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February No-Spend Month Challenge: Day 6 Recap

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Hello again, savvy savers! So today I challenged you all to “Rain-Check Shop,”  to “shop” for deals, particularly weekend drugstore deals, which can be used at a later time.

So, here is what I did today:

  1. After work, I first went to my local Winn-Dixie and was able to snag rain-checks on BOGO bread, butter, cereal, pasta, juice, pork roasts, pork chops, and frozen veggie deals!
  2. I then went to Walgreens and received rain-checks on Culturelle Digestive Health Probiotic and Nutella. 
  3. At Rite Aid I was able to get rain-checks for GE CFL Light Bulbs and Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap,
  4. And at CVS, I snagged rain-checks on Nutella, Colgate, and Excederin; I also checked the CVS Coupon Machine for store coupons to tuck in my coupon binder.
  5. During March, I will be able to spend $24.00 for $78.00 worth of groceries and personal care products! 

As well today, I was also able to accomplish:

  1. I woke up at 6:25, walked my fur babies, showered, & dressed to my shoes. (Thanks, Flylady!)
  2. Worked on my daily Motivated Moms Planner.
  3. I read part of a new review book.
  4. I finished today’s Day 5 No-Spend Challenge!
  5. I enjoyed a Free Chik-fil-a- frozen latte!
  6. I cooked from my pantry, three times.
  7. I walked for three miles!
  8. I finished all of my daily blog posts on time!
  9. Read my daily devotional.
  10. I cleaned out my coupon cabinet, paper files for my ETSY business, and recycled numerous bins of random scraps of fabric around my craft room, too! 

So today I saved:

  • I was able to procure 16 new rain-checks savings $54.00 in savings for March!
  • I completed 2 surveys online via Ipsos-iSay, and earned a $1.00 towards my next Amazon gift code.
  • I eat at home three times today, saving our family $7.93. 
  • I recycled, upcycled, and composted one bins of deluge, and saved $0.25, the cost of 1 trash bag. 
  • I enjoyed a free Chik-fil-a frozen latte, for free, a savings of $2.99!
  • I received $12.99 worth of product review items, which can be placed in my home gift closet!
  • My family drank water today, and saved $0.69, the cost of a 2-liter of soda.
  • I also did not watch cable tv, and saved $3.68 by doing so.

So, overall today my family saved: $83.53

This months savings goal remaining: $502.27


Hopefully today’s challenge will have helped you to start thinking not just about savings during no-spend months, but for spending months, too! Until tomorrow’s challenge! 


Here’s to saving,



Challenge Links:

February No-Spend Month Challenge: Day 5 Recap

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Hello again, savvy savers! So today, I challenged you all to look into starting a coupon swap box, or to perhaps look for coupon swap groups online. For me, I went online and posted a few coupons I currently had, and requested a few deals that I knew would make for freebies at my local Dollar Tree! I have had a few hits so far, and was even able to work out a deal today on a handful of freebie coupons, which should be on the way to my home soon! I love making a deal, don’t you! So for an hours worth of work today, I have gained $40.00 in free products, which all tax-only buys! As I’m set for bread, cheese, creamer, and the like this month, these items will be tucked into my deep freeze for April’s next No-Spend Month! Score! 

That’s my kind of an afternoon!

As well today, I was also able to accomplish:

  1. I woke up at 6:30, walked my fur babies, showered, & dressed to my shoes. (Thanks, Flylady!)
  2. Worked on my daily Motivated Moms Planner.
  3. I read part of a new review book.
  4. I finished today’s Day 5 No-Spend Challenge!
  5. I enjoyed a Free Chik-fil-a- frozen latte!
  6. I cooked from my pantry, three times.
  7. I walked for three miles!
  8. I finished all of my daily blog posts on time!
  9. Read my daily devotional.
  10. I cleaned out my coupon cabinet, paper files for my ETSY business, and recycled numerous bins of random scraps of fabric around my craft room, too! 

So today I saved:

  • I was able to subscribe to a new, free magazine subscription, which will have a combined savings of $12.00.
  • I completed 2 surveys online via Ipsos-iSay, and earned a $1.00 towards my next Amazon gift code.
  • I eat at home three times today, saving our family $8.91. 
  • I recycled, upcycled, and composted one bins of deluge, and saved $0.25, the cost of 1 trash bag. 
  • I enjoyed a free Chik-fil-a frozen latte, for free, a savings of $2.99!
  • I received $17.99 worth of product review items, which can be placed in my home gift closet!
  • I used two gift cards from Jolly Awesome Pet Tags, and scored $29.98 worth of pet tags, one for all of my fur-babies for free, with a spare for my kitty who “misplaces his collar!”
  • Scored $40.00 in free item coupons to be used at the Dollar Tree
  • I also did not watch cable tv, and saved $3.68 by doing so.

So, overall today my family saved: $116.80

This months savings goal remaining: $585.80

Hopefully today’s challenge will have helped you to start thinking about more in your life that simply surviving in the day-to-day world! Until tomorrow’s challenge! 

