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February No-Spend Month Challenge: Day 9 Recap


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Hello again, savvy savers! I hope everyone’s Monday without without a hitch, as mine did not! 

So, today I challenged you all to accomplish three tasks:

  1. To tackle a one hour cleaning challenge: you will need to start by a visual de-cluttering and surface cleaning of your home. 
  2. To establish a three box donation, toss, and recycling hub in your home; set up three boxes that can be used this week for ending cluttering.
  3. To establish an evening cleaning ritual.


decluttering zone


So today was I able to accomplish my cleaning goals, yes! Was I able to accomplish little more, no! Earlier this morning two transformers in my area failed, rending my home office inept, and my home without power. Thank goodness for gas heating, you know? 


selling zone


Today I completed my morning routine (see below), preformed a 1-hour, no-power needed cleaning routine ( I vacuum after I regained power), and then established a three bin system for upcycled items, trash, and donations. I also created a bin for items which can be listed for sale online next week. Each time my boxes filled, I emptied them accordingly; with upclcyed items being placed in my basement for Spring projects and donations in reusable bags, placed in my trunk for donating in the evening tomorrow. Amazon Pantry boxes make the best boxes for such a project! An easy day, but a good day, if I say so myself!


purse cleanout


As well today, I was also able to accomplish:

  1. As part of my #Choose30 Daily Challenge, I woke up at 7:25, walked my fur babies, showered, & dressed to my shoes. (Thanks, Flylady!)
  2. Worked on my daily Motivated Moms Planner.
  3. I completed Money Saving Mom’s Monday deep cleaning project, a purse decluttering! 
  4. I finished today’s Day 9 No-Spend Challenge!
  5. I cooked from my pantry for each meal.
  6. Read my daily devotional.
  7. I planned out the rest of the months daily challenge posts! 




What I missed today:

  • Work, ha! 
  • A Skype Chat with the ladies of the Merry Monday Linky Party!
  • Scheduling posts for my blog.
  • Any and all product reviews.
  • Earning survey points/ gift cards.

Today I saved:

  • I eat at home this evening for dinner, saving our family $6.95. 
  • I recycled, upcycled, and composted one bins of deluge, and saved $0.25, the cost of 1 trash bag. 
  • My family drank water today, and saved $0.69, the cost of a 2-liter of soda.
  • I also did not watch cable tv, and saved $3.68 by doing so.
  • I lost a half day’s worth of electricity costs, and saved $3.00! 

So, overall today my family saved: $14.57

This months savings goal remaining: $403.09

 A full day, a new way to find to save at home! Be sure to come back tomorrow morning for a new day’s challenge!


Here’s to saving,




Challenge Links:

How I Am Saving $1,344 by Cutting Cable!


Hello again, savvy savers! For this weeks Saving to go, With A Cup of Joe Series, I want to discuss one of the biggest topics floating around my home as of late, and that is that I cut my cable and home phone services last month, for good! You may wonder why the sudden decision? Well, here is the long and short of the decision:

  • I called Comcast Customer Service two weeks ago, to scale back my service package, as my family and I did not watch most of the channels, and it had been months since I used the home phone service.
  • Customer Service was very uncooperative.
  • I was placed on hold for 76 minutes.
  • The representative returned to the phone and said that they were not going to let me lower my plan, and they were doing me a favor in doing so.
  • In that moment, I spoke up and said, CUT IT OFF!

So, within hours I had pulled cords, taken off adapters, removed boxes, and had returned all of the companies apparatuses pertaining to the home phone and cable to the local Comcast office. On the way home from this errand, it dawned on me… I needed to tell my husband when he got home, and how would I do that? How shall I tell him that the Saints and the Whodat Nation will no longer be on television? Simple, we would be saving money, and lot of it!

So, in the four hours until my husband came home, here’s the plan I came up with:

  • By cutting cable and home phone service, I would save $1344.00 annually.
  • I would be able to watch as many of the shows my family enjoyed, minus sports channels using Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon Prime; I am already a member of all three.
  • I would be able to put the money I would spent on cable to pay for season tickets to my husbands Alma Mater, the University of Southern Mississippi.
  • I would no longer pay for channels we didn’t watch.

