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5 Tips To Clear Pipes & Septic System At Home

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5 Tips To Clear Pipes & Septic System At Home

I love older homes. The character, charm, and build-its are bar-none! But living in an older home can also present homeowners with your fair share of routine maintenance problems, especially when it comes to your home plumbing pipes.

It goes without saying that I’ve encountered my share of clogged pipes at home. But over the years I’ve found several ways to combat clogged pipes at home. So if you are looking for more DIY pipe maintenance tips at home, here are my 5 go-to tips for keeping your home pipes clear:

Know the structure of your home

Every old home is different. Because of the materials used in the pipes, the angle of the pipes, the structure of the house, the soil and the trees in the yard. All of these elements can work to cause you problems with clogs. Knowing the plumbing structure of your home can save you tons as you will be able to tell plumbers where specific areas of plumbing in your home are and beat the on-the-clock fees of having a plumber sort out the layout of your home pipes for you!

A quick tip: Many city manager’s offices and mortgage companies keep copies online of building permits and home blueprints. These maps often contain plumbing maps. Ask for a copy and keep it in your files and access your map before contacting your local plumbing company!

5 Tips To Clear Pipes & Septic System At Home

Remove Trees

Sometimes, plumbing issues can be deeply rooted. Many issues involving clogged pipes, backed-up sinks, and slow-to-drain bathtubs came from tree roots in your front yards. So if your problem is roots from trees, you may need to remove some of the trees near your home’s foundation that is causing the problem. Although its always regrettable losing the trees, tree removal services can be less costly and damaging over time than repeated pipe clearing services. Also, consider root dissolvers.

Products with strong enzymes specifically targeted to dissolve tree roots in pipes that do not affect the life or structures of older, established trees, water tables, or wells. Treating your roots should be done twice a year, in the Fall and Spring. When seasonal ran expose tree roots from dirt and sediment.

Limit What You Put Down Your Drains

Even though your garbage disposal says it can eat anything, that doesn’t mean you really should be putting everything down your sink’s drain pipes. Common pipe cloggers in the kitchen include flour, rice, and other glutenous products! Greasy products should also not be drained in sinks.

5 Tips To Clear Pipes & Septic System At Home

Don’t Put Hair Down the Bathroom Sink

Hair doesn’t disintegrate quickly. Even with enzymes. Which lead to clogged, messy pipes at home. Before you push that wad of hair off your brush and down the drain, consider composting it instead! For even better prevention, use a reusable hair catcher on your shower drain to catch your tressed culprits in action!

5 Tips To Clear Pipes & Septic System At Home

Keep reliable pipe-clearing products on-hand at home

Having the right products on-hand to clear your drains is vital when you own an older home. For our home, we use the Roto-Rooter® line of at-home products to help keep our drains cleared at home. Remember those commercials on TV with the catchy tunes? Me too!

The Roto-Rooter® home line of products is more than just a jingle. They contain more active ingredients than any other product in the market and the right viscosity to provide the fastest and best-in-category performance but are safe for all types of pipes and septic systems.

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When you want professional results, you should buy professional products. Like the Roto-Rooter® home line of products!

Roto-Rooter® has introduced a complete line of powerful and fast acting drain and septic care products. With the Strongest National Brand on the market. Each product has been formulated to meet the demanding requirements of professionals and homeowners, with older homes like myself, who expect professional results.

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This past year I was given the chance to review a few of Roto-Rooter’s products, which are their Gel Clog Remover, Hair Clog Remover, and Septic Treatment. All have performed well. Beyond my expectation.

My standout product? The Roto-Rooter® Gel Clog Remover. A safe-to-use product for home pipes, septic systems, and garbage disposals. With Roto-Rooter Gel Clog Remover, the clog is gone within minutes and my pipes are left clean and cleared!

We use the gel clog remover monthly to avoid costly and messy backups. It’s our go-to for pipe care and prevention at home! For more information, click here.

Those are my 5 Simple Steps to Protecting Your Pipes at Home. I encourage you all to utilize these tips in helping to keep your pipes clear at home, especially in older homes! And to check out the full line of the Roto-Rooter® home line of products to help keep your pipes, drains, septic systems, and garbage disposals working their best at home.

