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What I buy At Save-A-Lot To Save Money!


Hello again, savvy savers! For this weeks Wednesday Ways To Save, I want to discuss one of my favorite places to grocery and stockpile shop, and that is at my local Save-A-Lot store! For those who may not know, Save-A-Lot is smaller chain grocery store, that offers consumers higher quality, lower cost food option. The chain is known for cutting overhead costs by having customers bag their own groceries, emailing bi-weekly sales ads online to savings card holders, and by offering a mixture of brand and non-brand name items.

Some perks to shopping at Save-A-Lot:

  • The stores website offers great recipe ideas, a posted section called “Feed A Family of 4 For Under 5,” which shows healthy, affordable meal ideas, has a section to sign-up for their shoppers card club, and to view their “10 items for $10.00,” weekly deals!
  • The store also hosts an everyday sales promotion where you can buy 5 large family packs of various meat products, ranging from roasts, hams, and chops, to breakfast and pre-packed meat sections for only 17.00, as well as 1 pound tubes of ground turkey, a healthy alternative to beef, for an everyday stock-up price of only $1.00 a roll!
  • Save-A-Lot also accepts coupons, and although their website is a bit vague, it states that all valid manufacturers coupons will be excepted; from personal experience I would not use internet coupons at Save-A-Lot as their systems often cannot read the bar-codes.
  • Like with all other stores, I recommend you visit the Save-A-Lot webpage at the link provided below, and print a copy of their official Corporate Coupon Policy, keep it in your coupon binder, and take it with you whenever you shop at Save-A-Lot!
  • Also, be sure to sign-up for their loyalty rewards emails, and you will receive monthly emails, and you will receive, by mail, quarterly savings coupons, such as $5.00 off of a $25.00 or more shopping purchase!
  • Save-A-Lot also offers a butcher department, and though they are not visible to the general sales floor, the meat department has buzzer buttons which summon butchers for services; this is a great option for buying meats in bulk and having them wrapped in smaller quantities. Butchers will also season goods with their “special blend,” a Cajun seasoning, free of charge.
  • Save-A-Lot sales are tri-weekly; sales change the forth week of the month nationally.
  • Lastly, Save-A-Lot also features match-up recipes on their website, recipes that coincide with ongoing sales, which allow customers to make everyday family meals, all under $5.00 which feed a family of 4; recipes are updated monthly.


With all of that said, here are   items that I purchase at Save-A-Lot, no coupons needed:




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1) Bagged Lettuce and Cole Slaw Mix: Save-A-Lot carries Bagged Dole salad and Cole slaw packs, everyday priced at $0.89; this is $0.25 less per bag that Walmart’s own brand!





2) The Pick-5 Selections: Save-A-Lot features every valued pick-5 meat selections, where you can select from fresh poultry, pork, and beef products, as well as a large variety of pre-packages luncheon meats, cooked breakfast fare, and the like all for $19.99; the selections also include pork and beef roasts, pork spare ribs, and five pound chicken quarter bags.



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3) Rolls of Ground Turkey: In my family we generally consume ground turkey over ground beef for health reasons, and at Save-A-Lot the 1 pound chubs of rolled ground turkey are everyday priced at $1.49 per pound, and on the last weekend of each month, there is an a special where the rolls drop in price to $1.00 per roll; this is my stock-up pricing for ground turkey and monthly I buy numerous rolls of this product. Also worth noting, Save-A-Lot rolled meat products are certified pink slime-free and hormone-free.

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4) Spices: Save-A-Lot offers 12 ounce bottles of spices, herbs, and dry rubs, for $0.99 everyday priced; they carry basic seasonings as well as more hard-to-find for that price items such as Bay Leave, Ground Ginger, White Pepper, Curry Powder, All Spice, and several baking extracts. Considering that you can pay well over four times this amount at Walmart and Whole Foods, as well as that even the Dollar Tree, with their limited stock, only carries a very common varieties, this is an awesome stock-up deal!




5) Pantry Staples: Save-A-Lot carries 3 pound bags of rice, white and whole grain, and a variety of pastas, both bleached and whole grain as well, everyday priced at only $1.59, as well as $0.49 boxes of Jiffy corn muffin mixes; also worth noting I found $1.00 1 pound boxes of gluten-free kids alphabet pasta as well! This pricing cuts both Dollar Tree and Winn-Dixie pricing in half!