Here’s to saving,




Challenge Links:

February No-Spend Month Challenge: Day 4 Recap

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Good evening, savvy savers! So for Day 4, I challenged you all to #Choose30! So did you all stop and think, “is there anything I need to change?”

I did. I have decided to take this next thirty days and work on myself, by way of maintaining a product, effective morning routine. 

Each morning I would like to:

  • Wake up at 6:30 am.
  • Walk my fur babies.
  • Eat breakfast.
  • Read my devotional.
  • Take My vitamins.
  • Shower, dress, and have a cup of coffee, by myself.
  • All done before 7:30 am!

I want to have myself “fixed,” before I can fix my family each day. While this may not sound like a lot, for me this is a huge thing! Some days I spend so much time fixing things for work, my home, my family, and my husband… that it’s nearly 10 am before I can stop and worry about me! Hopefully this will soon change!

As well today, I was also able to accomplish:

  1. I woke up at 6:30, walked my fur babies, showered, & dressed to my shoes, (just sans shoes indoors, as we’re a no-shoes indoor household!) (Thanks, Flylady!)
  2. Worked on my daily Motivated Moms Planner.
  3. I finished one days work of work-week, clerking assignments.
  4. I read part of a new review book.
  5. I finished today’s Day 4 No-Spend Challenge!
  6. I enjoyed a Free Chik-fil-a- frozen latte!
  7. I cooked from my pantry, three times.
  8. I walked for three miles!
  9. I finished all of my daily blog posts on time!
  10. Read my daily devotional.
  11. I cleaned out my linen closet and makeup drawers! 

So today I saved:

  • I was able to subscribe to a new, free magazine subscription, which will have a combined savings of $11.00.
  • I completed 2 surveys online via Ipsos-iSay, and earned a $1.00 towards my next Amazon gift code.
  • I eat at home three times today, saving our family $8.91. 
  • I recycled, upcycled, and composted one bins of deluge, and saved $0.25, the cost of 1 trash bag. 
  • I enjoyed a free Chik-fil-a frozen latte, for free, a savings of $2.99!
  • I received $23.34 worth of product review items, which can be placed in my home gift closet!
  • I used a gallon of milk from my deep freeze, and saved $3.98 from having to run to the store for milk!
  • I also did not watch cable tv, and saved $3.68 by doing so.

So, overall today my family saved: $55.15

This months savings goal remaining: $702.60

Hopefully today’s challenge will have helped you to start thinking about more in your life that simply surviving in the day-to-day world! Until tomorrow’s challenge! 

Here’s to saving,




Challenge Links:

Wednesday Ways To Save:!



Hello again, savvy savers! Today’s Wednesday’s Ways To Save is about one of my favorite sites on the internet,!

I love Freecycle. When I say I love Freecycle, I mean it, truly! is a website, run through Yahoo, that connects people looking to get rid of household items, with people who need certain items; this method helps keep belongings out of landfills, and puts it in the hands of those who truly need, or want, the items! One great bit of advice I give friends is that if they are looking for furniture, craft materials, building materials, toys, clothing, uniforms, or some other needs, try Freecycle first! I thought I’d share some tips on Freecycle etiquette that I’ve picked up in my time using five freecycle groups in three cities here in my area.

Here’s how to start using Freecyle in your own home:

  1. Start a account; sign-up for an account, find the group closest to your town, and once your account is approved by a group moderator, make sure that the organizations emails are secured as safe-senders in your email accounts.
  2. Post an offer. With any free site, its always best to start terms off with your best foot forward, and this case its by posting an offer to give away a free item you can part with; with Spring cleaning on the near horizon this should not be a hard endeavor! Be sure to start your ad with the following ISO (in Search Of), INO (In Need Of), or VES (Very Eagerly Seeking), followed by a colon, and then the desired item in question.
  3. Be considerate and realistic. Be sure to ask for things you truly need; asking for outrageous, egregious, or expensive items will cause your account to be suspected, or possibly deleted by group administrators.
  4. Ask for an item. Once you have given an item away, or made arrangement to do so; once you receive your item, always be sure to post a group note stating it has been taken, and while on the site post your first request!
  5. If someone offers you an item, be prompt in making arrangements to pick the item up, and after doing so always remember to shoot the sender a thank you email, as well as to return to the site and list the item as haven been received!
  6. Keep up with emails. Be sure to check back often, and if you are able to do so, offer items to wanted ads, and never be too proud to ask for items from others!
  7. You will never receive a blessing with a closed hand, or mind! Be sure to think of your fellow group members before throwing out household items, as you would be surprised in what others may be in need of.




With all of this stated, I wanted to give you all an example of one set of items I received recently. There is a lady in my local group. She and I have exchanged items several times, and as she knows that I coupon and upcycle furniture, she often writes me to take things off her hands. This past weekend she wrote and offered me a pair of perfectly fine, white rocking chairs! Why was she getting rid of them? She felt that my husband and I, as a young couple, should have a place to sit and converse with one another! Is that not amazing? In addition to this, over the past year I have received antique mason jars, fabric, buttons, end tables, trunks, and other fun items!

