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Taking Your Nursing Career to the Next Level

medical stethoscope and mask composed with red foiled chocolate hearts

Advancing your nursing career can lead to greater job satisfaction, higher pay, and more opportunities to make a difference. Here are some tips for nurses who are looking to take their careers to the next level.

Further Your Education

One of the best ways to advance in nursing is to pursue additional education. Going back to school shows your dedication to the profession and allows you to gain new skills. Consider earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) if you have an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN). A BSN opens up opportunities for leadership roles and higher salaries. You could also earn an advanced degree like a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) or Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), which prepares nurses for roles as nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, nurse anesthetists, and more.

Get Certified

Earning nursing certifications demonstrates your expertise in a specialty area. For example, you could get certified in a practice area like pediatric nursing, oncology nursing, or emergency nursing. Professional certifications give you a competitive edge when applying for jobs and can lead to higher pay. They also allow you to take on more responsibilities in your current role. Research which certifications are most valuable for your career goals and work experience.

Take on Leadership Roles

The importance of leadership in nursing cannot be overstated. Move into nursing leadership positions to take your career to new heights. Leadership roles allow you to influence nursing practices and policies. Options include charge nurse, nursing supervisor, nurse manager, and director of nursing. Gain leadership experience by volunteering for committees at your workplace. Or consider taking a position as a travel nurse leader, overseeing groups of travel nurses at different facilities. Furthering your education can help prepare you for leadership, as many advanced nursing degrees incorporate leadership training.


Consider specializing in a certain field of nursing that matches your interests and abilities. Specializing allows you to provide expert care in your chosen area. For example, you may want to specialize in a type of medicine like oncology, or a patient population like pediatrics or geriatrics. Think about which nursing specialties are in high demand in your geographic area. Getting specialty training and certification can make you more marketable when applying for nursing jobs within your specialty.


Be open to relocating to advance your nursing career. Some states and regions have major shortages of nurses, so your skills and experience will be highly valued. Relocating for your career can open up more job opportunities, allow you to earn a higher salary, and gain experience with new patient populations. Places like California, Texas, and Florida are projected to have enormous growth in nursing jobs over the next decade. Just make sure to research the nursing licensure requirements in a state before relocating.

Advancing your nursing career takes commitment and vision. By furthering your education, gaining specialty expertise, taking on leadership roles, getting certified, and being flexible with relocating, you can take your nursing career to exciting new heights. Stay motivated and open-minded, and your hard work will lead to career fulfillment.

Tips For Preparing A Career in Accounting

Accountants are responsible for helping businesses deal with financial data. Because it is a broad field, accountants work for different organizations and numerous fields that need their services. Accounting is also a lucrative career option depending on education, years of experience, location, and the industry. No matter the path you decide to take as an accountant, you should prepare for your first job.

Get an Internship Early

If you want a career in accounting and have not yet secured your first job, you should complete an accounting internship as soon as possible. By doing so, you will gain valuable experience, increase your opportunities, and build vital industry connections. 

Many universities provide resources for finding one, so take advantage of them to find an internship while still in school. If you have already graduated, use other tools like search engines and employment sites to find your first internship. Also, do not be afraid to talk to people you know who have connections in the industry to see if they can tell you of any opportunities that come up so you can apply.

Hone Your Soft Skills

You may have had acceptable classroom manners during college, but to make a positive impression in the workforce, you should develop a specific set of soft skills. Although there may be times when you feel like avoiding difficult conversations or tuning out, it’s important to master the art of making eye contact, delivering a firm handshake, and engaging in professional conversations, particularly for your first accounting job. 

Importantly, accountants should hone their communication skills. This is crucial because they will be talking to industry leaders all the time, and these people expect them to be eloquent, coherent, thoughtful, and understandable at all times.

If you are interested in this field, consider degrees that teach soft skills for accountants. This way, you will get the skills you need before you have to apply them in the field. Once you graduate, it might be helpful to schedule a mock interview at your campus career services and request feedback. You can then utilize this feedback to continue honing your skills for your first job and future positions.

Build Connections and Find a Mentor

Regardless of the size of the firm that gives you an internship or a job, try to get to know as many of your colleagues as possible. Building good relationships can lead to better collaborations and advancements in your career. 

As you approach your new position, think of different ways to introduce yourself to your colleagues and learn their names. If you’re not outgoing, try to step out of your comfort zone to start conversations. 

Also, finding a mentor can be valuable in your career. They can provide knowledge, connections, and insight, and help you develop crucial business and life skills. They can also act as a sounding board for new ideas and perspectives.

