without yucky things like processed flour and GMO-laden junk. These vegan cookies have a melt-in-your-mouth goodness, and pair amazingly with, you guessed it, a tall, cold glass of plant-based milk.

Knock Your Socks Off Vegan Peanut Butter Cookies

Did I also mention that these cookies are nut-free peanut butter cookies? Yup, you read that correctly. I used No-Nut Butter by The Sneaky Chef in my mix! While we are not a nut-free family, my husband teaches many students who are. When I send baked goods to school I like the idea that all students could share in the cookie eating happiness so I try to use The Sneaky Chef products whenever I can.

Something else that’s great about The Sneaky Chef No-Nut Butters, they are soy-free (great for gals like me with PCOS) and are made of golden peas- a variety of garden peas that are sweet, naturally nutty tasting and packed with vegetable nutrition. I’ve also found that my family loves the taste of The Sneaky Chef No-Nut Butter. The Sneaky Chef No-nut butter comes in a traditional peanut butter flavor, chocolate flavor, individual to-go cups, and a new line of fruit spread in fun flavors, including Cherry Vanilla Pop, Blue Razz Berry, Caramel Apple, Watermelon Slice, and everyone’s favorite, classic grape. All perfect for back-to-school lunches this year!

I also love that The Sneaky Chef products are 100% peanut and tree nut-free, produced in a nut-free facility, all natural, soy-free, don’t contain gluten, high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors or flavors, and come in BPA-free jars! Making them perfect for nut-free schools and co-ops! And if you’d like to check out more about The Sneaky Chef click here and to find a store locator in your area click here! You can also follow The Sneaky Chef on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest too!

Folks, I’ve said all that to say this, the next time you find yourself craving peanut butter cookies, think vegan, gluten-free, no-nut butter cookies. Go healthy or go home!

And this fall when you’re getting your bake on, think outside the box when it comes to your favorite baking recipes. Consider all the super simple ways you can change things up for the better while baking this coming holiday season! Now I have to ask, do you love peanut butter cookies? Or have you tried The Sneaky Chef products before? If so, I’d love to hear about it below!

Knock Your Socks Off Vegan Peanut Butter Cookies

Knock Your Socks Off Vegan Peanut Butter Cookies


  • 3/4 cup gluten free oat flour*
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 cup Sneaky Chef peanut butter
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup So Delicious unsweetened coconut milk


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare baking sheets by lining with parchment paper.
  2. Sift together oat flour, baking soda and salt. Set aside.
  3. In large mixing bowl of stand mixer, cream together peanut butter and brown sugar for 1-2 minutes. Add vanilla and beat until combined.
  4. While mixer is on low, slowly add oat mixture. Mix until dough becomes crumbly. Add coconut milk and mix until just combined.
  5. Roll heaping tablespoon-size scoops on cookie dough into balls. Place dough onto baking sheet and flatten by pressing with tongs of fork, creating crisscross pattern.
  6. Bake cookies 8-10 minutes until golden brown. Allow to cool on pan for 2-3 minutes before placing on cooling rack to cool completely.
  7. Store in airtight container or freeze double wrapped in parchment paper for up to one year.
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