6) Banquet Frozen Dinners: These dinners are everyday priced at $0.88 each!

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7) Canned Beans: Save-A-Lot offers navy, pinto, black, and kidney beans everyday priced at $0.59 a can!

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8) Jarred Pasta Sauce: Save-A-Lot offers 24 ounce jarred pasta sauces, in marinara, meat, mushroom, pesto, Alfredo, and chunky varieties for only $0.99 a jar!

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9) Canned vegetables: Save-A-Lot offers canned vegetables at everyday low pricing; canned potatoes and green beans are $0.79, canned green beans for $0.59, and canned hominy, corn, and mixed vegetables for $0.49 a can.

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10) TGIF Chips: Save-A-Lot offers 16 ounce bags of TGIF brand chips for $1.00 a bag, in assorted varieties; this is a saving of $2.69 a bag over Walmart pricing!

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11) Canned Pet Food and Treats: Save-A-Lot offers canned lamb and rice pet food, in grain-free varieties for only $0.69 a can; this is a saving of $2.00 a can over many Petco varieties. As well, you can purchase the Canine Carry out pet treat bags, in the 8 punch pouches, for only $1.00 a bag!

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12) 9 Lives Canned Cat Food: Save-A-Lot also offers 9 Lives canned cat food, in assorted varieties, everyday prices at only $0.49 a can; though this is not stock-up pricing, this is a good value, without coupons being needed, for a reliable brand of canned cat food.

So, that’s some of the ways in which I save money while shopping at Save-A-Lot! I hope this list inspires you to consider shopping at retail food outlets outside of the large boxes superstore labels for your family! Though Save-A-Lot is a no-frills shopping environment, the deals are plentiful, the aisles are clear, the products is well stocked, and the staff are always super courteous and polite! Please note, you can save time by bringing in your own reusable shopping sacks to Save-A-Lot as the chain does not bag groceries in a traditional manner, and instead has customers load groceries into a empty shopping cart, and then walk to a staged bagging area; bringing your own bags with you will save time in the process!

Here’s to saving!


Saving On The Go With A Cup Of Joe: How I Am Saving $1,344 by Cutting Cable!


Hello again, savvy savers! For this weeks Saving to go, With A Cup of Joe Series, I want to discuss one of the biggest topics floating around my home as of late, and that is that I cut my cable and home phone services last month, for good! You may wonder why the sudden decision? Well, here is the long and short of the decision:

  • I called Comcast Customer Service two weeks ago, to scale back my service package, as my family and I did not watch most of the channels, and it had been months since I used the home phone service.
  • Customer Service was very uncooperative.
  • I was placed on hold for 76 minutes.
  • The representative returned to the phone and said that they were not going to let me lower my plan, and they were doing me a favor in doing so.
  • In that moment, I spoke up and said, CUT IT OFF!

So, within hours I had pulled cords, taken off adapters, removed boxes, and had returned all of the companies apparatuses pertaining to the home phone and cable to the local Comcast office. On the way home from this errand, it dawned on me… I needed to tell my husband when he got home, and how would I do that? How shall I tell him that the Saints and the Whodat Nation will no longer be on television? Simple, we would be saving money, and lot of it!

So, in the four hours until my husband came home, here’s the plan I came up with:

  • By cutting cable and home phone service, I would save $1344.00 annually.
  • I would be able to watch as many of the shows my family enjoyed, mnus sports channels using Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon Prime; I am already a member of all three.
  • I would be able to put the money I would spent on cable to pay for season tickets to my husbands Alma Mater, the University of Southern Mississippi.
  • I would no longer pay for channels we didn’t watch.

The plan sounded rock solid! My husband took it rather well, and after a month of cutting my services here are some other insights I can share with how anyone can make this switch as well:

1. Investigate internet service providers:

When I made the rash decision to drop my cable bundled deal, I did not take into consideration that my internet plan would now cost me more per month; my monthly internet plan went from $45.00 per month to $58.00 a month. As I work from home, the internet, unlike a home phone, is a necessity (we have cell service for our main phone services), and though I am looking at other options, currently Comcast is my only service provider in my area, and so I am okay with the charge. If you live in an area with several providers, please call your current company’s customer retention department and try to make a deal!