Once you have completed your degree, the next step is finding your first accounting job. Doing so requires being active and finding help wherever you will find it. Crucially, talk to those in the industry to show you the way, provide guidance, and let you know of any opportunities you can leverage in your new career.

Become The Master Of Your Own Time: Tips When Studying To Further Your Career

Ready to make waves in your career? I get the thrill. The allure of diving back into textbooks, soaking up new knowledge, and enhancing those skill sets is genuinely invigorating. But, let’s be honest while gearing up for this exciting career chapter, it’s all too easy to let our holistic lifestyle take a backseat. And that’s precisely what we’re addressing today!

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1. Your Daily Game Plan

Start your day with a dash of organization. Whether you’re a night owl plotting tomorrow’s adventures or a morning person with a cup of joe in hand, list out your day’s missions. Think about studies, work, personal pampering, and your health rituals. This simple act brings a world of clarity.

2. Routines Aren’t Just for Kids

A sprinkle of routine can work wonders. What’s your power hour for studying? For some of us, it’s the serene mornings, while for others, it’s the hushed late hours. Discover yours and let that time be all about soaking in knowledge.

3. Work vs. Study – Drawing The Line

Juggling work and studies? Here’s a golden nugget: keep them separate. Think of it as changing hats; once you hang up your work hat, it’s study time. Trust me, this clear division is a sanity-saver.

4. Eat Clean, Think Cleaner

Your brain’s a powerhouse, and what you feed it matters. Embrace foods that hug you back. Less of those sneaky sugars and more of whole foods. It’s like giving your brain a rejuvenating spa day!

5. About Those Sleep Hours

Late-night study marathons might seem tempting, but they’re not always our friends. Sleep is your body’s way of hitting the refresh button. Struggling with getting those quality winks? It happens, especially with a buzzing brain post-study. Don’t let it slide. Expert hubs like Sleep Medicine DFW can be a lifesaver, offering the guidance we sometimes need to drift into dreamland.

6. The Magic Of Active Breaks

Ever felt foggy after a long study stretch? A mini dance break, a stroll, or just some good old stretching can clear that right up. It’s like giving your mind a mini-vacation!

7. Financial Calm

Money matters, and so does peace of mind. Carve out a financial roadmap. Tuck away some funds for your studies and ensure your daily essentials are taken care of. With money worries out of the picture, focusing becomes a breeze.

8. The Great Digital Retreat

Ah, the allure of the notification ping! But, let’s keep them at bay while studying. Consider it a mini digital detox. You can always catch up on those interesting LinkedIn posts later!

9. Celebrate Small Wins

Big goals are fantastic, but let’s also celebrate the baby steps. Break down your study material and set mini goals. And hey, don’t be shy to do a little victory dance every time you tick one off!

10. Your Study Tribe

There’s something magical about connecting with fellow learners. Whether it’s sharing notes, some pep talks, or just geeking out over a topic, find your tribe and thrive together.

Navigating the career growth path with a spring in your step and a song in your heart is genuinely possible. By blending these tips into your routine, you’re gearing up for not just professional leaps but also a joyous, balanced journey. Dive in, and grow, but along the way, don’t forget to enjoy the ride.

Careers That Allow You To Work With People Daily

When it comes to choosing a career, many people are looking for something that will allow them to interact with other people on a daily basis. Working with others can be incredibly stimulating and rewarding. It also provides you with an opportunity to develop your interpersonal skills. If this is what you’re looking for in a job, then there are plenty of great options out there for you. The following post will look at nine different careers that involve working closely with other people every day. 

Photo by olia danilevich

1) Teaching

Teaching is both rewarding and challenging. It requires a great deal of dedication and patience to ensure that students are able to learn in the best way possible. As a teacher, you will be dealing with a variety of different ages and backgrounds each day, giving you ample opportunity to interact with people on a daily basis.

2) Social Work and Community Services

Social work and community services are a crucial part of many communities, as it provides much-needed support to those who need it most. This might involve assisting with family issues, helping people in crisis, or providing support for those affected by physical or mental health issues. Social workers and community service staff are often required to show empathy and understanding while they help their clients. This makes this type of career invaluable for society.

3) Medical Professionals

The medical profession is of most importance to society, as it involves helping others to maintain their physical and mental well-being. Medical professionals such as doctors, nurses, psychologists and therapists are all responsible for providing expert care and advice to those they treat. As a medical professional you will be working with people daily, often in difficult circumstances. This is a career that requires empathy and compassion, as well as technical knowledge in order to be successful.

4) Chaplaincy

Chaplaincy is a career focused on offering spiritual guidance and comfort to those in need. Chaplains are trained by chaplain organizations where they learn to provide spiritual counseling, pastoral advice, and other services. As a chaplain you will be interacting with people of various backgrounds in different settings. You must be able to provide counseling, group support and educational services to other people to help them cope with physical, mental, and emotional challenges they face in their daily lives.