I highly recommend this site, and hope you will use it soon!

Here’s to saving,


February No-Spend Month Challenge: Day 4 (#Choose30 Challenge)

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Hello again, savvy savers! A new day, a new challenge! To change things up today, let’s switch courses and think about ways of enriching ourselves.

 As some of you may have noticed yesterday, but I mentioned that I have just finished reading the book, “And Now I Choose,” by Tam Hodge, and subsequently, I started following her site. And currently on her site this month, Mrs. Hodge has started a new challenge, the #Choose30 Challenge, encouraging people to choose one thing to do differently, that will positively impact in their lives.

Now I know how daunting this may be. Putting yourself out there, admitting our shortcomings can be frightening, but for the sake of a good challenge, I’m game! So today, I am challenging both myself and my readers to find one thing in their life that they can spend the next thirty days making this new change habitual! 

So for Day 4, I challenge you to #Choose30! Before you hop off the computer, just sit and think, is there anything I need to change? 

Know I’m pulling for you. 

Stay tuned for the Day 4 Challenge recap this evening!

Here’s to saving,




Challenge Links:

February No-Spend Month Challenge: Day 3 Recap

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Hello again, savvy savers! So, for Day 3, and keeping with our I challenge you all to find new ways to Dine Out At Home!

For for me, I used today’s challenge to create a copycat meal, that could later be used with materials I had on-hand! Here’s my menu:

So, with items on hand, I would be able to pull this meal together, for my husband and I, for under $10.00! Compare this to the retail price of $64.18, minus gratuity and tax, for this same meal! This meal will be on my menu for my April no-spend month challenge, as my current meal plan is already in place!

As well today, I was also able to accomplish:

  1. I woke up at 6:45, walked my fur babies, showered, & dressed to my shoes, grudgingly. (Thanks, Flylady!)
  2. Worked on my daily Motivated Moms Planner.
  3. I finished one day of  clerking assignments.
  4. I read part of a new review book.
  5. I finished the last chapter of an awesome new book,And Now I Choose,” by Tam Hodge.
  6. I finished today’s Day 3 No-Spend Challenge!
  7. I cooked from my pantry, three times.
  8. I finished five product reviews.
  9. Read my daily devotional.
  10. I organized my dining room.

So today I saved:

  • I was able to subscribe to a new, free magazine subscription, which will have a combined savings of $11.00.
  • I completed 2 surveys online via Ipsos-iSay, and earned a $1.00 towards my next Amazon gift code.
  • I eat at home three times today, saving our family $8.91. 
  • I recycled, upcycled, and composted one bins of deluge and saved $0.25, the cost of 1 trash bag. 
  • I reconstituted older Scentsy bricks into new wax melts, and saved $4.50.
  • I received $21.32 worth of product review items, which can be placed in my home gift closet!
  • I also did not watch cable tv, and saved $3.68 by doing so.

So, overall today my family saved: $50.66

This months savings goal remaining: $757.75


Now that’s a full day! Stay tuned for the Day 4 Challenge tomorrow!

Here’s to saving,




Challenge Links:

February No-Spend Month Challenge: Day 3 (Dine Out At Home)

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Hello again, savvy savers! A new day, a new challenge! 




Did you know, that the average American eats an average of 4.2 commercially prepared meals per week. In other words, as a nation, on average we dine out between 4-5 times a week. This number equates to 18.2 meals in an average month, nearly a 1/3 of our meals consumed!

What kind of money are we talking about here? Considering that the average American spends $12.75 per meal, may not sound too exorbitant, but wait until you see the real math… that is $232 a month, and $2,784.00 annually! 

What’s more staggering? Many low-fat, nutritious meals can be made for under $2.00 per person, per meal, a savings of nearly $40.00 weekly, all-in-all a 90% savings; all funds which could easily help you snowball debt!  So, for just this one budget change, you can pay for an entire months worth of couponed groceries, for a family of four! I know it can be done, I do it weekly! 

Now with that said, I still firmly believe in the idea that part of living well, spending less, and living frugally only means something if these measures help you, and your family, live freely! Yes, you should be able to splurge on meals from time to time, just not this month! And I am also aware of the upcoming Mardi Gras and Valentine’s Day weekends vast approaching, and in the spirit of laissez bon temps rouler, I have devised today’s challenge!

So, for Day 3, and keeping with our I challenge you all to find new ways to Dine Out At Home!

That’s right! Come up with a list of a list of copycat meal options, restaurant-style fair, savory bits that can be made at home this month, from what you already have on hand!

  • Use your favorite search engine and find recipes that will help you empty your freezer, deep freeze, stockpile, and pantry items.
  • You should find a few meals, nothing crazy, just a few! 
  • Search for specific chain favorites; for me I love Applebee’s Walnut Bondies!
  • Have fun!
  • Be Creative!

Stay tuned for the Day 3 Challenge recap this evening!

Here’s to saving,




Challenge Links: