DIY Greek & Regular Style Yogurt!
2015-03-23 08:58:30

Serves 12
Hello again, savvy savers! With Spring upon us, so is the time for all things berries! And what goes better with fresh, organic berries, than fresh, organic Greek Yogurt! Today, I'm sharing my recipe that makes 1 quart, 1 cup of Greek Yogurt, or two quarts of regular yogurt, for only $2.20; that's an 90% off savings over commercial brands! This yogurt also freezes easily, makes for awesome push-pops, and can also be used in other dishes such as Tagine Chicken! Here's how...
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
9 hr
Total Time
9 hr 5 min
- 1/2 gallon of milk; you can use any brand, with a fat content.
- 1/8 cup of plain yogurt
- Honey
- Fresh Fruit
- Food thermometer
- Pour 1/2 gallon of milk into the the crock pot.
- Turn the crock pot on the high setting, for 2 1/2 hours, or until the milk reaches 185 degrees; the milk will be hot, steamy, and just below boiling.
- When the milk reaches 185 degrees, shift the lid so there is a 1 inch vent for the heat to escape and turn off the crock pot.
- Let it cool to 110 degrees for 1 1/2 hours.
- Next, add 1/2 cup plain yogurt to the milk, and do not stir the blend.
- Replace the crock pot lid, and wrap the whole crock pot in a blanket or heat sink bag.
- Let sit, undisturbed for 5 hours.
- Next, refrigerate the blend for 2 hours.
- At this point, be sure to reserve 1/4 cup of the blend, which should be frozen, and can later be thawed as your culture for your next batch.
- Now, be sure to strain your yogurt. To do this simply line a colander lined with cheese cloth, place your yogurt in the cloth for two hours, while refrigerated, and you now have 5 cups of Greek yogurt!
- Making sure to reserve and freeze your whey for smoothies, too!
- If you desire you could add honey and or fresh fruit.to your yogurt, for a refreshing Spring treat!
- Enjoy!
The LadyPrefers2Save https://theladyprefers2save.com/
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