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DIY Gingerbread Dish Soap!

DIY Gingerbread Dish Soap!
Hello again, savvy savers! If you are anything like me, you may be finding yourself washing more and more dishes by hand this time of year. Everything from platters, heirloom dishes, vases, cloches, and the like always seem to be on my to-do list! With all this washing comes the use of a lot of dish washing soap needs, and so for this weeks Housewife Hacks, I wanted to share my recipe for Gingerbread Scented Dish Soap! I can make this blend for under $0.50 per 1 pint jar, making this product seventy-five percent less than most commercial blends! Here’s how to make it:
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Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
  1. 2 cups water
  2. 2 bars grated soap, grated to 1/4 flakes
  3. ¼ cup castile soap
  4. 2 teaspoons baking soda
  5. 1 teaspoon non-GMO vegetable glycerin
  6. 20 drops ginger essential oil
  7. 10 drops clove oil
  1. Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan.
  2. Add the soap flakes and stir to dissolve, gently stir for one full minute.
  3. Remove the mixture from the heat.
  4. Add the castile soap, baking soda, glycerin, and essential oil.
  5. Stir well for one full additional minute, making sure everything is dissolved.
  6. Allow mixture to cool for twenty minutes.
  7. Carefully pour into a reusable bottle with a spout, a pump jar, or mason jar.
  8. Be sure to label your jar.
  9. Place your jar under the cabinet and allow to settle for twenty-four hours.
  10. Please note, if your mixture is too thick, add 1/2 teaspoon of water at a time until the mixture is the correct thickness.
  11. Enjoy!
The LadyPrefers2Save

Why I Keep My Counters Cleared Off!

Hello again, savvy savers! For today’s Monday Deep Cleaning Post, I wanted to share the single biggest way I have found to keep my home clean, and that is by keep my kitchen counter tops completely cleared off! Why keep the counters empty? The kitchen is the heartbeat of our home, but when our kitchen counters are messy and cluttered, my mood, home, and family dynamic seems to feel stressed and overwhelmed, too! I truly believe, a clean kitchen is a happy and productive place to be! 

So, you may be asking, is it incontinent to not have small appliances, crocks, tools, and towels in arms reach on the counters? No, in fact I truly have not missed having my items out. The reason I decided to clear my counter tops off was that I simply felt I did not use three-quarters of the items on my counters! Let’s say for 8 hours of the day, you utilize those items for about 5 minutes, or less? So, this ultimately means that we all leave appliances plugged into sockets, for 7 hours and 45 minutes, causing not only unnecessary phantom power sources, but these same power drainers are simultaneously taking up valuable space on your counters.

Couple this with the idea that items placed in cabinets are cleaner, after all isn’t this why we place dishes in cupboards, to keep grime, grease splatters, dust, and germs off of our dishes? Why keep items on counter tops, when it take a mere 5 seconds to take those items out of the cupboard, and about 10 seconds to put those items away in the cupboard!

Here are a few more reasons to clear off your counter tops:

  1. Clear counters, mean more space, and a kitchen that feels a lot bigger than it really is.
  2. It is much easier to cook from scratch and prepare three meals plus snacks each day for your family when your counters are clear.
  3. Clear counters creates both the physical and mental space to bake, whip up homemade snacks, and cook nutritious dinners; you create a workshop!
  4. When it’s easier to cook and prepare meals and snacks, we rely less on convenience and processed foods and snacks, and eat out less often; a savings for our wallets and health!
  5. Counter tops that are completely cleared off practically clean themselves; dirty dishes go straight into the dishwasher, staples into the pantry, and then simply sweep floors and wipe down counters!
  6. A clean kitchen is motivation to keep the rest of the house clean and picked up!

And as a bonus, it is a breath of fresh air, to walk into a clean kitchen! I look forward to walking into the kitchen and being able to actually do what I’m supposed to do in there – make a good, home cooked meal food for my family.

Here are a few ways I keep my counter-tops clear:

  • I keep my toaster oven, microwave, tool crock trio, and produce baskets on a small bakers rack.
  • All paper products, wraps, and lunch items are stored in in-cabinet wicker baskets. 
  • Snacks are stored vertically in hanging baskets.
  • I keep a rack above my sink for washing accouterments and my favorite e-Pantry candles! 
  • I keep my small appliances in a bottom cabinet; grill and baking appliances on one shelf, and all others on the bottom shelf. 
  • I place my cutting boards in an upcycled magazine holder, on the side of my pantry.
  • All spices, food, and pantry items stay in the pantry!
  • Extra tools belong on my pullman cart beside my fridge!

So, I hope you all will completely clear off our counters in your kitchen and see what kind of difference it can make in our lives! If you need more practical and how-to steps to clear off your counters, including pictures from my own kitchen and how I store things, check out How To Completely Clear Off Your Kitchen Counters!

So, are your counters perpetually messy and cluttered? How do you think it would change your life to clear them off completely?

Here’s to a healthy, cleaner home,

Shamrock 21

DIY Soft Scrub with Bleach



Hello again, savvy savers! For this week’s Thrifty Thursday’s, I want to share with you one of the ways I have found to save on cleaning supplies, and that is with my DIY Soft Scrub, with Bleach! As this product is priced around $2.98 locally for me, I find that my making my own, using products purchased online via Amazon and ePantry, I am able to make a batch of cleaner for under $0.25, nearly 85% off retail pricing, using only four simple, household ingredients! 

Here’s how to make it:


  • 3/4 cup baking soda 
  • 1/4 cup Castile soap 
  • 2 Tablespoons room temperature water
  • 1/2 Tablespoon bleach
  • Glass jar, with lid


  1. Combine the water and baking soda in a non-lidded glass jar; set aside for 1 minutes.
  2. Next, add the soap to the mixture, folding in the soap slowly.
  3. Add the bleach, and set aside for an additional minute.
  4. Store your mixture, in your lidded jar, and use 1 teaspoon for each cleaning, as needed. 
  5. When cleaning, use a white cloth, scrub your surface, and allow mixture to remain on the surface for 60 seconds, for disinfecting purposes, before rinsing with water, and drying with a clean cloth.
  6. Enjoy!




As you can see, the left side of my kitchen sink, with just the smallest amount of this DIY scrub, with a simple white cloth, cleans my kitchen sink to an impressive shine! I also use this mixture in my bathroom sink, bathroom showers, and to clean my grill and smoker at home. This scrub comes in handy during the winter months, when the extra bit of help, by way of the household chlorine bleach, helps to not just clean but disinfect the surfaces most used in my home! If you use something similar in your home, I’d love to hear about it below!


Bathroom Spice Rack Nail Polish Organizer!


Good morning, savvy savers! I hope many of you are off of work this fine Easter Monday, and for those that may not be, that something positive comes of both your mood and your day! With that said, I want to share of the aspects of my master bathroom, that I consider positive! For this weeks, Organizational Ideas post, I want to share how I organize my nail polish collection, and my collection I mean the myriad of bottles that seem to come from the abyss to my bathroom!

I organize my bottles on a hanging spice rack, which I was able to purchase for free, using earned gift cards, from survey sites! This rack, is priced at under $10.00. This method keeps my polishes and lacquers within reach, not sitting in drawers, and easily accessible to myself during weekly spa nights! I love to look at my rack when I go into the bathroom, for as a visual person, colors excite me!

Here’s to organizing!

Shamrock 21

DIY, All Natural Stove Top Cleaner, Only $0.15 A Bottle!


DIY All Natural Stove Top Cleaner
Hello again, savvy savers! For this weeks Housewife Hacks I wanted to share my recipe for DIY Stove Top Cleaner. This all natural, organic blend is as gently to your stove top as it is to your hands, woohoo! As added bonus, the lemon essential oil! This blend also stores well, too! The best part? The mixture costs only $0.15 a bottle, compared to $4.49 a bottles at Lowe's for Stove Top Magic! Here's how to make it:
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Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
15 min
Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
15 min
  1. 1/2 cup baking soda
  2. 1/4 cup vinegar
  3. 4 drops of Lemon essential oil
  4. Small spray bottle
  5. Cloth
  6. Green backed sponge
  1. Using a small glass spray bottle and fill with vinegar and Lemon essential oil.
  2. Swirl in bottle to combine.
  3. Take the baking soda and sprinkle over the glass surface of your stove top.
  4. Spray the Lemon essential oil and vinegar mixture where the baking soda was sprinkled.
  5. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes as it will become pasty.
  6. Scrub in a firm, but gentle circular motion over the stained, dirty areas.
  7. Depending on the stain on the stove top, you may need to give it a scrub good scrub.
  8. Next, wipe up stove top with one side of the cleaning cloth.
  9. Now flip the cloth over and continue to wipe the stove top in a circular motion until clean and polished.
  10. Left over mixture can be stored at room temperate under your kitchen cabinet.
  11. Enjoy!
The LadyPrefers2Save

February No Spend Month Challenge: Day 11 Recap

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Hello again, savvy savers! So for the Day 11 challenge, I challenged everyone to clean off your homes most prized real estate, your counter-tops.  So, today as my counter-tops were already cleaned off, but I thought I would share some of the ways I keep them cleared off!  

kitchen counter clean off

 A few ways I keep my counter-tops clear:

  • I keep my toaster oven, microwave, tool crock trio, and produce baskets on a small bakers rack.
  • All paper products, wraps, and lunch items are stored in in-cabinet wicker baskets. 
  • Snacks are stored vertically in hanging baskets.
  • I keep a rack above my sink for washing accouterments and my favorite e-Pantry candles! 
  • I keep my small appliances in a bottom cabinet; grill and baking appliances on one shelf, and all others on the bottom shelf. 
  • I place my cutting boards in an upcycled magazine holder, on the side of my pantry.
  • All spices, food, and pantry items stay in the pantry!
  • Extra tools belong on my pullman cart beside my fridge!

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I also created a coffee and tea station on top of my antique buffet table in my dining room. The station holds all of my mugs, cups, and baskets holding my k-cup products in cabinet, to maximize space. I find that having all of my Keurig, tea station, electric kettle in one area not only cuts down on kitchen clutter, but forces my family to better utilize out dining room space; being able to sit and drink tea coffee, and cocoa in a designated area promoted quality family time for us all!

PicMonkey Collage

And before anyone asks, are my cabinets cleared out? You betcha! I just love how much more efficient my home has become in the few weeks my counter tops have been cleared off. Every projects, from pantry cooking, prepping blanching projects, to folding laundry now has an area! And at the end of the day, when I wipe my counter tops off I feel a true sense of relief, not seeing clutter in every direction I turn! I highly recommend clearing of your counters, as it truly is a game changing experience! 

As well today, I was also able to accomplish:

  1. As part of my #Choose30 Daily Challenge, I woke up at 7:25, walked my fur babies, showered, & dressed to my shoes. (Thanks, Flylady!)
  2. Worked on my daily Motivated Moms Planner.
  3. I finished a day’s worth of clerking assignments ahead of schedule!
  4. I cooked from my pantry for each meal.
  5. Read my daily devotional.
  6. I waked two miles.

Today I saved:

  • I eat at home this evening for dinner, saving our family $6.95. 
  • I recycled, upcycled, and composted one bins of deluge, and saved $0.25, the cost of 1 trash bag. 
  • My family drank water today, and saved $0.69, the cost of a 2-liter of soda.
  • I also did not watch cable tv, and saved $3.68 by doing so.
  • I lost a half day’s worth of electricity costs, and saved $3.00! 

So, overall today my family saved: $14.57

This months savings goal remaining: $374.60

Be sure to check back tomorrow for the Day 12 challenge! 

Here’s to saving,



Challenge Links:

DIY Organic Dusting Spray & Furniture Polish!

DIY Organic Dusting Spray & Furniture Polish
Hello again, savvy savers! For this weeks Housewife Hacks, I wanted to share my blend for DIY Organic Dusting Spray and Furniture Polish! This blend is very inexpensive, lasts for up to a year, and unlike commercial blends which are laden with artificial colors, fragrances, and chemicals which can actually damage wooden surfaces, this blend both cleans and nourishes your homes best wooden pieces. Here's how to make it:
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Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
  1. 1/4 cup olive oil
  2. 1/4 cup vinegar
  3. 20 drops lemon essential oils
  4. Glass Spray Bottle
  5. Add 10 drops of essential oil into the glass spray bottle.
  1. Pour all ingredients into a glass spray bottle.
  2. Gently shake to incorporate.
  3. Use 2-3 Sprays for large surfaces, and use white clothes or tee shirts to clean wooden furniture.
  4. For deep cleaning, add double the amount of oils to a glass pint jar, and allow to settle for 1-2 days, and use like a solid buffers wax.
  5. Enjoy!
The LadyPrefers2Save