The plan sounded rock solid! My husband took it rather well, and after a month of cutting my services here are some other insights I can share with how anyone can make this switch as well:

1. Investigate internet service providers:

When I made the rash decision to drop my cable bundled deal, I did not take into consideration that my internet plan would now cost me more per month; my monthly internet plan went from $45.00 per month to $58.00 a month. As I work from home, the internet, unlike a home phone, is a necessity (we have cell service for our main phone services), and though I am looking at other options, currently Comcast is my only service provider in my area, and so I am okay with the charge. If you live in an area with several providers, please call your current company’s customer retention department and try to make a deal!

2. Choose a video streaming service:

We were already members of Netflix, Hulu Plus, and Amazon Prime. We chose to retain all services, especially Amazon Prime because along with video streaming, free two-day shipping, and the Kindle Lending Library were also included in the $79 yearly fee; we pay for our Amazon Prime membership out of our annual tax returns, and so it doesn’t come out of the monthly pot, per se. As for my Netflix and Hulu Plus services, I use Ibotta, Checkout51, and Shopmium (using code GMYMMYPT) to pay for these services, and so there are no additional costs out-of-pocket for our family, as well; if you are like me and have a small but loyal following list of weekly or seasonal shows, than go with Hulu Plus, it’s been my favorite go-to for the past season!

3. Meet My New Friend, Roku:

Roku is a small, plug-and-play device which allows users to stream videos via your subscription service straight to your TV; the service also includes additional free programming as well. We purchased our unit through Amazon, using earned survey gift cards, for only $48.00, refurbished! This service is really awesome! The unit I purchased is here!  Our Roku is currently being used with our living room television, as we moved our PS4 to our den, as the gaming system already came prepared with downloadable streaming apps; for those without gaming systems, Roku is the way to go!

4. Get a Leaf for local/sports channels:

I have also been able to purchase the Mohu Leaf,  a flat antenna mounted to our TV in our den, which picks up local stations in HD; this feature gave my husband sports channels, which is a plus! I used money from surveys to purchase a unit for $42.00!

5. Re-Think How You Watch TV:

Consider this, by cutting cable you may be cutting your package and the way you watch programming, but that just means you need to think outside the box. My family watches the same shows as before, just a day, perhaps two days later, for upper channels, and using the Leaf, the same as before. Also, I have began to explore programming online that I had not seen before, such as the Youtube Wigs series, watching shows using network apps such as Lifetime, MTV, Bravo, and the like! I now watch what I want to watch, as opposed to simple channel surfing! Its a win-win!

So, this past month I was able to save $112.00 a month, nearly three-quarters of my grocery budget! Was the process simple, no. Was the way we now watch tv easy, yes! Do I recommend this switch, absolutely! So, that’s just a new way I now save money at home!

Here’s to saving!


February No-Spend Month Challenge: Day 9 (Establishing Cleaning Routines & Decluttering Zones)

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Hello again, savvy savers! Happy Monday! I hope you all are well rested, work-minded, and in the mood for cleaning and organization this week! 

As you know, this last week, we focused the first part of the week on pantry organization, organizing food swap days, creating meals based on pantry staples, and then switched focus to alternative pantry re-stocking methods, and this morning ee are going to scrub, dust,  sort, purge, evaluate, and hopefully make a profit in the process! No matter is you rent, lease, or own there is work to be done! No matter if your home is showcase worthy or disaster-adjacent, there is something can can be done to better your home this coming week!

So, today I am challenging you all to accomplish three tasks:

  1. To tackle a one hour cleaning challenge: you will need to start by a visual de-cluttering and surface cleaning of your home. 
  2. To establish a three box donation, toss, and recycling hub in your home; set up three boxes that can be used this week for ending cluttering.
  3. To establish an evening cleaning ritual.

So, to begin, you will need to procure from your home the following:

  • A large basket, bin, or box.
  • A clipboard with paper, or notepad.
  • A few pens, markers, or sharpies.
  • Three empty bags, bins, or boxes large enough to hold a load of laundry or like items. 
  • A handful of sponges or rags.

