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Gardening On A Budget: Mother’s Day Update!


Happy Sunday, everyone! Here is this weeks gardening Mother’s Day post update!

This week I was able to plant the other half of my herbs, including my lavender, thyme, basil, lemon grass, parsley, bay leaves, and mint. Also, the tomato sprouts are coming up and in a week, should be able to be thinned, and then planted outside! Even in the face of all the horrific storms this week, everything was thankfully spared, and growing right on schedule! As for the other areas of my year, we have had nearly constant rainfall, so tilling and further planting has been on standstill, for the next three posts, I should have plenty to share; I will be planting both my potted and upside varieties next weekend. Aside from rain, and the largest amount of pollen I have ever seen (we have composted four trash barrels full), out pots of Green beans are beautiful, as seen above!

Also, the squash plant, though small, is growing! In addition, my mum plants from last fall have doubled in size, and will have sucker that need to be plucked in the next few weeks! This week to come I will be planting my hill of strawberries, starting potato and sweet potato towers, as well as creating a summer butterfly flower bed!  As well, my $1.00 rose bushes from Fred’s Super Dollar have thus far produced some of the most beautiful roses I have ever grown, as seen above. They are just so lovely, and I will be giving some today to my wonderful Grandmother for Mother’s Day! I also love my free lattice, as it was recycled from discarded pallets, and works just as well as anything purchased at my local supercenter! I feed my roses a special homemade blend, which i will be blogging about in the weeks to come!

Here’s to next week!

Weekly Gardening Update: 5/4!


Happy Sunday, everyone! Here is this weeks gardening post update!

This week I was able to plant half of my herbs, including my lavender, thyme, basil, lemon grass, parsley, bay leaves, and mint. Also, the tomato sprouts are coming up and in two weeks should be able to be thinned, and then planted outside! Even in the face of all the horrific storms this week, everything was thankfully spared, and growing right on schedule!

This finds my outdoor green beans six inches taller, greener, and lush as ever! Also, the squash plant, though small, is growing! In addition, my mum plants from last fall have doubled in size, and will have sucker that need to be plucked in the next few weeks! This week to come I will be planting my hill of strawberries, starting potato and sweet potato towers, as well as creating a summer butterfly flower bed!  Despite the pollen which can infiltrated every bed, tree, sidewalk, and encrusted my grill and smoker mats, everything is lush, green, and beautiful!

Here’s to next week!

Weekly Gardening Update: 4/27!


Happy Sunday, everyone! Here is this weeks gardening post update!

This week I was able to plant half of my herbs, including my lavender, thyme, basil, lemon grass, parsley, bay leaves, and mint. Also, the tomato sprouts are coming up and in two weeks should be able to be thinned, and then planted outside! I cannot wait for fresh, ripe summer tomatoes; I also love green beefsteak tomatoes fried, topping my shrimp etoufee!

This finds my outdoor green beans six inches taller, greener, and lush as ever! Also, the squash plant, though small, is growing! In addition, my mum plants from last fall have doubled in size, and will have sucker that need to be plucked in the next few weeks! This week to come I will be planting my hill of strawberries, starting potato and sweet potato towers, as well as creating a summer butterfly flower bed!  Despite the pollen which can infiltrated every bed, tree, sidewalk, and encrusted my grill and smoker mats, everything is lush, green, and beautiful!

Here’s to next week!

Weekly Gardening Update!



Happy Sunday, everyone! Here is this weeks gardening post update!

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The tomato seeds, from last week, are starting to sprout, and within 10 days will be ready to plant! The cost for this project was only $3.25; the cost to purchase 36 tomato plants at Lowes or Walmart, $99.00!


Half of the pepper plants are planted, and within a week should spout! The remaining peppers will be planted this week!


My summer salad bowl is coming along well! We should expect to have an actual salad within a month!


Here is part of the first tray of green beans planted a month ago, and they were planted yesterday, four per pot, with a tomato cage for support on the patio! Six weeks until beans; Roxxie, my West Highland White Terrier, seems as excited as I am!


As well, my free Arbor day pine tree sapling from the previous Earth Day, is doing well, as has been replanted!


Here are my lilies grown with $0.25 bulbs from the Dollar Tree, now re-planted on my front porch!


Finally, here is my Gerbera Daisy, grown from seed,  one of my favorites!

Until next week, keep growing!

Indoor Greenhouse Update!

Good afternoon, savvy savers! With so many things going on in my life, it always feels so nice to be able to take a Sunday afternoon and plant more of my seedlings. The time I spend working in soil is always some of the most joyous times of my life.

Today I wanted to post a few updates about my indoor greenhouse!


Here is the emergence of the tomato and pepper seedlings; I have bell and jalapenos planted, and beefsteak tomatoes currently. This week I will be planting my cherry, heirloom, and big boy tomatoes, as well as my banana, cayenne, habanero, and chilli peppers.


Here you can see my Green Beans and Yellow SQuash, both are container varieties, and will be planted this week; they only took two weeks to grow this high!


Here is my first tray of Wax Beans, which will also be planted this week!


Finally, my salad bowl has visible sprouts, and a large spray of baby sprouts about to spring up; this is week two on my Summer Salad Bowl!

Well, here’s how my greenhouse looks on week two! Next week, I will start planting outdoors, and will continuing to plant my seedlings; I will be starting 21 different types of seedlings this week, including my herbs!

Here’s to gardening!

Homemade Roundup Weed Killer, Only $0.10!

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Good afternoon, savvy savers! For this weeks Ways To Stretch A Dollar, I wanted to share with you my formula for homemade Roundup Weed killer! I use all natural ingredients, which can be purchased at the Dollar Tree, and each treatment will only set you back $0.10!

Here’s how I make it:

2 cups table salt
1 gallon white vinegar; the vinegar should have 5% acidity.
8 drops liquid dishwashing soap

1) Mix all ingredients in a large jug.
2) Let the mixture sit overnight.
3) In the mixture in a spray bottle of pump sprayer, mix 1 cup mixture to one half gallon water.
4) If using the mixture with a hose attachment, place one cup mixture to one cup water, and fill the container for use with a hose. I spray weeds, during the evening and let the weeds die overnight.
5) Make sure to label your mixture, and keep it out of direct sunlight.
6) Enjoy your weed-free area!

How to Create A Summer Salad Bowl!

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Hello again, savvy savers! Here is my latest gardening project this week, my Summer Salad Bowl! Each year I plant potable salad green seeds, a blend of romaine lettuce, iceberg lettuce, and basil in a round clay bowl, sectioned into thirds, which I am able to continually grow and cut, throughout the summer for fresh salad greens! This is the first weeks progress with this project, and I am happy to report that the lettuce is starting to sprout as you can see! This project cost $5.75 ($5.00 for the pot and saucer at my local Lowe’s, and $0.75 for the three packs of seeds at my local Dollar Tree), and will provide salads for my family, twice a week all summer long; this project will save my family $70.00 this summer!

Here’s to saving!