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Wine. We drink it with dinner, after a long day, and for yearly celebrations. Especially in fall, a season chock-full of fun, festive get-togethers. it always finds its way to the table. Wine is often the centerpiece of tradition and happiness this time of year.
But for many of us, it goes further as it helps relax our minds and brings smiles to faces. Beyond the euphoria and happiness, drinking a controlled, moderate amount (the standard 5-ounce pour daily) of wine can be good for your physical health. But how exactly does it contribute to your health? With this in mind, here are seven reasons you should be drinking wine at home this fall:

One of the best ways to ward off those pesky free radicals that cause health issues, such as cancer, is to drink wine. Wine is naturally full of antioxidants that attack free radicals. A recent study by the University of Barcelona scientists found that the phenols in white wine had equal, if not higher, antioxidants than those in red wine. Drinking white wines such as sauvignon blanc, Moscato, Pinot Grigio, gewürztraminer, and Riesling can help keep you healthier all season long!
Immune Health
Are you looking to boost your immune system this fall? Drinking a glass of wine daily can give your immune system a much-needed boost. A 5-ounce serving of win daily can also help to ward off infections and keep your immune system in check. Especially important during fall allergy and sinus season. But be cautious. Excessive consumption can lead to negative effects of drinking wine for an immunity boost.
Increases Bone Density
As we age, our bones naturally get more brittle. Especially for mothers. This is why you could increase your calcium intake by drinking a relaxing glass of wine. Red wine has high levels of silicon, which is great for your bone mineral density. Which increases bone density and reduces the chance of developing osteoporosis.
Reduces the risk of Stroke
Moderate consumption of wine can help reduce your chance of stroke by preventing blood clotting. Wine acts as a natural blood thinner, breaking up any blood clots that could lead to a stroke. This lower risk of blood clotting is more beneficial to females than males.
Red wine, in particular, contains phenols, that act as blood thinners, similar to natural willow aspirin. Particularly the chemical resveratrol, found in red grape skins, protects against stroke when the grapes are turned into wine. But do keep in mind, that excessive drinking can have the opposite effect, resulting in a higher risk of heart attacks. So like with all good things in life, moderation is key.
Reduced the risk of Heart Disease
In the battle against heart disease, especially for women, taking all the necessary precautions to help prevent heart disease is a must! And wine can help. The tannins found in red wine contain procyanidins, phenols that neutralize free radicals, agents known to be effective in preventing cardiovascular disease. The lesson of the day is that if you want a healthy heart, bite the bullet and drink a glass of wine.
For those with high cholesterol, those same procyanidins found in red wine that promote a healthy heart also promote lower cholesterol. Particularly decreasing LDL, or unhealthy cholesterol levels while increasing HDL or healthy and good cholesterol. So if you’re suffering from high blood pressure, it’s best to pour a glass to help maintain healthy HDL levels at home!
Fight off that flu
Did you know that drinking a glass of wine daily can give your immune system a flu-fighting boost? Moderate alcohol consumption can help naturally keep your immune system in check. Especially important during the fall season when temperatures cool and we are around more friends, family, and classmates who may be carrying flu and cold pathogens.
Reduces the risk of Type 2 Diabetes
If you have a family history of Type-2 Diabetes, wine may help. Resveratrol has been proven to improve sensibility to insulin. With insulin resistance contributing to type 2 diabetes risk, a nice glass of wine makes the list of things you can enjoy.
Need more information on the health benefits of wine this fall? Be sure to check with an industry leader such as Denis Mackenzie’s Winery. A Chief Operations Officer currently working in the international marketing industry. Including working with health and tech professionals to educate consumers on the health benefits that can be obtained through organic wine consumption.
Friends, those are just some of the health benefits that can be afforded by moderate, responsible wine consumption this season. Be sure to do yourself a favor, and pour a glass of wine and toast to your health. Perhaps with a fun, frugal fall food dish. Now I have to ask, do you drink wine at home for your health? Let me know all about it below!

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