So, Step 1, use a timer, and complete the 1-Hour Weekly Cleaning Start:

  1. Bedrooms: Make beds, pick-up anything on your floor, remove laundry, dust night stands, vacuum/ dry mop. 
  2. Kitchen: Empty dishwasher and reload/ wash dishes and air dry dishes, take out trash, wipe down counter-tops,  and sweep floors.
  3. Bathrooms: Wipe out sinks, clean mirrors, wipe down and swish toilet, spray your shower with cleaner/ shower out, replace hand/ bath towels, and weep floors. 
  4. Living Room/Dens: Remove clutter, recycle magazine, clean fluff/adjust couch cushions, vacuum and dry mop floors.
  5. Office: surface clean all desk areas, remove paper/mail clutter, vacuum/ dry mop out of room.

Step 2, establish a decluttering zone:

  1. You will need five large boxes, bins, or bags.
  2. Establish a 3 box de-cluttering system for this week; a donation, recycling, and trash box or bin.
  3. Take your 4th box or bin, and establish a sales bin; this bin will hold items that can be listed for sale. 
  4. Using your 5th box, establish an upcycled area; this area will contain items which can be used to create new items in your home, in lieu of being discarded. 

Step 3, Create an 30-minute evening cleaning ritual:

  1. Pack lunches and snacks.
  2. Set your home up for the next day; set the coffee maker, restock diaper bags,  re-stock paper products (toilet paper, paper towels, napkin holder, wipes) in home, check briefcases and back backs for anything you might need the next day, pack gym bags, pre-harness pets for morning walks before bed/ being crated, and lay out morning outfits.
  3. Clean your kitchen: Be sure to wipe down counters, load your dishwasher, sweep floor, lay out a clean dish towel, and remove trash. 
  4. Breakfast: Plan your morning meal: Lay out utensils/settings if needed, if pre-packaged options are on the menu, lay them out as well. You can also set-up clean, sanitized pet food/water dishes, placed in the fridge for the morning meals, too. Also, lay out your medications/vitamins. 
  5. Five minute pick-up: using a basket, take 5 minutes before bed, walk around your home, lightly straighten the house, and anything that is in the wrong room can be placed in your basket to be sorted as you go from room to room, so items can be put back in their proper places! 
  6. Create a to-do list for the next day. 

Now, while this list seems extensive, depending on the size of your home, should only take a couple hours today, and in the long run should greatly help you not only today but in the future. This week is not only about creating long-lasting cleaning solutions in your home, but establishing routines that will help you not only keep your home cleaner and safer, but to shave the time it takes you to do so, in half! 

 Be sure to come back this evening for today’s cleaning recap!

Here’s to saving,



Challenge Links:

February No-Spend Month Challenge: Day 8 Recap #nospendchallenge

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Hello again, savvy savers! Happy Sunday! Can you believe we are a week into a No-Spending Month Challenge! 

 A full day, a new way to find to save at home! This last week, we focused the first part of the week on pantry organization, organizing food swap days, creating meals based on pantry staples, and then switched focus to alternative pantry re-stocking methods, including starting and maintaining a coupon swap, rain-check shopping, and saving money on the grocery bill, and monthly expenses for that matter, by channeling funds from utility premiums back into your overall family/personal budgets. So you could say, last week was all about food! 

This morning I discussed that this coming week I want to change course. I want to focus on our homes. I want to focus on all of the cluttered, chaotic, dirty, overlooked blemishes that hinder out overall vision of what a simple, efficient can bring into our day-to-day existences.  This week we are going tackle the chaos that be head on.  We are going to scrub, dust,  sort, purge, evaluate, and hopefully make a profit in the process! No matter is you rent, lease, or own there is work to be done! No matter if your home is showcase worthy or disaster-adjacent, there is something can can be done to better your home this coming week! Today’s challenge was to make a list of four areas in your home that need organization, cleaning, and sorting,  and to prepare to clean this week. 

As well, in addition to the challenges ahead of you today, I encourage you to procure from your home the following:

  • A large basket, bin, or box.
  • A clipboard with paper, or notepad.
  • A few pens, markers, or sharpies.
  • Three empty bags, bins, or boxes large enough to hold a load of laundry or like items. 
  • A handful of sponges or rags.

So, today I spent the afternoon making lists and projects to fill my week with, and I hope you have done the same! 

As well today, I was also able to accomplish:

  1. I woke up at 7:25, walked my fur babies, showered, & dressed to my shoes. (Thanks, Flylady!)
  2. Worked on my daily Motivated Moms Planner.
  3. I finished today’s Day8 No-Spend Challenge!
  4. I cooked from my pantry for each meal.
  5. I finished all of my daily blog posts on time!
  6. Read my daily devotional.
  7. I donated a trunk full of household goods to charity.
  8. I finished all of my errands and shopping before 1 pm!

So today I saved:

  • I used drying racks for six loads of laundry this afternoon, saving an average of $3.25, the cost of running my dryer for 3.5 hours! 
  • I completed 2 surveys online via Ipsos-iSay, and earned a $1.00 towards my next Amazon gift code.
  • I eat at home this evening for dinner, saving our family $6.95. 
  • I recycled, upcycled, and composted one bins of deluge, and saved $0.25, the cost of 1 trash bag. 
  • My family drank water today, and saved $0.69, the cost of a 2-liter of soda.
  • I also did not watch cable tv, and saved $3.68 by doing so.
  • I blanched 19 bags of DIY Stir Fry Bags, and minus the $12.00 cost of the produce, a savings of $24.00!

So, overall today my family saved: $27.82

This months savings goal remaining: $417.66

 A full day, a new way to find to save at home! Be sure to come back tomorrow morning for a new day’s challenge!


Here’s to saving,




Challenge Links:

February No-Spend Month Challenge: Day 8 (Preparing For Cleaning Week)

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Hello again, savvy savers! Happy Sunday! Can you believe we are a week into a No-Spending Month Challenge! 

 A full day, a new way to find to save at home! This last week, we focused the first part of the week on pantry organization, organizing food swap days, creating meals based on pantry staples, and then switched focus to alternative pantry re-stocking methods, including starting and maintaining a coupon swap, rain-check shopping, and saving money on the grocery bill, and monthly expenses for that matter, by channeling funds from utility premiums back into your overall family/personal budgets. So you could say, last week was all about food! 

This coming week I want to change course. I want to focus on our homes. I want to focus on all of the cluttered, chaotic, dirty, overlooked blemishes that hinder out overall vision of what a simple, efficient can bring into our day-to-day existences.  This week we are going tackle the chaos that be head on.  We are going to scrub, dust,  sort, purge, evaluate, and hopefully make a profit in the process! No matter is you rent, lease, or own there is work to be done! No matter if your home is showcase worthy or disaster-adjacent, there is something can can be done to better your home this coming week! 


Paleo - it starts with your mindset!


This week will be slow. This week will seem awful. This week will leave you feeling wonderful.  

So today I challenge you two fold. First, I challenge you to make a list of four areas in your home that need organization, cleaning, sorting, or the like. Secondly, I challenge you to prepare to clean this week. 

As well, in addition to the challenges ahead of you today, I encourage you to procure from your home the following:

  • A large basket, bin, or box.
  • A clipboard with paper, or notepad.
  • A few pens, markers, or sharpies.
  • Three empty bags, bins, or boxes large enough to hold a load of laundry or like items. 
  • A handful of sponges or rags.

Nothing too dramatic today! So, be sure to have a cup of coffee or tea, take a moment to collect your thoughts, write your list, and then mosey on back here this evening to see today’s recap!

Here’s to saving,



Challenge Links:

February No-Spend Month Challenge: Day 7 Recap #nospendchallenge

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Hello again, savvy savers! So for today’s challenge, I suggested you all look to find ways to lower your utility bills at home. For me, this meant mailing off letters requesting new, updated prorated billing information for all three of my utility companies, for gas, electric, and my city water station. Within a month, I generally receive this information in the mail, and from this letter, I can better plan my consumption and usage at home! A little forethought goes a long way towards living a greener existence! 

So, here is what I did today:

  1. I was able to stop by Winn-Dixie and purchase 40 pounds of produce for under $12.00 (post to come)!
  2. I mailed off letters for today’s challenge, as well as Valentine’s Day Cards for out-of-state family. 

