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Saving On The Go With A Cup Of Joe: Coinstar Machines In Local Banks!



Good morning, savvy savers! For this weeks Savings To Go With A Cup Of Joe post, I want to discuss ways to save money with spare change. Recently, my local Credit Union installed a Coinstar machine in their lobby. I thought this was such a strange occurance, as these machines tend to be in grocery stores.


My branch manager explained to me, that more than 30,000 banks across the country will be installing a newer version of the machines, which will no longer change a counting and sorting fee, and allow users to deposit their change, via the coinstar slips, directly into their account, saving the tellers time in counting and weighing the coinage. She also informed me that these machines will give users the ability to place some coins in an account, and load other amounts onto pre-paid gift cards usage at local grocery and retail stores; I was able to use the card at my local Winn-Dixie! In addition, there will be an option to donate coins to local schools or redeem coins for gift card codes, which can be printed as a slip or your email address associated with your account can be entered, and the gift card copde sent directly to your amount balance; the Amazon cards would be wonderful to stock-up on Subscribe & Save purchases, or put back for holiday shopping later this year!

Adding to this the new data from the National Banking Association, which states that in 2013, the average bank user deposited $124.00 worth of change into their checking accounts, and just imagine adding the other coinage sitting around out homes, collecting in jars, l and laying hidden under the couch cushions! Be sure to check with your local branch and see if they have a coinstar machines as well!

Here’s to saving!

Start Saving Tax Receipts From Donated Stockpiled Goods


Good morning, savvy savers! For this weeks Wednesday Ways to Save, I just wanted to give everyone a quick reminder to start saving receipts for all of the donated food that you donate for the remained of the year! Assuming you have decided to donate food and non-perishable goods, even toiletry products, to a local food bank, federally you can request a tax receipt for up to $200.00 annually!

With so many savvy savers undergoing spring cleaning this season and clearing out pantry shelves, why not earn a few extra dollars for all of your hard-earned, couponed goods? If you decide to donate food, make sure you do so with a repetitive 401-c3 non-profit group, and kindly ask for a tax receipt! You are allowed by law to receive the Fair Market Value of your goods, at the time of donation! Most tax software programs and internet tax tools are set up to handle any donation receipts you have accumulated over the past year.

This $200.00 can pay to reimburse yourself for the fuel, paper, and ink costs which go into couponing throughout the year while helping others at the same time! Remember to also keep your receipts in a safe place for next tax season! Now I have to ask, what tax deductions do you have ready for this coming years tax season? I’d love to hear about it below!

Why I’m thinking About Using An Envelope Savings Systems!


Good morning, savvy savers! Today I am starting another new savings series! I would like to introduce you to, Savings On The Go With A Cup of Joe! Each Tuesday I will be discussion a different savings secret, trend, or personal implementation! Why the Joe? I need my morning coffee, and I thought that discussing finances with the world required a cup of coffee! This morning I will be discussing my personal envelope savings system!

So to begin, I started using an envelope savings system because on average I found myself overspend by 15% or more, weekly, when my family and I did not use cash to pay for purchases; credit cards, and debit cards for that matter, often mean more debt for me! Like my family, until a year ago, did not have a savings plan in place and that was a huge issue for us! Only a small percentage of families have a system in place to help control the household finances. Using cash to pay for purchases, by way of an envelope system, is a very simple and effective way to control spending, and it has worked well for us.

1) It’s easy to set up the envelope system. Simply put, make a monthly budget, including money for savings, and once your bills have been paid and allocated, withdrawal cash equal to the amount of what you have planned to spend for gas, groceries, parking, hair appointments, and incidentals.

2) Decide as a family what categories of spending you are going to put on a cash basis. Some might prefer to put all of their expenses on a cash basis. For me, cash is always used for food, clothing, gasoline, auto repairs, toiletries, cosmetics, hair care, stockpiling, weekly deals, and mad money.

3) Invest in a pouch to use as your envelope; try the Dollar Tree for such options!

4) Label your envelopes. Get several standard letter size envelopes, or pouches and label then for certain expenses, if you will use them for bills, such as the water company, electric company, or the like. Then create envelopes for personal funds, or group funds, as specified above. I generally use one envelope and break up stacks with sticky notes and paper clips!

5) Once your envelopes are labeled, decide how much you plan to spend on each expense for that period; making sure to go back through and write those amounts on their corresponding envelopes.

6) Be sure to store your envelopes in a safe place. I purchased a $10.00 lock box at Walmart for this purpose and the only two people who have access to place or remove envelopes are the two people who create the funds, my husband and I!

7) Being successful at handling money takes planning. The envelope system is extremely powerful but it is only part of a good financial plan. To effectively manage your personal finances you should also include a monthly budget, spending plan, savings plan and debt reduction plan. Also, be sure to keep your receipts!

8) Remember, when you run out of funds, that’s all you can spend!

I know this list sounds harsh, but trust me, you will save greatly, largely, and quickly! This is the only way I have found to effectively spend money in an effective, accountable manner!

2013 Valpak Savings Institute Research Findings



Good afternoon, savvy savers! For this weeks Perfectly  Positive post, I wanted to bring to your attention the findings of the 2013 Valpak Research Institutes Finding on household coupon usage!

According to the research:

-The average household can save up to $10,000 through couponing.

-Only 3-4% of couponers identified themselves as “Extreme Savers.”

-One-in-five consumers feel victorious (22%) after using coupons.

-Female couponers are 20% more likely than their male counterparts to receive emotional satisfaction from using coupons (69% vs. 57%).

-Nearly half of respondents age 18-34 said they feel responsible when they use coupons.

According to this research, women who coupon feel responsible, sapale, and self-sufficient! What do I say to these findings? Score one for the couponers!

Here’s to saving!

Why You Should Create Separate Email Accounts For Coupons, Sweepstakes, and Product Offers!



Good morning, savvy savers! For this weeks Thrifty Thursday’s piece, I wanted to write about a no-brainer for us couponing folks, creating separate email accounts for coupons, sweepstakes, giveaways, freebies, and product offers! As you know, wading through a sea of emails, because your inbox is full of coupon-related messages, can be overwhelming. I recommend creating a separate email address to keep you organized and as stress-free as possible. I personally have two seperate email accounts, one for coupons and offers, and one for freebies that make you sign-up for offers; this send account is my “spam account.” With this said, here are a few tips to keep in mind when creating your new account:

Coupon Address: Start by creating a new email address. Either sign up with an alternative service provider, such as gmail, ymail, yahoo, or the like, rather than your personal email address. Be sure to keep separate tabs on on your internet browser, while online, so they are easily accessible to you. As well, add separate account to your mobile devices and gadgets, so that you can quickly check offers on the go!

Signing up: Use the newest address when you sign up for exclusive newsletters and offers.

Update: Make sure to update your current subscriptions to the new email address; most reputable companies and services provide a link (typically at the bottom of an e-newsletter) or allow an address change through profile settings.

Enjoy the freedom of a clean inbox!

Earn $420.00 Annually Taking Online Surveys!



Good morning, savvy savers! For this weeks “Savings On The Go With A Cup Of Joe, I want to discuss a simple, easy way to increase your savings account in yur spare time, by taking online surveys!


One of my favorite survey companies is Pinecone Research, who is currently accepting new members to their online research panel. This research firm gives points away at the end of each survey, which have a cashout value of $3.00, which can be transferred to an existing PayPal account,  to a pre-paid card, a mailed paper check, which you can set aside to be directed to your savings account!   The average survey takes 20 minutes, so one could realistically complete 3 online surveys in an hour, and have generated $9.00, and though is not a great sum of money, the earned survey funds could potentially add up to a $36.00 a month, or $420.00 savings annually, if 3 surveys are taken weekly. based on qualification and availability.


How to start with Pinecone

1) Visit Pinecone Research.

2) Fill out a short questionnaire.

3) If you qualify, check your email, follow the link, and sign in.

4) Finish the registration process by answering a few more questions (should take less than five minutes, for most).

As well, Pinecone Research is rated #2 on and has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.

Here’s to saving!