What I love most about this blend is that you can customize your deodorant to your scent preferences with essential oils, if desired or omit them for an unscented version. It’s also quick and easy to make. Here’s how to make it:
- 1/3 cup coconut oil
- 2 tablespoons shea butter or avocado butter
- 1/3 cup arrowroot powder or organic corn starch
- 4 tablespoons baking soda (reduce to by half for sensitive skin)
- 15 drops essential oil
- Melt coconut oil and shea butter in a small saucepan over low heat.
Stir continuously until melted for 2-4 minutes.
Once completely melted remove from heat and whisk in arrowroot powder (and/or corn starch) and baking soda.
Add essential oils.
Mix thoroughly and quickly. The mixture will start to thicken immediately.
Pour into two empty deodorant containers or mason jars.
Let your homemade deodorant sit until completely set for 2-3 hours at room temperature; this process can be sped up by putting your deodorant in the fridge for ten minutes.
Place lid on and use as you would any other deodorant.
Use within one year.
- Some people react negatively to the baking soda and develop a rash or underarm discoloring. If this happens to you, I’d suggest stopping using the natural deodorant until you are able to resolve the issue. Many people cut the baking soda amount in half and notice that the irritation goes away.
- Before starting a natural deodorant a DIY mask of bentonite clay armpit detox can help pull out some of the chemicals from past deodorant that led to rashes.
- If allergic to coconut oil you can just omit this step. Coconut oil can also be substituted for almond, jojoba or avocado oil.
Everyone, I urge you to try making your own deodorant. You’ll feel better knowing you weren’t putting anything on your skin that you shouldn’t be in contact with, and your wallet will thank you too! If you do try it, let me know the outcome! I’d love to hear your story!
Here’s to natural products,
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