5) Business Administration and Management

Business administration and management is an important career field that involves working with other people daily and leading them forward into a direction. From small businesses to large corporations, business administrators are responsible for developing strategies and managing operations to ensure a successful outcome. As a business administrator and manager you will plan, budget, and organize resources to determine the best way to motivate staff and reach business goals.

6) Human Resources

Human Resources professionals are responsible for recruiting, hiring, and training new employees. They play an important role in any organization and act as a bridge between management and staff. As a human resources professional, you must have excellent interpersonal skills and be able to evaluate candidates objectively, as well as understand the needs of the organization in order to find the best people for the job.

7) Sales And Customer Service Representatives

Sales and Customer Service Representatives are an important part of any business, as they are responsible for connecting customers with solutions that meet their needs. This role requires a high level of interpersonal skills, as you must be able to understand the customer’s situation and provide appropriate advice. You must also be knowledgeable about the products and services to ensure that customers get the best possible experience. 

8) Event Planning And Coordination

Event planning and coordination is a rewarding and creative career path that involves bringing people together to share unique experiences. As an event planner, you must be able to think on your feet, juggle multiple tasks and stay organized while providing superior customer service. You must also have excellent communication skills in order to facilitate collaborations between venue managers, vendors, contractors and other parties involved.

9) Coaching And Mentoring

Coaching and mentoring are both vital roles in supporting the development of others, whether they are in school, starting a career, or transitioning into retirement. Coaches provide guidance and support to help people reach their goals and maximize their potential. Your role as a mentor will be to model behavior, guide, impart wisdom and give advice.

Working with people daily can be a rewarding and meaningful job. From teaching to coaching and mentoring others, it is possible to make an impact in the lives of those around you. With the right training and experience, careers that involve working with other people daily can provide a rewarding and fulfilling work-life balance.

10) Marketing

This goes hand in hand with sales, but they’re not the same thing! When it comes to marketing, you need to understand that it’s actually pretty diverse! Sometimes, you’re getting to create content like reaching out for interviews, creating campaigns, and even getting your vision to come to life! Other times, it could be simplistic, like keeping an eye on SEO, or even as simple as doing a Bitly change URL or something along those lines. But if you love working with others and you love interacting, then marketing is filled to the brim with this!

Friends, I hope you’ve found these tips for networking within your career helpful. Now, I want to ask-how does your career allow you to work with others daily? Be sure to leave your thoughts below.

5 Sports Your Kid Can Turn Into a Career

Parents are always looking for ways to help their children succeed in life. One great way to do this is to encourage them to pursue a career in one of the many sports that are available. There are many different sports that offer lucrative opportunities for those who are willing to work hard and make the necessary sacrifices. In this blog post, we will discuss five of the most popular sports that your child can turn into a career!

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Swimming is a great sport for kids to get involved in. It is a low-impact sport that is easy on the joints, and it provides a great cardio workout. Swimming is also a great way to meet new people and make friends. There are many different levels of swimming, from recreational to competitive. There are also many different opportunities to pursue a career in swimming, from coaching to working as a lifeguard. You can give your kid a jump on their career by enrolling them in swimming lessons at an early age. An indoor swim school is a great place to start because they offer a safe and controlled environment.


Football is another great sport for kids to get involved in. It is a high-intensity sport that requires coordination and stamina. Football is also a great way to develop teamwork skills. There are many different levels of football, from recreational to competitive. There are also many different opportunities to pursue a career in football, from coaching to working as a scout. You can give your kid a jump on their career by enrolling them in football camp at an early age. A football camp will teach them the basics of the game and help them develop their skills.


Soccer is another great sport for kids to get involved in. It is a low-impact sport that is easy on the joints, and it provides a great cardio workout. Soccer is also a great way to develop teamwork skills. There are many different levels of soccer, from recreational to competitive. There are also many different opportunities to pursue a career in soccer, from coaching to working as a scout. You can give your kid a jump on their career by enrolling them in a soccer camp at an early age. A soccer camp will teach them the basics of the game and help them develop their skills.


Golf is another great sport for kids to get involved in. It is a low-impact sport that is easy on the joints, and it provides a great cardio workout. Golf is also a great way to meet new people and make friends. There are many different levels of golf, from recreational to competitive. There are also many different opportunities to pursue a career in golf, from coaching to working as a caddy. You can give your kid a jump on their career by enrolling them in golf lessons at an early age. A golf camp is a great place to start because they offer a safe and controlled environment.