You can also check out my other posts in on this product line, clogs 101 maintenance, and drain-care too! Now, I want to ask, what are your best tips for keeping your pipes cleared at home? I’d love to hear them below!

5 Tips To Clear Pipes & Septic System At Home

How Fall-Proof Is Your Household?

Can you believe it’s already October? It seems that summer was only yesterday, and now the red leaves are on all the trees – at least those that haven’t fallen yet. It’s that time of the year again: You can’t deny it any longer. The season of falling leaves, rainy days and nasty colds have just started.

This means that there’s no time to waste. You need to make sure your household is completely ready for fall. Indeed, the change of season is likely to bring several issues to your home if you haven’t prepared for it.

The comfortable summer weather might shift suddenly into windy or rainy weeks, which can affect your home, your health, and your overall mood. Besides, everybody knows that the next big celebration to come is Halloween – followed by Thanksgiving – and can be more harmful to your family than you suspect. Here are some tips to fall-proof your home.

how fall-proof is your home?

(Photo Source)

Get the home ready for the cold weather

The two significant weather changes that are about to occur – or that have already happened – are the rain and the wind. Even though not all regions are likely to experience a harsh fall, it’s fair to say that you need to prepare your home to cope with the climate. It’s never sexy, but you should clean your gutters before the winter.

The accumulation of debris can lead to clogs and cause flooding on the driveways and damage to your roofing area. Similarly, now is the perfect time to look after your soil, giving it the nutrients it needs to stay fertile and absorbs water as it rains. Ultimately, the process will keep your trees and lawn healthy and ready for the next spring season. But more importantly, dry soil can lead to flooding in your basement and ground floor levels.

Kids spend more time indoors

What do most kids do when the weather turns gray and cold? They stay indoors. From a parent’s perspective, you need to consider the risks in your home. Without handy childproofing tips, accidents are more likely to occur during the colder months of the year – a.k.a. when kids have plenty of time at home. Even with the best of will, you can’t always check what your kids are doing. That’s why it’s a good idea to review all the safety measures in your household, from doors – they shouldn’t lock in the bathroom or the bedroom – too hot ovens and cooking areas.  

Pack all your vitamins

We get it. It’s cold outside and really all you’re craving for, right now, is a slice of super indulgent chocolate cake. Who wouldn’t? While it doesn’t mean you can’t indulge now and then, you also need to pay close attention to your vitamin intake. Indeed, the season of colds and flu has officially begun.

Consequently, you need to ensure that you’re giving your body everything it needs to fight off germs and bugs. Vitamin D – which you can find in supplements and fatty fish and egg yolks – can actively boost your immune system and help you to fight off risks of flu. If you’re already feeling under the weather, echinacea can help you to get over your cold – it’s very useful for respiratory infections so that you’ll find your breathing ways clearing up quickly.

Avoid the Halloween accidents

Have you already chosen your pumpkin for Halloween? Do take the time to pick a pumpkin that is easy to care for you and your children. According to the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, Halloween can lead to serious injuries as a result of carving accidents.

To avoid several months of rehabilitation and a trip to the ER, you might want to take all the necessary precautions, including age-appropriate carving tool.

Cold feet catch colds

Splashing in the puddles is not only a lot of fun – don’t deny it; every kid loves it, and many adults still do – but it’s also one of the best things about fall. You can accept the rain if there’s something playful about it. For most kids, jumping in the mud puddles makes the rain acceptable.

Admittedly, you know that you can’t splash unless you’ve got proper shoes. In fact, a common issue is to invest in a pair of rain boots for the puddle walk and to stick to your regular shoes the rest of the time. It’s essential to waterproof old shoes ahead of the rainy days if you want to avoid getting wet socks. Using waterproof spray or beeswax on canvas shoes, you can make sure your family keeps their feet dry!

Is your household ready to sustain the dangers of fall? From heavy rains to nasty colds, fall can affect your natural protection, whether it’s the roof of your house or your immune system. The bottom line is to stay safe this season!