Clear Mind, Peaceful Heart Book Review & Giveaway

Many thanks to Harper Collins Christian Publishing for providing a sample of the product for this review. My opinions are 100% my own.

In times of political, social, and environmental uncertainty, words of serenity can help to calm the mind, secure sleep, and rest even the most tired of spirits. Leading many people, including a fair number of women weery from around the world. Always looking for positivity in a troubled world, worlds of encouragement can bring hope to many in need of a clear mind and peaceful heart. As is the message of the new devotional publication, from Christian author Lysa TerKeurst, “Clear Mind, Peaceful Heart.”

Featuring simple-to-understand daily devotional messages of faith and futility, author Lysa TerKeurst shares with readers methods to avoid uncertainty, how to unpack personal frailty and feelings of fear, as well as devotions to help readers fall safely asleep with a clear mind and a peaceful heart in her latest work from Thomas Nelson Publishing, “Clear Mind, Peaceful Heart.

Guided meditations showcasing God’s juxtapositioning, simultaneously holding the meaning of life, alongside details of your journeys, in his faithful hands is what New York Times best-selling author Lysa TerKeurst, and her friends at Proverbs 31 Ministries, share in these fifty encouraging devotions and guided prayers written by women, for women, like you. Remebering that the Lord not only has the whole world in His hands; He’s holding the details of your life in His faithful hands, too. Learn more at

Helping to release the pressures of everyday life and the hard situations we all endure. Helping readers to wake up daily, refreshed and prepared for the challenges ahead of them each day. Days filled with intersection and faith methods to help us all feel hopeful in our days, with nights filled with peaceful, restful sleep. This is the devotion to consider as you start your spiritual life this fall.

Sleep meditation and exerts directly from scripture, including: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 NIV), aids readers in identifying, “What lies heaviest on your heart as you lay your head on your pillow? Are paralyzing fear and anxiety stealing tomorrow’s peace?” Allowing readers to experience rest, not full of unfilled escapism and uncertainty, but rest for the weariest of souls. Sharing that everything negative in our lives may not be fixed today, we can fix our thoughts on His word.

Readers are also given contextualization from ministry insights perfect for colder days ahead. Learn more about these teachings for your days, and nights ahead at Helping readers to experience the kind of rest escapism won’t provide. The hope of sound sleep, the sleep we can all claim, with the ease of knowing God is working on our behalves.

Through the pages of “Clear Mind, Peaceful Heart,” Lysa TerKeurst, you will be equipped to quiet riotous, anxious thoughts depriving sound sleep and to find relief from the stress of obligations and social pressures through fifty inspired and relatable devotions and guided prayers written, again, for and by, women, like you.

The publication, “Clean Mind, Peaceful Heart,” in its hardcover, east-to-store binding is now available for $24.99 from Thomas Nelson Publishings. Order your copy of “Clear Mind, Peaceful Heart” today!

Plus, our good friends at Momentum Publishing are giving away a $5.00 Starbucks gift card to one reader. To enter, please visit Then, return to this post and share what piece of life-affirming knowledge makes you most excited to read this publication this season at home; prizes will be mailed directly from Momentum Publishers to this site’s winner. Please also note, that entries are verified; entrants winning on multiple platforms will be disqualified. This giveaway will end on August 1, 2024, at 11:59 P.M. CST. Good luck!

Friends, why are you most excited to read, “Clear Mind, Peaceful Heart“, by Lysa TerKeurst, from Thomas Nelson Publications this season? I look forward to reading your thoughts in the comments below.

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