While the majority of cleaning gurus will lay claim to the idea that when it comes to cleaning, spring is the time when the vast majority of your household chores should be completed. The truth is wintertime, with all its environmental muck, the mud and dirt brought in from the outside, the soot of the fireplace, and less-than-ideal indoor air. All of which makes cleaning in winter just as important as any other season.
So with this in mind, here are 7 cleaning chores you should be doing this winter to keep your home in its healthiest and cleanest shape:

Protect your floors:
To keep as much dirt and mud outside of your house as possible, place mats at all entry points. This will encourage people to rub the mud off their shoes using your mat, and not your carpets! Placing mats inside the house can also help reduce indoor dampness.
Performing regular vacuuming sessions, twice weekly at a minimum, can help to get rid of dirt on the floor and things being trucked in as well. It’s also a good idea to have a different pair of house shoes or slippers for each member of your household to wear while indoors.
This will help keep your floors from marring and prevent foot oils from transferring to newly cleaned floors. A Tip: Placing a boot tray, filled with river rocks, by each entrance will encourage others to remove their soiled, stained, soaked boots before coming further into your home.
Cleaning your home more often:
During the winter season, people spend most of their time indoors, so it’s best to maintain the cleanliness of the home daily rather than weekly. Maintenance is especially important when you have children and pets at home as they love to play both outdoors and indoors, making it essential that you regularly sanitize countertops, wipe out bathroom sinks, and sweep and mop high-traffic areas with disinfectants such as white vinegar with a few drops of organic citrus essential oils each day.
Carpet cleaning even in winter:
Having your carpet thoroughly cleaned helps protect your health. While everyone wants clean and beautiful carpeting in their home, they also should want a carpet that is not saturated with the chemicals common in ice melt and from rubber boots. Helping to remove this dirt building up, by sprinkling your carpet with baking soda, and vacuuming up the debris, will help to refresh your home and health!
Perform a pantry audit:
Start by removing all the cans and boxes from your pantry and storage shelves, and then vacuum away any lingering dust or crumbs that may have accumulated since spring. Then, inspect each item before putting it back in its place, tossing anything that is expired in compost, and donating anything you will not use within the next two seasons to a local food bank. You may be surprised at all of the soup-building staples you may already have on hand at home.

Test and clean your smoke detectors:
You already know to put fresh batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors on the days you change the clocks for Daylight Saving Time, but you also need to clean your units as well. Since dust accumulates on each unit, it can cause them to underperform. Use your vacuum cleaner’s soft brush attachment to clean in and around the detectors’ openings, and if any are more than 10 years old, replace them.
Flip your mattress:
When you turn back your clocks, you should turn your mattress over, too. But I also recommend rotating pillowtop mattresses a full 180 degrees to prevent body impressions from causing certain spots to slump. Also, sprinkle your mattress with baking soda to neutralize odors, and then vacuum it up monthly.
Vacuum all upholstered surfaces:
You think your couch is clean until you plop on it, and a haze of dust appears around you. Give sofas and chairs a good vacuuming, making sure to hit both sides of the cushions, the back, sides, arms, and even the platform underneath the cushions.
Don’t forget the exterior of your home after your 7 chores:
While interior upgrades should take priority, it’s also important not to overlook exterior projects. Start by clearing out gutters to protect against water damage and ensure proper drainage. Your foundation should be clear of debris to reduce pest infestation and water damage. Power washing the siding, deck, and patio will remove mildew, grime, or accumulated dirt over the seasons. Additionally, inspect the exterior walls, windows, and doors for cracks that might allow drafts or moisture in. Furthermore, examine your roof to look for missing or damaged shingles that might require repair. Hire a roofer if needed to make necessary repairs. Trim any overgrown bushes or trees near your home that could provide access for pests, as they could provide entry points for them and cause exterior damage. Don’t neglect to give some attention to the exterior during winter cleaning.
So, friends, those are the 7 Must-Do Chores To Do This Winter. Chores that will help to keep your home in tip-top, healthy shape. So now I have to ask, do you have any chores that you perform at home to help keep your home healthiest each winter? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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