As well today, I was also able to accomplish:

  1. I woke up at 7:25, walked my fur babies, showered, & dressed to my shoes. (Thanks, Flylady!)
  2. Worked on my daily Motivated Moms Planner.
  3. I finished today’s Day 7 No-Spend Challenge!
  4. I enjoyed a Free Chik-fil-a- frozen latte!
  5. Ate free samples for lunch at Sam’s Club!
  6. I cooked from my pantry for dinner.
  7. I finished all of my daily blog posts on time!
  8. Read my daily devotional.
  9. I finished all of my errands and shopping before 1 pm!

So today I saved:

  • I used drying racks for six loads of laundry this afternoon, saving an average of $3.25, the cost of running my dryer for 3.5 hours! 
  • I completed 2 surveys online via Ipsos-iSay, and earned a $1.00 towards my next Amazon gift code.
  • I eat at home this evening for dinner, saving our family $3.95. 
  • I recycled, upcycled, and composted one bins of deluge, and saved $0.25, the cost of 1 trash bag. 
  • My husband and I both enjoyed free Chik-fil-a frozen lattes, a savings of $5.98!
  • I received $7.99 worth of product review items, which can be placed in my home gift closet!
  • My family drank water today, and saved $0.69, the cost of a 2-liter of soda.
  • I also did not watch cable tv, and saved $3.68 by doing so.
  • I created a years worth of DIY Hand Sanitizer from materials I found in my home stockpile, saving my family $30.00; the cost of twelve, twelve ounce bottles.

So, overall today my family saved: $56.79

This months savings goal remaining: $445.48

 A full day, a new way to find to save at home! Be sure to come back tomorrow morning for a new day’s challenge!

Here’s to saving,





Challenge Links:

February No-Spend Month Challenge: Day 7 (How To Save On Your Utility Bills) #nospendchallenge

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Hello again, savvy savers! It’s a new day, and time for a new challenge! Did you know that you can request from your utility companies, your gas, water, and power companies, an itemized summary of your peak and non-peak hours and service pricing? Did you also know that you could be saving as much as 1/4 off of your bills monthly? Well, you can! Here’s an example…

Starting last Spring, my water bill went up by 20% in a months time! Not that it was a lot of money, but in a year’s time it would have amounted to $400.00! I set out to figure out how to reduce this amount!


 Here’s what I did:

  1. I started by calling my city water department, who did not return my call.
  2. I then called my city managers office, and was informed by a kind gentleman there, that water, like electricity has a variable cost, and there are peak and non-peak times of the month, season, and year when water charges are higher, so countries and cities can offset the cost of public works projects in many areas. He also said, that you can request in writing, that your city water department tell of you of current charges, pending spikes for everyone, etc.
  3. When I found this out last summer, I noticed that charges were higher the last week of the month, so I implemented new water usage strategies in my home; I purchased rain barrel systems to attach to my gutters, which I now use for watering my garden the final week of the month, I also do not wash during that week, making sure all of my wash is prepped before that time, for example.
  4. I also checked all of my toilets, plumbing, and water lines for any leaks or pipes that needed to be replaced; luckily they did not!
  5. Just these two changes saved me $38.10 monthly!

What’s better? I then went on to repeat this process for all of my other services, too! I found out that every county seat in this country must provide customers that opportunity to learn what are peak and non-peak hours for consumption. I requested this from my local power co-op, and was then able to see that later in the week, from 7-12 am nightly power premiums were less in price, so I adjusted my washing, drying, dish-washing, and vacuuming to this time. I also found out the same schedule from my city managers office, in terms of out city water department, and adjusted watering for my garden to Sunday’s and Wednesday’s, as the water was nearly 20% less in premiums on non-peak times.

With just these two changes, I was able to save over $400.00 last year!

 So today, I challenge you to pull out your paper and e-print utility statements, check out your peak and non-peak hours, and then write your companies and request an itemized usage statement so that you too can reduce your overall gas, power, and water consumption rates in your neck of the woods! 

So today I challenge you to start the process of seeing where you can save on your utilities, too! Be sure to come back this evening to see today’s recap!

Here’s to saving,



Challenge Links:


Linked-up to:

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