2. Choose a video streaming service:

We were already members of Netflix, Hulu Plus, and Amazon Prime. We chose to retain all services, especially Amazon Prime because along with video streaming, free two-day shipping, and the Kindle Lending Library were also included in the $79 yearly fee; we pay for our Amazon Prime membership out of our annual tax returns, and so it doesn’t come out of the monthly pot, per se. As for my Netflix and Hulu Plus services, I use Ibotta, Checkout51, and Shopmium (using code GMYMMYPT) to pay for these services, and so there are no additional costs out-of-pocket for our family, as well.

3. Meet My New Friend, Roku:

Roku is a small, plug-and-play device which allows users to stream videos via your subscription service straight to your TV; the service also includes additional free programing as well. We purchased our unit through Amazon, using curvey earned cards, for only $48.00, refurbished! This service is really awesome! The unit I purchased is here!  Our Roku is used on our livingroom television, as we moved our PS4 to our den, as the gaming system already came prepared with downloadable streaming apps; for those without gaming systems, Roku is the way to go!

4. Get a Leaf for local/sports channels:

I have also been able to purchase the Mohu Leaf,  a flat antenna mounted to our TV in our den, which picks up local stations in HD; this feature gave my husband sports channels, which is a plus! I used money from surveys to purchase a unit for $42.00!

5. Re-Think How You Watch TV:

Consider this, by cutting cable you may be cutting your package and the way you watch programming, but that just means you need to think outside the box. My family watches the same shows as before, just a day, perhaps two days later, for upper channels, and using the Leaf, the same as before. Also, I have began to explore programming online that I had not seen before, such as the Youtube Wigs series, watching shows using network apps such as Lifetime, MTV, Bravo, and the like! I now watch what I want to watch, as opposed to simple channel surfing! Its a win-win!

So, this past month I was able to save $112.00 a month, nearly half of my grocery budget! Was the process simple, no. Was the way we now watch tv easy, yes! Do I recommend this switch, absolutely! So, that’s just a new way I now save money at home!

Here’s to saving!

Savings On The Go With A Cup Of Joe: Make $176 from Capital One!


Good morning, savvy savers! For this weeks Savings on the Go, With A Cup of Joe series post, I want to let everyone know an exciting new offer, that my family participated in yesterday! Currently, you can get $176 in bonuses for the next two days only with this special offer from Capital One. Please note,  If you plan to do both offers, be sure to open the Savings Account first, then the Checking Account.


Here’s how to get $176 in bonuses:

1. Open a Savings Account: 

-Open a no-fee 360 Savings® account between June 30 and July 3, 2014.

-Deposit a minimum of $500.

-You will receive your $76.00 bonus on the 31st day, after midnight. From this point, you can close your account or leave your money in there and earn interest on it.


2. Open a New Checking Account and get $100 in Bonuses:

-Open a fee-free 360 Checking® account between June 30 and July 3, 2014.

-Request a debit card, and then use your Debit Card to make 5 purchases,in any amount.

-On day 50, after midnight,  a $100 bonus will be added to your account. You can close your account or leave your money in there and earn interest on it.


Its pretty simple, and an easy way to make a few extra dollars for vacations, birthdays, or in my case, to put back for holiday spending!

Here’s to saving!


Wednesday Ways To Save: Ways To Save At Petco!


For this weeks Wednesday Ways To Save, I want to discuss some of the ways I shop at my favorite pet store, Petco! Here a few tips to save at Petco:

1) Sign-up for the Petco Rewards Card, you will earn 5% cash back on every purchase, a $5 certificate when you spend $100, and receive special coupons. Sign up here! 

2) Check out Petco’s online coupons here! 

3) Petco has an awesome price-match policy! 


 According to their official online corporate price-match policy, they state that they will price match any local ad within a 20-mile radius of their store. Also, as of May 1st, they will also accept price-matching, via mobile devices! How awesome is that? As Amazon’s awesome Subscribe & Save Program often delves out awesome pet treat, food, and litter deals, this should come in very handy when price matching at your local Petco!

5) During the holidays be sure to keep your eyes peeled for Holiday calendars, priced around $8.00, which have coupon packs valued at over $50.00 each calendar, and a portion of the proceeds go to the Petco Animal Foundation.

6) Be sure to check out the various managers specials around the store; stores can be combined with manufacturer and store coupons, newspaper, printed, and the like. The special will be marked with orange labels, and though many of the products are starting to expire, they can be bagged in ziplock bags, and frozen up to a year. Check out some of the current sales below:

So, there are a few ways I save at Petco! If you are a Petco shopper, please leave me a comment below and let me know the ways you save as well!