Tennis is another great sport for kids to get involved in. It is a high-intensity sport that requires coordination and stamina. Tennis is also a great way to meet new people and make friends. There are many different levels of tennis, from recreational to competitive. There are also many different opportunities to pursue a career in tennis, from coaching to working as a referee. You can give your kid a jump on their career by enrolling them in tennis lessons at an early age. A tennis camp is a great place to start because they offer a safe and controlled environment.

There are many different sports that your kid can turn into a career. Each sport has its own unique benefits, and there are many different levels to choose from. There are also many different opportunities to pursue a career in each sport. The best way to give your kid a jump on their career is to enroll them in lessons or camp at an early age. This will teach them the basics of the game and help them develop their skills.

7 Ideas To Help You Shake Up Your Career Prospects

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When it comes to your career, you may find that you just don’t really know what you need to do to get to where you want to be. Or maybe you don’t know where you want to be. And it can be soul destroying. You may feel anxious about it and worried about your future. But there’s no need to be. You may be feeling lost or a little stuck right now, but that doesn’t mean that you will forever. Instead, you may find that you just need to stop for a moment, take a step back, and think about what to do next. Sometimes, all you have to do is shake up your prospects a little bit. There are always ways to progress in your career, start again, or just head in a different direction.

It doesn’t mean that you’re a failure because you’re not happy with where you are or you don’t know where you’re going. Instead, it just means that you need to slow down and get a lot more intentional about this. You know you want to earn well and enjoy your career, but you just don’t know the route to take. And that’s okay. Instead, you just need to think about the right plan of action and that’s exactly what we’re going to go over in today’s post.

Here’s what you need to do when you’re ready to shake up your career, climb the ladder, and reach your dreams.

1. Look To Your Life Goals

To start with, it’s always a wise idea to go back to your goals. And if you haven’t done so yet, setting goals for life can help you to work out what you want to do and how you’re going to do it. When you look at your goals, it can help you to work out what you should be doing next in your career.

2. Create An Action Plan

Next up, you might want to focus on creating an action plan. Take a look at your goals then figure out some of the steps that you might need to take to get there. This can give you a rough guide on what you need to do to shake up your career.

3. Focus On A Promotion

Maybe what you really need to be focusing on right now is getting a promotion? If you feel like you don’t have any prospects lined up, looking at your current career role and focusing on what you need to do for the next can give you something to work on.

4. Consider Going Back To School

It could even be that you consider going back to school too. Maybe you want to get an advanced degree so that you can get further ahead? Or maybe you want to shake things up and look at a program to become a speech language pathologist or something else that you’re interested in? Sometimes, getting further education is what you need to succeed and find happiness.

5. Think About Moving Fields

Maybe you even want to move into a new field? Doing your same role but in a new industry could be fun for you. It could be the case that you love the idea of going into something entirely new? Going back to school would help with that.

6. Get A Mentor

Sometimes, it can also help to have a mentor. Someone to give you advice and hold you accountable can make such a difference in your career. So think about finding one today to help your prospects.

7. Start Your Own Thing

Finally, you also have the option of starting your own thing. Don’t worry so much about how this will work out or put pressure on yourself. You can start a side hustle alongside your day job and just start off slow. Then, you can definitely always look to supplement your income, keep working at your business, and see where it takes you. If you’ve always wanted to be an entrepreneur or your own boss, then this is definitely going to be a great option for you.

Now that you’ve read through all of the different ideas, do you have a clearer idea on what you can do? Sometimes, it feels like you’re stuck where you are, and you can’t see where you’re going. When really, you just need to take a step back and work out your options a little more. And as you can see, there are plenty! So enjoy planning and see where your career takes you.

Unsung Hero Movie Review & Giveaway

Many thanks to Kingdom Faith Marketing Services, LLC for providing a sample of the product for this review. My opinions are 100% my own.

Are you looking for the perfect spring-themed film the whole family can love? Then you’ll want to see the new uplifting biopic film release produced by Lionsgate, Kingdom Story Company, and Candy Rock Entertainment, with For King + Country Film, with Joshua Walsh, Luke Smallbone, Justin Tolley, and Joel Smallbon, from executive producers Candace Cameron Bure, Andrew Erwin, Tony Young, Kevin Downes, Jon Erwin, Mike Curb, Brian Mitchell, Bill Reeves, Jeffery Brooks, Gerald Webb, and Ford Englerth, written by Joel Smallbone, and Richard L. Ramsey, cinematography by Johnny Derango, and music by Brent McCorkle, “Unsung Hero,” the story of one family’s courageous choice to stay together and pray together.