Saving To Go With A Cup Of Joe: Envelope Savings Systems!


Good morning, savvy savers! For todays Savings On The Go With A Cup of Joe, I want to post about how my savings journey started, with my Envelope Savings System!

I started using an envelope savings system because on average I found myself overspend by 15% or more, weekly, when my family and I did not use cash to pay for purchases; credit cards, and debit cards for that matter, often mean more debt for me! Like my family, until a year ago, did not have a savings plan in place and that was a huge issue for us! Only a small percentage of families have a system in place to help control the household finances. Using cash to pay for purchases, by way of an envelope system, is a very simple and effective way to control spending, and it has worked well for us.

1) It’s easy to set up the envelope system. Simply put, make a monthly budget, including money for savings, and once your bills have been paid and allocated, withdrawal cash equal to the amount of what you have planned to spend for gas, groceries, parking, hair appointments, and incidentals.

2) Decide as a family what categories of spending you are going to put on a cash basis. Some might prefer to put all of their expenses on a cash basis. For me, cash is always used for food, clothing, gasoline, auto repairs, toiletries, cosmetics, hair care, stockpiling, weekly deals, and mad money.

3) Invest in a pouch to use as your envelope; try the Dollar Tree for such options!

4) Label your envelopes. Get several standard letter size envelopes, or pouches and label then for certain expenses, if you will use them for bills, such as the water company, electric company, or the like. Then create envelopes for personal funds, or group funds, as specified above. I generally use one envelope and break up stacks with sticky notes and paper clips!

5) Once your envelopes are labeled, decide how much you plan to spend on each expense for that period; making sure to go back through and write those amounts on their corresponding envelopes.

6) Be sure to store your envelopes in a safe place. I purchased a $10.00 lock box at Walmart for this purpose and the only two people who have access to place or remove envelopes are the two people who create the funds, my husband and I!

7) Being successful at handling money takes planning. The envelope system is extremely powerful but it is only part of a good financial plan. To effectively manage your personal finances you should also include a monthly budget, spending plan, savings plan and debt reduction plan. Also, be sure to keep your receipts!

8) Remember, when you run out of funds, that’s all you can spend!

I know this list sounds harsh, but trust me, you will save greatly, largely, and quickly! This is the only way I have found to efficiently spend money in an lasting, accountable manner!


Savings On The Go With A Cup Of Joe: Start Saving Tax Receipts From Donated Stockpiled Goods!


Good morning, savvy savers! For this weeks Savings On The Go With A Cup Of Joe, I just wanted to give everyone a quick reminder to start saving receipts for all of the donated food that you donate for the remained of the year! Assuming you have decided to donate food and non-perishable goods, even toiletry products, to a local food bank, federally you can request a tax receipt for up to $200.00 annually! With so many savvy savers undergoing spring cleaning this season, and clearing out pantry shelves, why not earn a few extra dollars for all of your hard-earned, couponed goods? If you decide to donate food, make sure you do so with a repetitive 401-c3 non-profit group, and kindly ask for a tax receipt! You are allowed by law to receive the Fair Market Value of your goods, at the time of donation!

This $200.00 can pay to reimburse yourself for the fuel, paper, and ink costs which go into couponing throughout the year, while helping others at the same time!

Be sure to keep your receipts in a safe place for next tax season!

Savings On The Go With A Cup Of Joe: Itemized Bill Books!


Good morning, savvy savers! For this weeks Savings On The Go With A Cup of Joe series post, I wanted to discuss one of the easiest ways I have found to save my family money, an itemized savings book.



I purchase a 4-column pad, from Office Depot, and use this book to keep a log of my monthly expenses!

The book holds all my expenses at a glance. I divide the book as follows:

Space 1: Expenses Named

Column 1: Amount Owed, Per Month

Column 2: Amount Paid, Per Month

Column 3: Interest Accumulated (If Any)

Column 4: Balance Owed

I find that having an actual book helps keep me accountable for my expenses. I like the feeling of physically writing down what I owe each month, seeing how much interest I pay, how much I am able to pay, how high or low my owed balances are, and see a crossed off column as bills are paid-off!

This is one method that has helped me stay financially responsible, and I hope it might help you as well.

Here’s to saving!