This heart-warming story of overcoming familiar obstacles, centering on the musical hook behind country hit, “Unsung Hero,” isn’t solely about discovering to create chart-topping music, it’s about building long-lasting life lessons. David Smallbone (Joel Smallbone), a music promoter, at the top of his industry in the early 1990s, was known as one of Australia’s best Christian Music promoters. Behind him, is an excellent support system, made possible by his faith-minded family, including his wife Helen (Daisy Betts) and their children: Rebecca (Kirrilee Berger), Daniel (Paul Luke B), Ben (Tenz McCall), Joel (Diesel La Torraca), Luke (JJ Pantano) and Josh (Angus K. Caldwell). Who’s hard work has given them a life burgeoning from good to great-fancy cars, a stately mansion, private schools for his children, and out=of-this-world personal connections.

Soon, their familiar mettle is tested after David fails to sell out an Amy Grant concert during a nationwide recession. Losing all their savings, and his backup plan of bolstering the career of Eddie DeGarmo (Jonathan Jackson) stateside fails to come to fruition. With no other viable career options, and another baby on the way, Smallbones devises a plan to move his growing brood stateside and represent a new artist in Nashville, Tennessee.

Then, their arduous journey, fraught with personal and familiar obstacles, from uncomfortable customs detention to the psychological toll of David’s struggles to provide a life familiar to his growing family, never seems to lighten. As the Smallbones adapt to life’s new challenges, they discover their greatest challenge to date working together.

Smallbone must learn the new arc of humility and personal growth as his pressures overflow into his professional pressures. With the Smallbone matriarch, Helen must learn to embrace the new professional challenges her husband carries about daily. The couple learns to take on their share of heartbreaking challenges, embraces new challenges, and embraces what endeavors to be a family based on a life of sacrifice and humanity. All while producing Betts’ unmastered performance, set in the heart of America’s musical past-giving this film a much-needed punch of faith-based penance.

The film also interjects poignant moments on screen with thought-provoking moments rather than schmaltz. Audiences are graced with much-needed humor to alleviate tension-raising contextual challenges and personal struggles. Equal shares of heart-warming moments matched with much-needed ensemble cameo moments, on-screen.

Also worth noting is Katherine Tucker’s production design. Reflective of Smallbones’ true on-screen evolution, from familiar to career-driven, as was cinematographer Johnny Derango’s lighting cues that highlight character development, sharing dramatic and humorous narrative overtones throughout the film. Frequent sunrises and sunsets, represent the presence of David’s perpetually steadfast father (Terry O’Quinn), while not on-screen, adds to the finale’s intersection of generational character arcs.

While several Smallbone family members are portrayed in underinvested, subdued roles, not nearly as scripted as they could have been. With a lack of proper scripting, and despite its over-the-top, adult dramatic narration, focusing on the parents’ problems, despite their teenage daughter’s inner self-esteem struggles as a performer in her own right, the scripting divests from instances dealing with female angst and womanhood, is a miss in any book. The focus instead placed on young Luke and Joel, the future duo, For King + Country (providing the film’s closing credits ballad), receive unneeded parental attention. Leaving Ben, Daniel, and Josh relegated to characters defined by their jobs, not their fun-loving personalities or personal testimonies.

Throughout the biopic, moments of splendor can be found. From overcoming feelings of inferiority, and economic and career challenges, as well as noble tropes of a family’s Christmas season saved through goodwill and cheer. With the filmmaker’s consistent tropes to achieve not only the American Dream but overall personal discovery. Acknowledging that hard work, and not the sum of funds, is how solutions are made. Meaningful insight into American ideals and the similies of the Smallbone family dynamic. A film that will be as heartwarming to watch as dynamic to discuss.

Unsung Hero,” is an uplifting family biopic worth viewing only in theatres starting April 26th, 2024. Remember, to buy tickets today to see Unsung Hero in theaters starting April 26th, here. With an MPA Rating of PG and a runtime of 112 minutes, you’ll want to make plans to see this film in theatres beginning today. Be sure to check out the film’s Instagram and X pages, too.

Also, Momentum Publishing is giving one reader a chance at winning a $10.00 Amazon gift card in honor of the “Unsung Heroes,” cinematic release. To enter, please leave a comment on the post below letting me know why you’d most want to see the “Unsung Heroes” film with chances for bonus entries for commenting across my site’s social media pages, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and X through April 28, 2024, at 11:59 P.M.

Please note: This is limited to US winners, only. The giveaway winner’s full name and email address will be verified, with multiple-site entries being eliminated. Submission entries received after April 28, 2024, at 11:59 Central Standard Time, will not be eligible for entry. Thank you for entering. Good luck!